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Germany plans mass production of face masks: capacity 50 million per week

Finland is starting mask manufacturing next month even if this crisis calms down.
facepalm. That’s why I wouldn’t be too worried about Chinese soft power if I was in DC.
You go around calling Chinese naive and Chinese softpower weak but you just take the word from some welll known dishonest Vietnamese troll for granted when the linked article doesnt even say what he claims? The problem seems to be only your own naivety and weakness for extremly cheap propaganda.

The open letter by the Chinese embassy was not addressed to this newpaper.
The Chinese embassy never asked any newspaper to "defend" China.
That specific newspaper is just associated by pushing propaganda talking points the Chinese embassy addressed. The letter addresses the general waves of propaganda lies and attacks from America being carried over by "certain" (mostly US owned or US loyal) media in Germany while it notice also other doing the opposite. It just calls bullshit on the attacks, calls these efforts unconstructive and hindering and mostly just respond to them with repeating the plain facts that US propaganda aggressively tries to spin and sidestep and emphasises to stay objective and rational while China remains in its right to respond to such attacks.

Lasty that "German" media outlet is a selfadmitted NATO propaganda mouthpiece and carrying water for the USA and its founders US government lobbyists. They will attack China regardless of what the embassy says or doesnt.
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Gesundheitsminister Jens Spahn:

„Wir konnten nun an gut 50 Unternehmen Zuschläge erteilen, die spätestens ab Mitte August zehn Millionen FFP2-Masken pro Woche und 40 Millionen OP-Masken pro Woche herstellen“.

Latest mid of August, 50 domestic companies will make 10 million FFP2, 40 million medical masks. Per week.
The dependency on China delivery of masks will reduce to zero.
This is about compensating for temporarily increased national and global demand with subsidized production capacities, not about independency from China or replacing Chinese production. It even states that the production may be shut down if not needed anymore i.e. because cheaper supply becomes available again.

Germany needed 17 Million FFP2 masks and 45 Million surgical masks per month in clinical insitutions alone before the virus. That does not even included industrial use of FFP2/FFP3 masks.

Due to the virus supply capacity from China is currently even below normal.

Germany now needs 37.5 Millionen FFP2 masks per month due to the virus.
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