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Generations pay off debts through slavery

Fool! advancing democracy/ideology should be reason enough.

LOL, and I don't even HAVE any ideology. I'm balanced on economic policy (I like mixed economies), balanced on social policy, and I'm not religious.

Which no doubt, some people will seize upon, as further evidence of the "moral deficit" of the RED CHINESE... due to once having Communism and now having Capitalism.
LOL, and I don't even HAVE any ideology. I'm balanced on economic policy (I like mixed economies), balanced on social policy, and I'm not religious.

Which no doubt, some people will seize upon, as further evidence of the "moral deficit" of the RED CHINESE... due to once having Communism and now having Capitalism.

No you are just another Libertarian.:P
LOL, and I don't even HAVE any ideology. I'm balanced on economic policy (I like mixed economies), balanced on social policy, and I'm not religious.

Which no doubt, some people will seize upon, as further evidence of the "moral deficit" of the RED CHINESE... due to once having Communism and now having Capitalism.

Bloody communist :lol::lol: :)

No you are just another Libertarian.:P

I doubt he'd like to be associated with Ron Paul.
Worse, Communists who love the Free Market, and end up beating the laissez-faire crowd at their own game. :D

Truth! :azn:

laissez-faire has now become just an excuse for the few to exploit the many. Funny thing is that the many still will defend the rights of the few to the death because they are convinced that "laissez-faire" is what America is, regardless of any and everything (including financial meltdown).
to cardsharp

That makes even less sense.

Do you think Cardsharp (who lives in Canada) was a protester against the Vietnam war during the 1970's? And living in California too?

I wasn't even born in the 1970's, and I think the same would apply to Cardsharp.
protesters in capitalist states of america not american born chinese

I think you misunderstood what he was saying.

When Cardsharp called me a "bloody Communist" he was joking and being sarcastic. :tup:

He wasn't being serious. :)
the IQ of wall street regime subjects never ceases to amaze me! they will talk about google being so free, yet when google returns undesirable results they say it's conspiracy theory :lol: you can't have it both ways, either google is conspiracy theory, or its not.

whats funny is some high school dropouts talking to me about what is a conspiracy theory :tdown:
LOL, and I don't even HAVE any ideology. I'm balanced on economic policy (I like mixed economies), balanced on social policy, and I'm not religious.

Which no doubt, some people will seize upon, as further evidence of the "moral deficit" of the RED CHINESE... due to once having Communism and now having Capitalism.

The world has become much less ideological now in general. Not sure it is a good thing or bad.

BTW, you have a mixture of political communism and economic capitalism (at least sort of).

As long as it works, who cares what the label is.
The world has become much less ideological now in general. Not sure it is a good thing or bad.

I think it is a very good thing.

Pragmatism and realpolitik can often be heartless, but I don't see it being anywhere near as dangerous as the racial supremacism of WW2 (Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany)... or the Capitalist/Communist showdown during the Cold War. Or any of the other such ideological conflicts.

BTW, you have a mixture of political communism and economic capitalism (at least sort of).

Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Officially, it's called a "Socialist market economy".
I think it is a very good thing.

Pragmatism and realpolitik can often be heartless, but I don't see it being anywhere near as dangerous as the racial supremacism of WW2 (Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany)... or the Capitalist/Communist showdown during the Cold War. Or any of the other such ideological conflicts.

I know. Ideological fanaticism has been the cause of much human suffering.

But if there are no ideologies, what does one live for? Just for himself/herself? Pursuit of happiness? Greed? Too much self centered? Nationalistic xenophobia of the kind we see here too often?

I can see this leading to moral degradation of societies.

I see it possibly going from one extreme of fanaticism to the other of no idealism. I see nether as a good thing.

Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Officially, it's called a "Socialist market economy".

A novel concept I think. Never before tried anywhere else with any measure of success.

We had a "mixed economy" for four decades with the public sector at the "commanding heights" of the economy. The Indian government had some of the largest economic assets in the world. It owned pretty much everything.

And we made a hash of it. You turned out to be smarter to get rid of that earlier than us.
But if there are no ideologies, what does one live for? Just for himself/herself? Pursuit of happiness? Greed? Too much self centered? Nationalistic xenophobia of the kind we see here too often?

I can see this leading to moral degradation of societies.

Sure, but what ideology should replace those old ones?

Chinese society already has a lot of core values, "Filal piety" for example is respect for your family/ancestors, and by extension, society as a whole. Also, the Confucian concept of "Ren/Humanity" for example, could be described as being very similar to the core Buddhist ideology of "compassion".

I think these Chinese concepts are more than sufficient in the end. Look at developed Chinese cities like Hong Kong for example, we have the 2nd highest life expectancy in the world, one of the lowest crime rates in the world, etc. If there is some kind of "ideological/moral deficit", then it certainly doesn't seem to have manifested itself in any measurable way.
Sure, but what ideology should replace those old ones?

Chinese society already has a lot of core values, "Filal piety" for example is respect for your family/ancestors, and by extension, society as a whole. Also, the Confucian concept of "Ren/Humanity" for example, could be described as being very similar to the core Buddhist ideology of "compassion".

I think these Chinese concepts are more than sufficient in the end. Look at developed Chinese cities like Hong Kong for example, we have the 2nd highest life expectancy in the world, one of the lowest crime rates in the world, etc. If there is some kind of "ideological deficit", then it certainly hasn't hurt our development.

Good to know that the new generation is sticking to these ideologies. The best of both worlds.

Frankly, if I look at ancient Indian history, we have been through this. A society becomes rich, then morally decadent, leading to the fall of the civilization and much misery. And then the slow rise and the same cycle.

I know you have been through much of it as well.

I hope we have learned from our mistakes. Not over optimistic though.
Good to know that the new generation is sticking to these ideologies. The best of both worlds.

Frankly, if I look at ancient Indian history, we have been through this. A society becomes rich, than morally decadent, leading to the fall of the civilization and much misery. And then the slow rise and the same cycle.

I hope we have learned from our mistakes. Not over optimistic though.

Yeah, the countries that currently make up the developing world, really got the short end of the stick in the past two centuries.

Colonization, exploitation, and in some cases even extermination. Look at what the Europeans did to the Native Americans, or what the Japanese did to the Chinese during WW2.

They took inventions from Asia (gunpowder, etc) and used them to tear us apart. Never again.
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