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Gen Wynne: US Pressure not to be accepted

CIA has already waged an undercover war against Pakistan. And all the bomb blasts are not the handiwork of TTP, but we are striking back too. thats as much as I can say and normally when you see Panetta yapping with constipation pain you can bet that their CIA operatives have met an unnatural end.

Are the parts in bold verifiable, or mere baseless accusations?
Are the parts in bold verifiable, or mere baseless accusations?

What verification you want, in early June three US diplomats were caught with illegal weapons, you forgot Raymond Davis and few others caught in Peshawar. Type of target and method of terrorist attack very clearly indicates about the sponsors.
... There are funds forwarded to Pakistan of which i believe 85% never gets into the nations coffers - its milked off by our corrupt leaders and they line their own pockets ...

... Our relationship with the US has always been imbalanced and we have had to bow to their demands which have always favoured them ...

I agree with what you say and I also can not deny what VCheng mentioned; reducing corruption in Pakistan is our responsibility, not America's. And as long as our ruling elite continue to fill their pockets, Pakistan and its citizens will remain enslaved to foreign interests.

The US has indeed played double-games where its interests are concerned. Voicing support for democracy in some countries while openly condoning despots, monarchs and dictators in others.

Fortunately, Pakistan's youth are now more involved in the nation's well being and are taking an active interest in politics.

this so called funding and aid practice is not Pakistan specific. Americans use their diplomats and even Ambassadorial as an extended arm of CIA ...

I would call that effective information gathering and surveillance. In fact many countries follow the same example and so should Pakistan. Instead we choose inept people as Ambassadors who play negligible roles in intel and relationship building.
Stand on the Principles and when it comes to defending Pakistan's Integrity, Honour and Principles, for Heavens sake STAND YOUR GROUND. What good is having a country if you cannot defend its Honour and its Principles. Stand up to the BULLY AND ALLAH will help. NASR MIN ALLAHU WA FATEHUN QAREEB.
People need to wake up and smell the roses, Kasmir isnt becoming part of Pakistan any time in the forseable future if ever.

Bashing the US because of Pakistans failure do negotiate a solution of the issue with India is simply childish.
Are the parts in bold verifiable, or mere baseless accusations?
Yes they are all verifiable if U try to visit the CIA run terrorists camps here within the tribal areas of Pakistan and in Afghanistan....:smokin:
Yes they are all verifiable if U try to visit the CIA run terrorists camps here within the tribal areas of Pakistan and in Afghanistan....:smokin:

To quote Agnostic Muslim: "Where's the proof?"
Are the parts in bold verifiable, or mere baseless accusations?
I wish they were baseless assumptions like our news anchors make for their program ratings

these are the findings from the people who are trained and experienced in finding out what methods & materials were used and they only point at worlds only organisation that is known for its political assassinations, regime changes and instilling fear and chaos among general public through bombs and shootings.

people say TTP have American weapons and bombing material due to the attacks on NATO supplies . Although its absurd to accept that all TTP's war effort is based entirely on NATO supply attacks but still well thats one more reason to stop the supply forever.
I wish they were baseless assumptions like our news anchors make for their program ratings

these are the findings from the people who are trained and experienced in finding out what methods & materials were used and they only point at worlds only organisation that is known for its political assassinations, regime changes and instilling fear and chaos among general public through bombs and shootings.

people say TTP have American weapons and bombing material due to the attacks on NATO supplies . Although its absurd to accept that all TTP's war effort is based entirely on NATO supply attacks but still well thats one more reason to stop the supply forever.

TTP fighters run across the border and find sanctuary in NATO-held Afghanistan, from whence they return to bomb Pakistani civilians. BLA leaders lived in Kabul and were whisked off to Switzerland when Pakistan pointed it out.

And the US has the audacity to accuse Pakistan of 'sheltering terrorists'.
The US suddenly remembers that the apology issue was resolved at the Chicago summit? I categorically remember Khar and Zardari's statements in Chicago that they have to pay us an increased fee, apologize and and drone attacks. Why didn't they speak up then?

The US has lost its window it should be happy it got a northern route and now it should forget about Pakistan. When the new government comes and they still dare to strike Pakistan their drones will be shot down.

Are the parts in bold verifiable, or mere baseless accusations?

All the 2000 plus people your President has massacred in Pakistan are not verifiable as militants...

When CIA is accused you suddenly remembered that proof is needed and when you've been told a million times about no proof existing against ISI you are adamant that ISI is involved with militant groups.

