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GEO TV voice of masses or .........


May 21, 2006
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GeoTv(Pakistan),Al-Jazeera(middle east),SkyTV(eruope), CNN(USA). All these news channels belong to same magmt group?. If you notice GeoTV use SkyTV frequency in Europe.

Zeenews Bureau

New Delhi, Nov 27: In a desperate attempt to save Pakistan media’s independence, GEO TV on Tuesday urged the leading media houses of India including Zee News to extend an arm of help. The media houses have been asked to move the Pakistani establishment including President Musharraf for the restoration of GEO’s services.

In a letter sent by the group, it informed Indian media about the atrocities and hardships that media is facing after the imposition of Emergency in Pakistan on Nov 3.

They requested Indian media to take their cause to the world and continue the coverage of incidents in Pakistan through establishing contact with GEO TV.

Earlier, after the imposition of Emergency in Pakistan, the various private news channels were banned. Later, President Musharraf influenced UAE govt to take these channels off air.

Zee News - Pakistan`s Geo TV seeks Indian media’s help for restoration
This is surly a most shameful of acts on the part of Geo. Any sympathy I had towards them is now gone. I mean they cant sign an agreement with the government but they could in front of the enemy. I hope they are never allowed to come back on air. We have other channels which we can watch. Shame on Geo. I request the Government of Pakistan to shut down Geo for good.
Really dont understand why they want to collaborate with the "Indians" to show instability/protests/war coverage to Pakistani people and other people in the world?
Just for the general interest. ARY Digital is now bought by the Indians.

Ofcom awards Sony TV licence for SAB

Nov 07, 2007 09:32 PM
Rumours of Sony Entertainment Television Asia launching its sibling entertainment channel SAB can finally be put to rest.

Today, media regulator Ofcom confirmed that a licence for SAB had been awarded meaning the channel can now launch in the UK market.

Sony Entertainment Television Asia's runs the MAX Mix bouquet of channels currently consisting of movie channels MAX and Sahara Filmy, entertainment channel Sahara One, Pakistani infotainment channel ARY Digital and India's leading news channel Aaj Tak. To consolidate its package and add further variety, the network will no doubt add SAB as an alternative entertainment offering to Sahara One and ARY Digital, instead slanting it towards a comedy/youthful genre channel.

With Sky clamping down on the number of channels it launches on its platform, many Asian TV channels are getting in the launch queue quicker than before. A few weeks ago, it was revealed on BizAsia.co.uk that ZEE Network is getting ready to launch up to five new channels to form a bouquet of its own. Other India and Pakistani broadcasters have also been finalising their paperwork to speed-up their Sky Digital launches.

Welcome to Biz Asia - part of Media 247
Media has to be independent.

Independence also means it will sensationalise or give news that startle, so that it gets maximum viewerage since that means more advertisement to sustain itself and make profit. This is applicable to all forms of the media.

Therefore, this 'independence' means that most of the stuff they churn out are things that shows things negative, since negative is more attractive to the bored people who see/ hear the fare churned out by the media.

The Indian media too is not free from this malaise. In fact, they go too far as was discussed in a panel discussion, interestingly shown on TimesNow - a TV channel! The poor anchor had a tough time as there was but only one person supporting the work of the media.

A necessary evil unfortunately but that which requires an intelligent and not gullible readership/ viewership.

If the people are stupid and gullible, then they will lap up the garbage as the Gospel Truth!

But that does not mean that the media is blacked out.
Really dont understand why they want to collaborate with the "Indians" to show instability/protests/war coverage to Pakistani people and other people in the world?
Because not everything is a pi$$ing contest. India's media is vociferously indpendent and far too large and diverse to be blunted out. GEO wants to tap in on that opportunity in order to stick around themselves. It is their perogative as a news medium to report on everything that goes on in Pakistan. They are looking into alternate avenues to achieve that objective since being blackballed in Pakistan. It also puts a lot of pressure on the government of Pak to give into their demands of independence since the alternative will bring about a lot of public and international humiliation.
It is a shame that geo even exists. They have no sense of patriotism and as some sources state "Geo is funded by the United States".Geo is being funded by the US to create disorder, depression,confusion,uproar,frustration and despondence in our Nation. If you put some thought into this, you'll start to believe that this is true, geo is always showing teh 'bad' side of Pakistan rather than the good side. In every geo news start-up video, you have the american president's piture their. A relative of mine works in the HR and advertisement department of a Angro Pvt limited, and she was telling me that according to their companies survey, 70% of the females who watch Geo are mentally depressed. as stated above that geo asked indian channels for their help, i mean what in good God's name was that? how could you ask your arch rival to help your own internal problems? they take advantage of the illiterate major population of Pakistan and it is utterly disgusting and ridiculous!
I am glad geo is of the air and wish it stays that way. Geo should never be authorized to air in Pakistan or elsewhere.
Because not everything is a pi$$ing contest. India's media is vociferously indpendent and far too large and diverse to be blunted out. GEO wants to tap in on that opportunity in order to stick around themselves. It is their perogative as a news medium to report on everything that goes on in Pakistan. They are looking into alternate avenues to achieve that objective since being blackballed in Pakistan. It also puts a lot of pressure on the government of Pak to give into their demands of independence since the alternative will bring about a lot of public and international humiliation.

Humiliation? Hardly.

I would really love to see Geo in India. ARY seems to have been bought by Indians, and as soon as people realize that these channels are being used by the "kafirs" to display and create instability in Pakistan, they will soon turn off their televisions. Realistically speaking, Geo will not be stupid enough to move to India, and will abide by the rules set by the government of Pakistan, and will open its mouth on command.

I just wanted to add that Geo is trying to give the impression that they are banned, as do their supporters.

