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[Germany] Armed Man Shot Dead In Cinema Hostage-Taking

If this were true there would be no Blacks left in America. This BS you posted is similar to how Bangladeshis claim Pakistanis slaughtered 3 million Bangalis. Are you believer of that too??

Pls ignore the black guy in the oval office

#muslim countries respect minorities when they're exterminating them
The Arab slave trade was bigger than the Atlantic one. It's funny nobody's ever called for them to pay reparations.
I've presented this on his very forum but all I got was silence.....
The reason why most non-Whites bring up the Atlantic slave trade to guilt Whites is because most Whites self shame themselves. It's the non-White's way of getting free stuff from Whites who are gullible, or rather stupid enough to give in.

In contrast, I have brought up the African slave trade topic numerous times to many Muslims, they either didn't care or some of them even excused it but not one denounced their ancestors for taking part or doing nothing against it.

Many famous Arab/Islamic scholars of the Islamic Golden Age like Ibn Khaldun (who so many Muslims are proud of) made some very racist comments about Sub-Saharan Africans that Hitler or Jefferson Davis would even shy away from.

One such quote (there are more): "The only people who accept slavery are the Negroes, owing to their low degree of humanity and proximity to the animal stage. Other persons who accept the status of slave do so as a means of attaining high rank, or power, or wealth, as is the case with the Mameluke Turks in the East and with those Franks and Galicians who enter the service of the state [in Spain]."
  • Ibn Khaldun as quoted in Bernard Lewis, Race and Color in Islam, Harper and Row, 1970, quote on page 38. The brackets are displayed by Lewis.
Now, this is not to belittle Ibn Khaldun, he was a prominent scholar and thinker of his time. Such observations were considered normal only until recently within the last 50 years or so where Western political correctness has rendered such speech as "hate speech". But the sheer hypocrisy from Muslims and other non-Whites that only Whites have been/are "racists", "supremacists", "colonizers", "imperialists", etc is absurd to say the least. Another good example is the average Pakistanis views of Afghan refugees is no different from the average native Europeans views of the current refugees from the Muslim world, yet Pakistanis hold Europeans at a different standard than themselves. But here too Europeans themselves allow others to guilt and shame them into feeling guilty. From the non-Whites perspective, if they can squeeze out free stuff from Whites through guilt shaming them then why not keep at it?

But if the current political trend continues Europeans/Whites all throughout the West will shake off the Political Correctness and things will turn ugly for those who up till now have had a free ride on the gravy train.

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