Difference is your CIA admits to killing people in Pakistan through the horrifying murder of innocents in its drone campaign. No basis for 99% of its attacks, just random firing upon people going about their lives.
this so called funding and aid practice is not Pakistan specific. Americans use their diplomats and even Ambassadors as an extended arm of CIA

I love the naive world view that benevolent America gives aid which is misappropriated by corrupt Third World officials. America knows EXACTLY where the money will end up, and it is provided with the destination in mind as part of securing American interests.
people say TTP have American weapons and bombing material due to the attacks on NATO supplies . Although its absurd to accept that all TTP's war effort is based entirely on NATO supply attacks but still well thats one more reason to stop the supply forever.

So if the NATO supply chain gave TTP the weapons, then how does stopping that prevent what is said here:

TTP fighters run across the border and find sanctuary in NATO-held Afghanistan, from whence they return to bomb Pakistani civilians. .............

All the 2000 plus people your President has massacred in Pakistan are not verifiable as militants...

When CIA is accused you suddenly remembered that proof is needed and when you've been told a million times about no proof existing against ISI you are adamant that ISI is involved with militant groups.

Difference is your CIA admits to killing people in Pakistan through the horrifying murder of innocents in its drone campaign. No basis for 99% of its attacks, just random firing upon people going about their lives.

So you have no proof. And among the dead are certain leaders of terrorist groups certainly. Pardon me, but your bias is showing again, while you see my fairness in the wrong light, as always. Sigh.

I love the naive world view that benevolent America gives aid which is misappropriated by corrupt Third World officials. America knows EXACTLY where the money will end up, and it is provided with the destination in mind as part of securing American interests.

Even more naive is the view that USA should spend its resources to serve others' national interests!




The decline in US diplomacy with Pakistan

Bassam Javed
Monday, June 18, 2012 From Print Edition

US history of diplomacy specially during the terms of Presidents Bush and Obama has shown a steady decline in its prowess. Overtime it is losing on its diplomatic abilities as it links them with financial and military coercions. Its diplomatic skills to resurrect the fractured relationship with Pakistan have been put to test for their efficacy. The US-Pakistan relationship had spiralled down after US repeatedly crossed red lines enunciated by Pakistan if the bilateral relationship were to last. President Obama was advised by his team members that he risked relationship with Pakistan if he decided on a unilateral military action in Pakistan to nab Osama. Nostalgic about his presidential powers he however went ahead with his decision that in many ways hurt Pakistan. Pakistan, after having suffered so much for supporting US efforts in the region, extension of its unmatched intelligence cooperation with CIA throughout and after having provided lead on Osama, US president’s go ahead with unilateral action inside Pakistan reflects the lowest standards of morality that US could stooped so. That Pakistan was repeatedly warned not to tag along the US in its war on terror as it would betray it again like it did on many previous occasions, is poised to take another bitter pill on its relationship with the US. In the process the US war effort has consumed more than $80 billion of Pakistan’s economy and kept it entangled on issues that restricted the country progression towards stability and prosperity.

What has brought the bilateral relationship to the existing lows? All the reasons point to US insensitivity to Pakistan’s national interests. Conspicuous amongst so many were jaded US arrogance over Pakistan’s national interests, violations of Pakistan’s sovereignty and blatant killing of scores of Pakistani soldiers deployed at a military check-post at Salala. Pakistan was morally in the right to re-evaluate its ties with US in the back-drop of repeated violations of bilateral norms of friendship. Pakistan Parliament’s Committee on Security since then has outlined a series of do’s and don’ts as pre-requisites to re-build a partnership with the US based on solid foundations. That particular list was being debated upon by US and Pakistani diplomats to make headway when the US decided to recall its negotiating team from Islamabad. What vitiated the negotiations atmosphere were the deliberate and ill-timed statements made by US secretaries of state and defence emanating out from Indian platforms with Indian counter parts at their side. Volleys of negative statements not only affected the on-going deliberations but also upped anti-India feelings in Pakistan.

The American mind-set of forcing its way out on contentious issues was further reflected in a statement made by a senior US government official said on 12th of June wherein he said that Pakistan should “bite the bullet” and re-open supply routes to Nato to ease tensions with the US. He nevertheless highlighted inevitability of Pakistan’s centrality to resolve regional mayhem specially in context with Afghanistan.

Notwithstanding the intricacies involved in resurrecting the bilateral relationship both the sides must adopt a realistic approach towards solving the irritants. Both the nations are convinced that they need each other and wowed to maintain a relationship that is durable and respectful towards each other’s interests. Pakistan has a firm resolve to remain engaged with the US on all divergent issues in the bilateral relationship however, in the process US must respect the decisions taken by Pakistan people in the best interest of their country and help the relationship wriggle out from the eras of coercions and extortions.

The decline in US diplomacy with Pakistan - thenews.com.pk
whats the huff and puff about? slaves have no wishes and desires they have to what they are told........
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