All the channels were banned for a week whilst the new PEMRA code was finalised and now everyone has signed and agreed to this new code except Geo, by not signing they have now banned themselves. Instead of just criticising the Government (which is no problem), they also seem to want to lie on purpose and spread rumours. That what they imply by not signing.

They are trying to use their popularity to blackmail the Government. All those idiots demonstrating, have they even read the new PEMRA code, there is nothing in there that restricts responsible free media.
I just wanted to add that Geo is trying to give the impression that they are banned, as do their supporters.

All the channels were banned for a week whilst the new PEMRA code was finalised and now everyone has signed and agreed to this new code except Geo, by not signing they have now banned themselves. Instead of just criticising the Government (which is no problem), they also seem to want to lie on purpose and spread rumours. That what they imply by not signing.

They are trying to use their popularity to blackmail the Government. All those idiots demonstrating, have they even read the new PEMRA code, there is nothing in there that restricts responsible free media.

I solely agree with you but i donot understand Government of Pakistan attitude towards GEO issue, leting them rage a media war against GoP and yet no Pakistani Goverment forum is leting people have GEO's true picture and how they are collaborating with India (which comes under treason) for getting on Air again. Steps should be taken by GoP to unmask Geo but none seem to be bothered which in return has created sympathy in people of Pakistan for GEO... Nobody gives a **** what other countries think about GoP policies for Media but infront of People of Pakistan they should enlighten the truth.
It is irrelevant who owns Geo TV, ARY or any other channel for that matter. What is important is how they report the news. Every human is inherently subjective. So every TV anchor would like to get the pannel who reinforces his or TV bosses views. It is therefore very difficult for an individual to sift thru the different news and make up his mind as to what is fact or fiction.
Because of this electronic media ( Radio & TV) is a great opinion/image maker and a propganda tool. This is precisely why there is a body in nealy every country which gives the guidelines and lays down down the ground rules. In Pakistan it is called PEMRA.

I am personally against banning TV channels no matter how repugnant their views may be, because censorship in any form is not good. However, it is a very fine balancing act as to what is in the greater public interest; where the line should be drawn for the sake of decency and public sensability. Pain threshold is different for different prople. For example I dont care to see images of the dead bodies on the TV screen.

Probably, the only way forward is thru dialogue and public warnings. But once a decision is made it should not be changed. A clear message has to be sent to media that crossing the line would have dire consequences. May be that by that keeping the ban on Geo TV, GOP is also sending a signal to others not to go overboard.
It is a shame that geo even exists. They have no sense of patriotism and as some sources state "Geo is funded by the United States".Geo is being funded by the US to create disorder, depression,confusion,uproar,frustration and despondence in our Nation. If you put some thought into this, you'll start to believe that this is true, geo is always showing teh 'bad' side of Pakistan rather than the good side. In every geo news start-up video, you have the american president's piture their. A relative of mine works in the HR and advertisement department of a Angro Pvt limited, and she was telling me that according to their companies survey, 70% of the females who watch Geo are mentally depressed. as stated above that geo asked indian channels for their help, i mean what in good God's name was that? how could you ask your arch rival to help your own internal problems? they take advantage of the illiterate major population of Pakistan and it is utterly disgusting and ridiculous!
I am glad geo is of the air and wish it stays that way. Geo should never be authorized to air in Pakistan or elsewhere.

It hat were the case, no TV channels[r the printe media should exist in India.

Blasted anti national.
It is a shame that geo even exists. They have no sense of patriotism and as some sources state "Geo is funded by the United States".Geo is being funded by the US to create disorder, depression,confusion,uproar,frustration and despondence in our Nation. If you put some thought into this, you'll start to believe that this is true, geo is always showing teh 'bad' side of Pakistan rather than the good side. In every geo news start-up video, you have the american president's piture their. A relative of mine works in the HR and advertisement department of a Angro Pvt limited, and she was telling me that according to their companies survey, 70% of the females who watch Geo are mentally depressed. as stated above that geo asked indian channels for their help, i mean what in good God's name was that? how could you ask your arch rival to help your own internal problems? they take advantage of the illiterate major population of Pakistan and it is utterly disgusting and ridiculous!
I am glad geo is of the air and wish it stays that way. Geo should never be authorized to air in Pakistan or elsewhere.
It is not the job of a news outlet to be "patriotic". Their main objective is to provide news coverage. What does matter however is how objective they are in doing their job. Also, as an "independent" journalistic entity, asking the Indians for help isn't an issue of collaboration with the enemy. For them there are no "friends" or "enemies". Their goal is to stay on the air and report on Pakistan's affairs.

Webmaster said:
Humiliation? Hardly.

I would really love to see Geo in India. ARY seems to have been bought by Indians, and as soon as people realize that these channels are being used by the "kafirs" to display and create instability in Pakistan, they will soon turn off their televisions. Realistically speaking, Geo will not be stupid enough to move to India, and will abide by the rules set by the government of Pakistan, and will open its mouth on command.

Going to India certainly enables them to achieve their main objective... unabated broadcast. At the same time the fact that a Pakistani News channel has to approach India for help does present local PR problems for the government in the form of embarrasment; if it weren't so, then we wouldn't even be having this conversation. Either way it's a win-win for Geo... either they get to go back on the air and make the government look bad, or the government doesn't want to risk the bad publicity and lets Geo back on the air in Pakistan.

If Geo or any other media channel succumbs to government pressure and keeps their mouths shut, then they are totally worthless and have no reason to be on the air as a news source in the first place.

niaz said:
It is irrelevant who owns Geo TV, ARY or any other channel for that matter. What is important is how they report the news.
This is correct. All that matters is their ability to be objective and conduct sound journalistic research.
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