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Gen Wynne: US Pressure not to be accepted

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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US pressure not to be accepted, says Gen Wynne | DAWN.COM

ISLAMABAD, June 15: In the strongest response yet to American strong-arm tactics, the Pakistan military on Friday said it would not accept any pressure to abandon the stance taken in negotiations with the United States.

“We will accept no pressure for standing up for our principles,” said Gen Khalid Shameem Wynne, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC), at a graduation ceremony of National Security and War Course at the National Defence University.

The comments came amid intensifying tensions between Islamabad and Washington. While US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta’s ridiculing of Pakistani security forces in India and the remarks on presence of safe havens in tribal areas wasn’t helpful, what incensed the military top brass was his backing for restrictions on military aid for Pakistan.

Secretary Panetta had said that “We (US) are reaching the limits of our patience here” for what is said to be Pakistan’s tolerance for Haqqani network and other militant groups running insurgency from sanctuaries in tribal areas.

But Gen Wynne categorically denied this allegation in his speech at the defence university. “We are combating wholeheartedly the menace of extremism and terrorism so as to banish them from our society. The people and the armed forces of Pakistan have taken up this challenge and our soldiers as well as innocent civilians are sacrificing their lives for this cause. We seek nothing beyond secure frontiers and pose no threat to any country,” the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff committee underscored.

The general used the occasion to remind the Americans that there could be no peace without a resolution of the Kashmir issue.

“I must also point out that as long as regional disputes, especially Kashmir, remain unresolved, stability will remain a distant dream. We must therefore continue for a just solution of the Kashmir dispute as it is only fair to all the people who dwell in this region.”

Talks on a new transit agreement for Nato supplies, meanwhile, have been suspended since last week. Both Pakistan and the US have separately said that the negotiations stalled because of bigger issues in relationship and not just because of differences over transit fee.

Diplomatic sources in the United States now blame Pakistan for blocking the Nato supply route deal by raising afresh the apology issue, claiming that all issues had been settled during and after the Chicago summit.

The downward trajectory in bilateral relationship, which started in January last year, when CIA operative Raymond Davis shot dead two young men in Lahore, aggravated with the Osama bin Laden denouement and then the Salala border post attacks in which 24 Pakistani soldiers were killed.

The US disregard of demands for an apology over the Salala incident and cessation of drone attacks has made matters worse.

The Americans, on the other side, are frustrated with Pakistan’s perceived failure to act against the Haqqani network and other Taliban-affiliated terror groups based in the tribal areas. Conviction of Dr Shakeel Afridi, who helped CIA hunt Osama bin Laden, has added to the fury in Washington. The government’s clarification that Dr Afridi had been sentenced to 33 years for collaborating with the outlawed Lashkar-i-Islam failed to pacify US leaders.

In the backdrop of a rift with Pakistan, the US has encouraged India to play a bigger role in Afghanistan and has also launched a trilateral mechanism involving Kabul.

Although the agenda is limited to development, unlike the trilateral process with Islamabad that covers peace and security, the new arrangement is set to anger the Pakistani military, which has been sceptical of Indian involvement in Afghanistan.
US through media and their officials first overplayed the importance of NDN route and then they thought they would say that We will invite India to Afghanistan etc and Pakistan would take the bait and come to terms with US but too bad it is not working for them.The line should stay closed until an apology is given.
The US tactic failed. They tried to get the message across that the NDN is a very good route as well and they will have no problem with it, and if no Pakistanin routes, no problem. But we didn't take the bait.
Mr. General do something to save Pakistan take major steps over here in Pakistan to safe the lives of Pakistani people. You need to shut down US Embassy, US Consulates & rouge Blackwater agency who are the main source of terrorism in Pakistan, kick US in the nuts this is the only thing US deserves from Pakistan.
The general used the occasion to remind the Americans that there could be no peace without a resolution of the Kashmir issue.

“I must also point out that as long as regional disputes, especially Kashmir, remain unresolved, stability will remain a distant dream. We must therefore continue for a just solution of the Kashmir dispute as it is only fair to all the people who dwell in this region.”


Trying to play the Kashmir card with USA has failed before, and will fail again.
at least he is someone who spoke about Kashmir other leaders have totaly forgoten.

