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Gen Zia ul Haq and Imran Khan


Sep 27, 2007
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United Kingdom
This has similarities to IK situation. Gen Zia ul Haq was assassinated but according to his son 16 phone calls were made for him to attend a conference, the western powers wanted him to go, they conspired against him, someone from own armed forces betrayed him, they stopped doctors from post mortem report, stopped all enquiries, this took place after OIC conference, opposition were encouraged to unite against Zia, threats were made by certain power, the same power didn't want independent Afghanistan government as this would unite Afghanistan Pakistan Turkey, Iran and central Asia.

Public knows who did political engineering to oust Imran Khan after receiving orders+dollars from US.

Yesterday, I saw US Navy C130 Hercules taking off from Karachi (on flightradar24) many such flights are taking place on daily basis.

Most probably preparation for NATO drone attacks in Tribal areas and Afghanistan.
Public knows who did political engineering to oust Imran Khan after receiving orders+dollars from US.

Yesterday, I saw US Navy C130 Hercules taking off from Karachi (on flightradar24) many such flights are taking place on daily basis.

Most probably preparation for NATO drone attacks in Tribal areas and Afghanistan.
A- won't happen in this decade atleast
B- if in Afghanistan then it's probably for the best
This has similarities to IK situation. Gen Zia ul Haq was assassinated but according to his son 16 phone calls were made for him to attend a conference, the western powers wanted him to go, they conspired against him, someone from own armed forces betrayed him, they stopped doctors from post mortem report, stopped all enquiries, this took place after OIC conference, opposition were encouraged to unite against Zia, threats were made by certain power, the same power didn't want independent Afghanistan government as this would unite Afghanistan Pakistan Turkey, Iran and central Asia.

That someone from our armed forces who called zia multiple times to have that fateful journey was the traitor general mahmud durrani. He during Zardari era was on an important position and also claimed pakistani non state actor involvement in Mumbai incident.
Sometimes I think why we didn't hang this impostor.
Imran Khan's removal is similar to 1977 martial law. In 1977 it was ethnic nationalist like wali khan and maulana fazlur rehmans father and other politicians vs Bhutto. In 2022 PPP noon league ptm anp bnp and other regional parties vs Imran Khan
Ya but difference is bhuto actually got many people murdered by his personal force and destroyed economy by nationalization.. Furthermore he mistreated his companions jailed them and used to visit and make fun of them or a bizarre act like making his juniors murgha in a line and kick the furthermost to see the domino effect..he made generals polish his shoes and called zia "monkey general"..the man was in himself a dictator a lunatic one .
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For God sake talk some sense. Those who are dead we dont speak ill of them as a muslim.
But Zia ul Haq was more of a Tyrant then a public leader. A military dictator. Even of you love him for some odd reason , He supressed a lot of Pakistani political movements and had lots of enimies inside Pakistan.
He was not overlord of Afghanistan. This narrative That He was taken out because he could have becomr ameer ul momineen of Afghans is just the same that we all saw a few months back all the praises made for ISI and our establishment for successfully ousting USA and Afghan government by Taliban but at the end now Afghans are all the same.
Imran khan has no parallel with a Military dictator who ripped the national fabric of our Pakistani society that was a unoqie blend of Conservative Islam , Sufism and moderation into this mess of every tom dick harry Taking up guns and rrady to kill his muslim brother in the name of service of Islam. He destroyed our political culture and Ideological politics with electables and Monetery politics.

Same people who Broke this beloved country jus 9 years back , Grabbed the reins of country again and destroyed its culture and politics. And look at our public cheering them. Its Just sad thr lack of this common knowledge.
May br people dont love Pakistan as much as they claim. Dont love it much to care to read and critically think about our history and who did what to us
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For God sake talk some sense. Those who are dead we dont speak ill of them as a muslim.
But Zia ul Haq was more of a Tyrant then a public leader. A military dictator. Even of you love him for some odd reason , He supressed a lot of Pakistani political movements and had lots of enimies inside Pakistan.
He was not overlord of Afghanistan. This narrative of His death was because he could have be ameer ul momineen of Afghans is just the same that we all saw a few months back all the praises made for ISI and our establishment for successfully ousting USA and Afghan government by Taliban but at the end now Afghans are all the same.
Imran khan has no parallel with a Military dictator who ripped the national fabric of our Pakistani society that was a unoqie blend of Conservative Islam , Sufism and moderation into this mess of every tom dick harry Taking up guns and rrady to kill his muslim brother in the name of service of Islam. He destroyed our political culture and Ideological politics with electables and Monetery politics.

Same people who Broke this beloved country jus 9 years back , Grabbed the reins of country again and destroyed its culture and politics. And look at our public cheering them. Its Just sad thr lack of this common knowledge.
May br people dont love Pakistan as much as they claim. Dont love it much to care to read and critically think about our history and who did what to us
IK as a personality may not be similar to Zia but the conspiracy against both of them is similar. IK is the first leader I've seen who united all Pakistanis under the slogan of Pakistan Zindabad, from Balochistan, GB, AJK to Karachi and Peshawar to Lahore.
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