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Gen Hamid Gul: Put me on trial for forming IJI

Details, please.

PPP wanted to shut down Pakistan's nuclear program. Benazir asked Rajiv Gandhi to bring Indian army on Pakistan border to force a political change in her favor.

PPP wanted to shut down Pakistan's nuclear program. Benazir asked Rajiv Gandhi to bring Indian army on Pakistan border to force a political change in her favor.


...and you believe this piece of crap?
PPP wanted to shut down Pakistan's nuclear program. Benazir asked Rajiv Gandhi to bring Indian army on Pakistan border to force a political change in her favor.


:lol: the conspiracy theories just dont end in Pakistan :D
This is an official letter, written by Benazir.

Not a chance, just read the letter...seems like it was drafted by an idiot who decided to put every single thing in that letter. Any one with a little sense can see that it is a laughable attempt. Do you think that anyone would write a letter like this? People who hold high offices aren't that dumb, this is for consumption of the gullible.....
Wrong, PPP govt accused him of being behind BB's murder, H.Gul served a legal notice, PPP had nothing and had to apologies.

Murder? If I was in his place I'd have her hanged in public
Dont be daft.. No one writes their own name with salutations.. (Top Right corner.. Mrs Benazir Bhutto)

Never mind that the US ambassador to India in 1990 was William Clark (1989-1992), and not Peter Galbraith as claimed here:


This post by Sparklingway, TT @ DefPk is enough to explain the truth quite adequately:

This thing surfaced again around 19th - 22nd of April, 2010 and the things that annoys me the most is that people do not do any research on their own account and are as usual blaming everything on the perfect scapegoat, the "corrupt politician" and this forgery adds to their already uneducated accounts. It is highly pathetic to see that this old forgery has re surfaced again and the reasons are obvious to me.

Firstly, even back in 1990 it was proven to be a forgery. As NYT noted,

Source : New York Times, October 18, 1990

Secondly, what is amazing is that the PML-Q used this old forgery in their election campaign in 2008 as well and nobody here (or anywhere on the interweb) has been able to remember that it appeared on the front pages of leading newspapers on Nov 14, 2007. They had thought that people must have forgotten that this was a forgery, and national amnesia would allow people to absorb lies again. Indeed it did, but the best part is that people suffered from amnesia within two and a half years and this is making rounds again. The News covered this in 2007:-

Source : The News, Novemeber 15, 2007

When it re surfaced in 2007, a critical and thoughtful commentator (read not a sheep that can be herded by a jpeg of a forged document) on Five Rupees noted that F-16 deal was scrapped 12 days after the supposed letter was signed. Those believing in the authenticity of the document, the proof of the "treacherous" activities of "dirty politicians" should also believe that a congressional staff member was able to get a 1.6 billion USD deal scrapped. So much for wisdom and intelligence.

Thirdly, I am amazed that people don't even consider what is visible on the face of the document. If you are indeed convinced by the document, even at first sight, you must also then believe that someone who went to Radcliffe (Harvard) and Oxford, and who was the president of the Oxford Union would be more articulate than the near tooti phooti angrezi in the supposed letter. I am seriously amazed by the absence of critical thought.

Adding to it are glaring errors in your text (out of the dozens that float on the interweb). Peter Gailbraith was never the US ambassador in Delhi. His father, was the Ambassador in India from '61 to '63 and Gailbraith himself served as ambassador in Croatia not in India. Even a cursory search would have revealed this but finger pointing and lame accusations take the better of everybody's judgment.

The most ironic thing is that it has emerged when the ISI, MI and the entire establishment is under fire and possible scrutiny for its involvement in the entire BB assassination episode. People are yet again trying to flog dead horses (who were fake even the first time around) and trying to divert attention from their own “rogue” acts.

What is highly disappointing is that every freaking uneducated, illiterate and pathetic blogger thinks that he can be the most objective and informative political analyst and without verification (or purposely) spreads lies and forgeries across the blogosphere and effects negatively the free thought of citizens.

I am not a PPP activist or worker but I feel that bad mouthing politicians, especially through fake means has been the establishments tool since time immemorial and it would be necessary that the young impressionable minds aren’t just thrown at propaganda by the establishment.

While a political commentary on this is not necessary, for this is a forgery, I believe that following posts would most definitely try to summarize a complex 63 year history and summarize Benazir's life and her political ideologies and goals in single sentences. Remarks on such comments are unnecessary and pointless and my sole purpose was to prove conclusively that this was a forgery and what prompted this long post was the absence of critical examination that I witness everywhere, not that I have never committed this sin.

with due respect ,i would like to state that we should stop hailing such people like hamid gul.what have they done for our country?today we stand nowhere in the world thanks to people like him.why should a general be forming or breaking some political alliances?has he mandate to do so?we should learn something from india
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