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Gen Raheel says army will turn CPEC dream into reality

Well perhaps COAS wants to gives an impression that Pak Army will not allow politicians to mess it up,the whole project..

Pak army is intelligent enough to understand that without a strong economy they can't have a strong defense. CPEC is the gateway to add new dimensions for a rock solid economy. With even present state of the economy they are putting stiff resistance in all fronts. If I were a policy maker of the Pak's enemies I would have had nightmares at the mere thought of Pak's having a stronger economy...
Generall sb should avoid such media attention. Army. Bearucrats a d Politicians wasted time. World was focussing on development and economy since 1990 after ussr collapsed and our top notch played hide and seek. Very unfortunate to see that now game is not in our hands and soon to be over now thanks to politicians bearucrats and army. What I am saying when soon to be over because if you see how endia building its defence and others which clearly states that it will be just a matter of time.
Only God can bless Pakistan.
Pakis have a long history of putting all their eggs in one basket and lifting up one guy to the top most citadel and then dumping him when he comes up short, that has been the case from the bhuttos to the zias to the musharafs to kyani and will continue on.

It just takes an average mind to know from one experience that the army and its generals need to remain in their barracks, but getting fooled and hoping that the next general is the promised messiah that will magically transform a dump into a paradise? - they are trained and paid to man the borders , not run civilian projects and take cuts out of it.

The leadership comes from the people, the corrupt are the people - it takes more than a general to change a mindset. The rule needs to be with the people.
I agree with your first point but you consumed little bit too much of your conscience in making the second one without knowing the history. Muslims have a history of rulers who were their c n c as well. It's in the very behavior and it requires patience and time to mend it other way.
No he is pointing towards afghans namak harams.You should hurry up as this man has less than 9 months left and who knows what the next Chief will have in mind for afghans.Baloch and Pashtuns love their country and if you dont believe why dont you send your impotent men
like a donkey love
Well perhaps COAS wants to gives an impression that Pak Army will not allow politicians to mess it up,the whole project..

I think this is the subtle message, our Honourable PML-N Government is doing everything in its power to make this Project a corruption fest for itself so they can suck the blood further of the Nation.

First project for CPEC worth $1.9 billion awarded to our Honorable Saif ur Rehman. Go figure what's going to happen in the future with other Projcts.
So he is indirectly giving this message to all those corrupt "SIYASATDAN" who can/will try their best to sabotage this project good. :tup:
I think this is the subtle message, our Honourable PML-N Government is doing everything in its power to make this Project a corruption fest for itself so they can suck the blood further of the Nation.

First project for CPEC worth $1.9 billion awarded to our Honorable Saif ur Rehman. Go figure what's going to happen in the future with other Projcts.

When the river flows everyone drinks from it, donkey hyena lagar bagar cheeta lion wilder beast elephant. Some of them will even hunt eachother. Small stream here and there will also start moving. Let the river flow, its news of spring.

Btw i just thought what should be the nick name of CPEC. Like Indus is life line of Pakistan and starts from north and goes to southern sea. CPEC is the same. So how about Indus II or Metal Indus because of metal roads.
This is a "do or die" situation for the Paks, and for RAW it's "make or break". InshaAllah CPEC will be completed and Pak economy will move to a new league. Entire Pakistan will be transformed into a mega construction site for highways, dams, power plants, industries, mass housing etc. No amount of resistance is enough this time for Murad-i Ilahi is looking down with Sifat-i Jemil (subhanAllah)!!
The Reason Gen says it again and again that we'll make/turn CPEC Dream in to Reality are Politicians of KPK and Sindh
New demands of Sindh Gov After KPK Gov
General Raheel is not a attention seeker

The Reason Gen says it again and again that we'll make/turn CPEC Dream in to Reality are Politicians of KPK and Sindh
New demands of Sindh Gov After KPK Gov
General Raheel is not a attention seeker

These PPP Sindh should just shut up. They had recently five years and there is not a single thing they did.
Army Chief's dream would become reality once DHAs are set up all along the CPEC. :p:
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