Gen. Wynne is only hinting that Pakistan is trying to keep its "non-state actors" to help get Kashmir, and if USA help it with that issue, then the need to keep this strategy will not be as much for Pakistan.

I do not see that previously failed strategy succeeding now, unless something more is offered and done.
Gen. Wynne is only hinting that Pakistan is trying to keep its "non-state actors" to help get Kashmir, and if USA help it with that issue, then the need to keep this strategy will not be as much for Pakistan.

I do not see that previously failed strategy succeeding now, unless something more is offered and done.

You are at liberty to assume whatever you feel like but the General simply raised Pakistan's concerns before opening NATO routes . Helping USA had always been a failed strategy and Pakistan must avoid it untill there is some benefit for country.
Trying to play the Kashmir card with USA has failed before, and will fail again.

I agree. US has no interest in understanding the problem and take a look at things from the eyes of people in the region who have paid the real price against terrorism.

Instead it is more interested in seeing its soldiers return in bodybags which we consider unfortunate but know will continue because of the USA's attitude towards the rest of the world.
The United States abandoned Pakistan before after the 1980's. Remember the Presler amendment which came after we did their loyal bidding in Afghanistan and drove the Soviets away for them from Afghanistan. They sanctioned us like animals

What about the sanctions on India. Why not sanction India on smiling Budha? They conducted tests in 74. We responded in 1998 for godsake Why did they turn a blind eye to that? Then lets move to Kashmir. US said nothing when India grabbed 1000+ miles of territory from us in Siachen but the moment we went on to reverse that defeat and initiated the Kargil war they were crying for us to get out.

Its clear the US would use us against the Taliban and when our need was over they would abandon us like in the past. Just as they did during our time with the Soviets. We have to accept that we are nothing but a used state. Tissue paper used by the US and discarded whenever it has pleased.

Our best option is to develop friendly relations with China and Iran and tell the US to go to hell. Do you know what these people are doing to innocents Pakistanis in their countries. I have worked in a Nationalist organization abroad and I am telling you there are a thousand Afia Siddiqi's around not one. Man these people treat us as terrorists in their country just because we love our country and stand for its interests. We have served them better than dogs and still? A person who supports secular politics, drinks and has gangbangs becomes a terrorist for them the moment he criticizes the US?

Pakistans most pathetic ally is the United States. Its a bully and a murderous state. No one has backstabbed Pakistan as brutally as the United States. The faster we change policy the better.
Mr. General do something to save Pakistan take major steps over here in Pakistan to safe the lives of Pakistani people. You need to shut down US Embassy, US Consulates & rouge Blackwater agency who are the main source of terrorism in Pakistan, kick US in the nuts this is the only thing US deserves from Pakistan.
What exactly can the generals do without the permission of the government? and we all the what out sh*tty politicians want!!
What exactly can the generals do without the permission of the government? and we all the what out sh*tty politicians want!!

Well nothing to worry about parameters of policies are already defined and accordingly officials of any government and institutions are briefed accordingly and the diplomats, officials civilian or military are experienced enough to go about within those defined parameters.
Trying to play the Kashmir card with USA has failed before, and will fail again.
of course we dont expect USA to show hint of justice and freedom it propagates.
there was no card being played.

just a reminder and a knock on the consciousness.

while some of US lawmakers cry a river and call hearing over Balochsitan issue, one of our biggest wanted terrorist Bramdagh is enjoying the hospitality of CIA in one of its safe houses in Europe.

why do we think Kashmiris stand a chance when USA looks the other way while the Bahrain cruses its own Arab Spring?

when it comes to Saudia, its the US Gas station,
when it comes to Bahrain, its the parking space for the US Navy fleet
when it comes to India, well a watchdog is needed for China

and by the way, United Nation has been sidelined, bypassed and dismissed many times already so as for as USA is concerned, the Kashmiris are good as dead as the red Indians.

some telling passage of the Sand Creek Massacre of Native Indians shows us how this land of "free" was formed.


Another reason why Pakistan shouldn't consider US of A as it's ally.

but a very good reason to show it a mirror to shut it up when it brings up the human rights issues in Pakistan but turns a blind eye where its interests outweigh its concerns for human rights.
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