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Germany Prepared To Stay in Afghanistan After 2014

@mian H Amin:..............To be honest...I really agree with you...it is a brutal truth...I think time has come to realize for every one that none should try to tamper the way people live in Afghanistan..Any military involvement is really useless...

In that context...I would really appreciate India GOV and its involvement to get engaged as completely Non military and humanitarian context...In future....I feel that Pakistan assures India and its business interest( No military or spy engagement) and India, China and other major economic power do trade and investment in Afghanistan, then situation will definitely change...

It is 100% true that Pakistan is and the only player that can guarantee a complete violence free Afghanistan...If anyone is thinking that it is not true, then they have to realize that then no one can really provide violence free environment to Afghanistan...So Pakistan has to think in a progressive way...It requires more prudent and mature leadership from PAKISTAN to support the democratic gov is Afghanistan rather than Taliban who want to Afghanistan to 1000 century back....If this really happens, then it will really be a challenge to Pakistan and its easteren border too...

well Brigadier thanks for agree with. let me start from that i dont think Pakistan is the ONLY one can can assure peacefull Afghanistan, but i think we all need to work togather for that cause.
2nd Brigadier sir, is i would agree that Indian is in afghanistan to help them, but i would strongly disagree that ,its the only reason that india is there...
Pakistan is long been complaining against indian role in afganistan to the world, and world pretty much agree with Pakistan now.
BBC News - Chuck Hagel stirs up India-US storm over Afghanistan
Hagel in 2011: 'India has over the years financed problems for Pakistan' in Afghanistan - YouTube
So i think our govt and Military has learnt many lessons from This militancy in afghanistan and into Pakistan.
so afganistan can only be peacefull when Pakistan and our neighbours decide to do so..
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lol yeah along side who ?? Taliban ? well someone was so right in saying that Afghanistan is the Graveyard of Super powers .... another super power has lost its respect,power here...
Lost our power? We can still crush you like a flea. And the Germans feel safe keeping troops there....shows how much fear and respect we have for your "brave burkha wearing fighters"
hahaha well, you better deal with North korea and Iran .. may be if you save your *** from them ,then you want to consider going in open war with a Nuclear power...
well Brigadier thanks for agree with. let me start from that i dont think Pakistan is the ONLY one can can assure peacefull Afghanistan, but i think we all need to work togather for that cause.
2nd Brigadier sir, is i would agree that Indian is in afghanistan to help them, but i would strongly disagree that ,its the only reason that india is there...
Pakistan is long been complaining against indian role in afganistan to the world, and world pretty much agree with Pakistan now.
BBC News - Chuck Hagel stirs up India-US storm over Afghanistan
Hagel in 2011: 'India has over the years financed problems for Pakistan' in Afghanistan - YouTube
So i think our govt and Military has learnt many lessons from This militancy in afghanistan and into Pakistan.
so afganistan can only be peacefull when Pakistan and our neighbours decide to do so..

Of course I understand your situation..Of course Indian and its spy agency can do harm as it is expected behavior...But what i am thinking is that why do not being a leading player in Afgan issue, Pakistan takes a lead that make a bargaining deal with India that If India keeps all his spy agency out of Afghanistan, then Pakistan will support all trade and business effort from India in Afganistan...I am sure for Indian Gov, getting good deal in Afghanistan is more important rather than creating trouble in Afganistan....So that it will be a win win scenario for both the countries....You do whatever you would like to do with Afganistan but allow other nations to do peaceful trade and business...
Of course I understand your situation..Of course Indian and its spy agency can do harm as it is expected behavior...But what i am thinking is that why do not being a leading player in Afgan issue, Pakistan takes a lead that make a bargaining deal with India that If India keeps all his spy agency out of Afghanistan, then Pakistan will support all trade and business effort from India in Afganistan...I am sure for Indian Gov, getting good deal in Afghanistan is more important rather than creating trouble in Afganistan....So that it will be a win win scenario for both the countries....You do whatever you would like to do with Afganistan but allow other nations to do peaceful trade and business...

Lol so bargaining like, we let you do whatever in afghanistan and in return you wont create problems for us ?? i think it sounds more like a threat and not a bargain .. and thats not the way two countries or two Arch rivals bargain i think.
Lol so bargaining like, we let you do whatever in afghanistan and in return you wont create problems for us ?? i think it sounds more like a threat and not a bargain .. and thats not the way two countries or two Arch rivals bargain i think.

Absolutely not...if you read my lines....doing trade and bussiness seems to you like a threat? Surprised to know that you feel doing bussiness is some how threat to your nation....
what business is india doing in Afganistan ?? do you actually how many consulates of india in afganistan ?? dude, its a clear fact which whole world knows that, india is involved in terrorism in Pakistan through those consulate offices...
so i was talking about them.
You Germans are flippin crazy. There is no way this will be politically sustainable. While Germany is regarded as having one of the best military forces in the world, there is a reason why the Russians and Americans left Afghanistan. You Germans will be fighting on the home turf of the Afghans, "the graveyard of empires".
Germany Prepared To Stay in Afghanistan After 2014

BONN — Germany is prepared to continue its military engagement in Afghanistan when ISAF ends in 2014, but only as part of an international mission and under certain conditions.

Defense Minister Thomas de Maizière and Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle presented their country’s offer to a possible international mission on April 18 in Berlin.

“The German federal government is prepared, as of 2015 for the following two years, to provide soldiers of around 600 to 800 for the train, advise and assist mission,” de Maizière said. The minister presented a so called “Hub and Spoke” model for Afghanistan, the hub being the capital. From there, four spokes would go out to the largest population centers in the north, south, east and west.

Germany is prepared to send its soldiers to Kabul and north to Mazar-e-Sharif, which is already the country’s area of responsibility.

“We are prepared to take on responsibility in the north, in Masar-e Sharif, as the framework nation, while being supported by our international partner nations,” the minister said. According to de Maizière, this model is limited to about two years. After that, the training, advising and assisting will be concentrated on the Kabul region.

“The German contribution will then entail around 200 to 300 soldiers,” he said.

Besides the capability to train and advise the Afghan National Security Forces, this mission would include providing support to its own troops and other troop contributors. Examples include logistics, medical facilities, transport capabilities, the protection of the servicemen and possibly evacuation, the minister said.

De Maizière said that conditions needed to participate in a new international mission after 2015 include a formal invitation from the Afghan government, a UN Security Council Resolution, a status of forces agreement with the Afghan government and a security situation that allows it.

With respect to the current ISAF mission, de Maizière said, “Thereby a mission will end, that was also a combat mission in its nature. Afghanistan must then look after its own security at the operational level.”

A future mission to train, advise and assist would be conducted to secure the results of the work.
Germany Prepared To Stay in Afghanistan After 2014 | Defense News | defensenews.com

This clearly makes Indians very happy. germany shall charge india for their stay.
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