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General bajwa explains what happened


Apr 22, 2010
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United States

IK was incompetent
Buzdar was incompetent
IK didn't know how to keep his MNA in line
Nawaz sharif knows how to keep his MNA in line
Ye koon bol raha hai ? Sounds familiar

Who is this person talking to ? Sound like speaking into Microphone

Internal meeting or press release ?

I don't remember hearing this on Newspaper

All other audio recordings were very dim but this recording is high quality microphone

IK was incompetent
Buzdar was incompetent
IK didn't know how to keep his MNA in line
Nawaz sharif knows how to keep his MNA in line
Then what's that .... who is right ??

Is lying in Military a Court Marshal offence or they just roll with it

This audio just feels like it was recorded recently

Mulak ka Mufad , Ya MaLick ka Mufad

Can DGISPR uncle explain , what are his thoughts about lying to People of Pakistan
Did someone pressure u you uncle?

If you were pressured , it's ok , Sub maaf ker deinge Just mention it in your next telecast
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Why wait till Hacker releases your audio , might as well come clean and admit you were pressured to tell a different story?

Qoum Maaf ker de gi
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IK indeed has massive ego issues, there is no doubt that his ego/over-confidence played a part in his downfall, but the way his Govt was booted was wrong. Not because of IK but because the govt was democratically elected and if his ministers were not happy they won't eventually leave his side and his govt would've fallen but the letter from US and mention of no-confidence vote before the PDM was even formed was indeed show there was a deep conspiracy against his govt, and in that our Politicians/Judges/Journalists/Fauji were involved, For Army the time is up for explanations and damage control, they have ruined their reputation with this stunt and for decades to come people will see Army as conspirators behind every formed Govt or alliance.
May be DGISP can come on TV and state if this audio is real or not thank you
Why wait till Hacker releases your audio , might as well come clean and admit you were pressured to tell a different story?

Qoum Maaf ker de gi
They don't want to jump the gun. Like nooru toba (darzi) used to.

Let me tell you the story of nooru toba. We we told this story as kids. Don't know if this is a folk story or a real person from our area.

Nooru was a darzi (tailor), who used to carry his sewing machine to his shop every day in the other village. Like everyone in the old days, he woke up and went to work early in the morning. He was afraid of dogs. And often he'd encounter dogs on his way to work. He's started panicking, thinking the dogs were going to chase him, he pre-emptively by throwing his sewing machine at them and shouting abuses, like oye tuhaday saaen mar jaan etc etc. And he'd break his machine. All while the dogs just minded their own business. So, then he'd have to get his machine fixed.
But, he'd do the same thing again and again.

So, they are trying not to be the nooru toba or politics. By falling for the ruse.

I am utterly confused in your story , so

Trying to solve the riddle here

The tailor = DGISPR , and dog is who ?
Or is it the Dog is tailor and DGISPR is (don't want to say it ) but your story is confusing me

Perhaps the anxiety is metaphor for Cipher , I get that part
Just like anxiety disappears the Cipher disappears

I have never heard this story before but if you say it is a popular story sure may be
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Bajwa mentioned this in April May during his conference with retired military personnels.

That’s when most of the retired military personnels showed him the finger and went overdrive into condemning him on YouTube and several other media.

Bajwa needs a visit to the HR department. Either the duffer does not understand his job scope or he is a scoundrel acting all bravado that he can do anything without any blowback.
Bajwa mentioned this in April May during his conference with retired military personnels.

That’s when most of the retired military personnels showed him the finger and went overdrive into condemning him on YouTube and several other media.

Bajwa needs a visit to the HR department. Either the duffer does not understand his job scope or he is a scoundrel acting all bravado that he can do anything without any blowback.

Thank you great context, so you telling me hacker even got thru into private discussion of Army head
I am utterly confused in your story , so

Trying to solve the riddle here

The tailor = DGISPR , and dog is who ?
Or is it the Dog is tailor and DGISPR is (don't want to say it ) but your story is confusing me

Perhaps the anxiety is metaphor for Cipher , I get that part
Just like anxiety disappears the Cipher disappears

I have never heard this story before but if you say it is a popular story sure may be
It may not be as popular. May just be a local story.
Sorry, I am not the best story teller and the story is not meant to be told in English anyway.
Moral of the story is to never jump the gun. Don't do silly stuff out of anticipation that something bad is going to happen. That account on twitter was most probably not the real hacker or even if he was, he was trying to start a bidding war once everyone thought he was going to dump the data on friday.
Which is why, unlike the sharifs who tried to pre-empt panama leaks with hussain nawaz's interview, the military/ISPR didn't fall for this (likely fake) account's claim that everything will be made public on firday and wisely so.
Thank you great context, so you telling me hacker even got thru into private discussion of Army head
This was Bajwa’s closed doors conference with retired army personnels to get his point across which blew right in his face.

Bajwa thought he’d have them on his side after the conference. But times have changed and it kind of had an opposite effect.

Bajwa effectively admitted he had a role in IK’s ouster and gave even more credence to IK’s narrative.

Call it divine intervention or karma or something else. All the stars aligned perfectly for IK.

As for hacker, I don’t think hacker recorded or leaked this particular conversation. It is already public knowledge so recording or leaking it would hold no value.

IK was incompetent
Buzdar was incompetent
IK didn't know how to keep his MNA in line
Nawaz sharif knows how to keep his MNA in line
And we know how incompetent and dillusional bajwa is by looking at the current state of country's affairs
The story had already come before through seena Gazette.

BIG lier. Telling what suits him.
These ----- think Pakistanis are duffers.
The khakis ------ are so badly exposed their reputation in sewers and will remain there.
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