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Germany, China And The Slow Death Of The EU


Jan 31, 2011
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United Kingdom
There is a line of thinking that suggests European banks still need around Euro 400 billion of additional capital to shore up their balance sheets. Where does the main problem lie? Greece you might say, or Italy or Portugal or Spain….

Well, yes, Greece is a problem but banks in Germany and France are far more exposed than some of the weaker countries, if you look at the balance sheets. Germany has been storing up banking problems for years, quite apart from the aftermath of financial crisis. The New York Times reported recently that Europe is back on the edge of a banking crisis.

This background struck me as I read that China is increasingly trying to by-pass the European bureaucracy and deal directly with member nations of the EU.

The EU is becoming irrelevant, at best a serious nuisance to China. Last week the EU slapped a tax on Chinese solar panel imports. China retaliated with a tax on European wines. And Friday China’s People’s Daily warned that it has many more options in the bag.

What irks China is that its relationships with individual EU countries are generally conducted with due deference for China’s financial might. A good deal with China can create jobs. China, for example, is proving to be a good alternative export destination for Germany now that its closer European markets are nearing bankruptcy

The solar panel dispute, however is backed by France and hence China is targeting wine imports in retaliation – France is by far the biggest European exporter of wines to China. China is intelligently exposing Europe’s fault lines – those that want to do business on China’s terms and those that refuse.

These arguments might appear political and diplomatic but in fact the EU’s problem is its almost total lack of an innovation support capability. I’ll go into this in more detail this week but suffice it to say the EU’s main innovation policy tool, the Framework Programme has a seven year lead cycle!

That Germany is the target of more positive Chinese diplomacy, illuminates the fact that China wants to deal with a strong Germany not a weak EU. But behind this dispute and the slow but sure reordering of power in Europe.

The EU actually has a strong case for targeting Chinese solar panels. The South China Morning Post explains:

The solar-panel industry became overheated in the quest for competitive advantage, leading to massive expansion at the same time as European demand was undermined by cuts in subsidies for solar-panel installation. As a result, excessive supply and falling prices have led to losses and bankruptcies in Europe and China.

That lead, say the EU, to Chinese manufacturers dumping panels on the European market. The point that emerges from this is that neither Germany nor some other European countries are much interested in the trade dispute. Even though the EU administration is empowered to levy tariffs, Angela Merkel quickly came out against them. Apparently 17 EU members are opposed. They, and the Germans, are interested in China as an expert destination. So while on the face of things, China wishes to by-pass the EU, in reality Germany does also.

Through April and May the prospect of Germany leaving the Euro began to resurface in the European press. That momentum in public opinion then reached a new peak when a German constitutional expert warned that Germany could be forced to leave the Euro, as its courts ponder the legality of the European Central Bank‘s bond buying program. According to Der Spiegel:

On Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, Germany’s Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe will rule on the euro crisis aid measure that (ECB President) Draghi announced last fall. As Draghi and his monetary experts on the executive floor of the bank were told by their constitutional experts long ago, this court decision could have an enormous impact on the bank’s policies — and potentially spell the end of the euro.

China’s approach, and Germany’s response, suggests that the EU project could die a natural death. It is already being frozen into irrelevance on some of the issues that matter. It is proving incapable of leading Europe with positive measures that impact on employment. And the very rules it lives by are becoming an anachronism. While some of us expected the markets would be the EU’s undoing, it may be that its membership has a different way to cut the cord.

Germany, China And The Slow Death Of The EU - Forbes
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