You can't digest the truth, so you resort to name calling. World energy outlook by IEA is a primary source for many reserchers and journalistic articles. You are actually a two bit think tank analyst who couldn't argue on merit but rather resort to name calling.
Here is a credible source for you to know how well lit your pakistan is at nights.
Look my apologies for resorting to name calling but I get annoyed when people don't show common courtesy to provide sources or links to anything they paste here. However going back to the subject in hand I have for a fair few years been interested in the apparent enigma. That Pakistan's at the observational level seem to always be doing better than official figures even in UK. I remember years ago at university there was a debate we were having and our lecturer pulled some stats that showed Brit-Paks at the bottom of the economic basket - even below the Afro-Caribean community.
Rather bemused at what I was hearing being a lone voice I struggled to correct this sentiment in our group but then penny dropped. I asked them [fellow students] how many of them were renting and how many were renting from Pakistan landlords. Almost
60% said Pakistani. Then I asked how many use black cabs. All did. I asked how many were Pakistani drivers? Almost
90% said Pakistani. Then I asked how many went to fast food joints. Many. I asked next time they visit a kebab joint to ask the question who person was behind the bussiness.
My point was if Pakistanis were renting properties out that must mean they owned their own homes. That must mean they had enough capital to purchase at least two properties when your typical Afro-Caribean was living in a government funded and owned flats. Black can drivers can make upto or over £800 pw and cabs can often cost over £50k to just buy the licence plate.
I digress but my point is my guts told me the average Pakistani in Pakistan is better off in every aspect other othan female emancipation compared to his Indian counterpart. Official figures notwithstanding. It was in the quest to resolve this puzzle that I came across new reearch being done that used satellite imagery of light pollution to size up poverty. This was a academic paper peer reviewed that focussed not on South Asia but the general concept of using light as a tool to overcome poor statistical evaluation in the developing world. When I get chance I will post here. Although the paper dates from 2013 but lets be honest I don't think that is century ago and the basic results will still be applicable. The results of the paper were most surprising. When I post it I will
tag you.
And do note one satellite image proves nothing. As I said before one snapshot image will not cover anomalies like loadshedding, blackout that might have been in force when the image was taken. The way the researchers in the study I mention went about was they used hundreds of images from which a composite was made to give a true reflection of the facts on the ground.
Ps. In the meantime do please look at India. I think everbody even Pakistanis are aware that Bihar is grossly poor and below par. Now have a look at the image you posted. It is glowing !