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Gazprom Signs Deal for 49% in Vietnam Offshore Project

just number the last hours of your punishment for impeding into our territories then you can see how good your friends are! guess who will flee first on the crack of our barrel? yes correct, indians!

these vietcong kids will soon know realities are extremely harsh on them.

Does China now is not a communist country? Does China communist is the best of the best? Yes, for the idealist of Maoist, Cambodia aka Khmer Rouge is the best sample for me to prove right here.

Viet Cong (Viet Nam Communist) seems it better and better than Chet Cong (China communist), at least its has friends more than China for at this time and at this moment.

Why the World hates China? Due to the fact what China did and its people, the World hates you just becaused China is arrogrant and greedy. Agree?
Does China now is not a communist country? Does China communist is the best of the best? Yes, for the idealist of Maoist, Cambodia aka Khmer Rouge is the best sample for me to prove right here.

Viet Cong (Viet Nam Communist) seems it better and better than Chet Cong (China communist), at least its has friends more than China for at this time and at this moment.

Why the World hates China? Due to the fact what China did and its people, the World hates you just becaused China is arrogrant and greedy. Agree?

dont think like indians and and dont be brainwashed by your non-performing vietcong leaders any more.
we are doing pretty okay on the worlds opinion poll - and you people are just not there yet as to make any impact.

Go follow the indian culture and rules 100%. Within 2 years, you'll be busy fighting a civil war in your backyard, you'll be second on the list of weaponry imports, the second arms buyers from Russia while the second most children dying from under-nourishment, the second most people to relieve their personal wastes in the open, the second most cases of women who get sexually molested, the second biggest hub of narcotic traffickers ...you will become second in many things undesirable. Go for it vietcongs!
dont think like indians and and dont be brainwashed by your non-performing vietcong leaders any more.
we are doing pretty okay on the worlds opinion poll - and you people are just not there yet as to make any impact.

Go follow the indian culture and rules 100%. Within 2 years, you'll be busy fighting a civil war in your backyard, you'll be second on the list of weaponry imports, the second arms buyers from Russia while the second most children dying from under-nourishment, the second most people to relieve their personal wastes in the open, the second most cases of women who get sexually molested, the second biggest hub of narcotic traffickers ...you will become second in many things undesirable. Go for it vietcongs!

for red part...which pole???don't know any country can be so moronic that they supports China on SCS(Combodia maybe)..most country actually saying its a clear violation of International Law..

and for blue part...post something new..i'm tired of this molestation and under nourished children..do you have anything else to troll???
dont think like indians and and dont be brainwashed by your non-performing vietcong leaders any more.
we are doing pretty okay on the worlds opinion poll - and you people are just not there yet as to make any impact.

Go follow the indian culture and rules 100%. Within 2 years, you'll be busy fighting a civil war in your backyard, you'll be second on the list of weaponry imports, the second arms buyers from Russia while the second most children dying from under-nourishment, the second most people to relieve their personal wastes in the open, the second most cases of women who get sexually molested, the second biggest hub of narcotic traffickers ...you will become second in many things undesirable. Go for it vietcongs!

With all that being said from you, Viet Nam should cooperate with China, and don't do nothing even those Vietnamese Fishermen got killed by CMS, and one most important thing that keep silent for China drill oil in our 200 nautical miles EZZ. Right?

Is that what you are expecting from Viet Nam action? Chinese Cong?
Does China now is not a communist country? Does China communist is the best of the best? Yes, for the idealist of Maoist, Cambodia aka Khmer Rouge is the best sample for me to prove right here.

Viet Cong (Viet Nam Communist) seems it better and better than Chet Cong (China communist), at least its has friends more than China for at this time and at this moment.

Why the World hates China? Due to the fact what China did and its people, the World hates you just becaused China is arrogrant and greedy. Agree?
:lol: a dirty people hated by neighbors Laos and Cambodia.... enslaved by China for a millenium and then sold off to imperialists French, Japanese and Americans for exploitation like animals...... now think they are a role model for the world :rofl:

With all that being said from you, Viet Nam should cooperate with China, and don't do nothing even those Vietnamese Fishermen got killed by CMS, and one most important thing that keep silent for China drill oil in our 200 nautical miles EZZ. Right?

Is that what you are expecting from Viet Nam action? Chinese Cong?
We are expecting another 1979 style butchering and burning down 6 provinces :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
a dirty people hated by neighbors Laos and Cambodia.... enslaved by China for a millenium and then sold off to imperialists French, Japanese and Americans for exploitation like animals...... now think they are a role model for the world

We are expecting another 1979 style butchering and burning down 6 provinces

No wonder that YOU got banned at most of the time.

Dirty? So you are clean right? If you are clean why you've got banned at most of the time? For the forum or any forum, member got banned that the thing are worst and shameless.

1./ Violate the rule or disrespect forum rules.

2./ Due to too clean, shiny like YOU that forum can not be afford to have you.

3./ That member is extremist stupid so forum can not allow to have you.

If you like to burn down more provices in Viet Nam, I can supply you bunh of lighters if you dare.

If you have any documented that related what you just said (hates Laos), then bring it here for discussion and it a very power tools to make people looks down on Vietnamese. Don't you dare?
No wonder that YOU got banned at most of the time.

Dirty? So you are clean right? If you are clean why you've got banned at most of the time? For the forum or any forum, member got banned that the thing are worst and shameless.

1./ Violate the rule or disrespect forum rules.

2./ Due to too clean, shiny like YOU that forum can not be afford to have you.

3./ That member is extremist stupid so forum can not allow to have you.

If you like to burn down more provices in Viet Nam, I can supply you bunh of lighters if you dare.

If you have any documented that related what you just said (hates Laos), then bring it here for discussion and it a very power tools to make people looks down on Vietnamese. Don't you dare?
:lol: What happened to the tough talk from Viets? I thought you were ready to confront China?

You invaded Laos in 1958 and didn't leave until the 90's. They hate you just as much as Cambodians. In fact, everybody in SE Asia hate Viets because despite your tough talk about confronting China.... the real strategic goal of Vietnam is to dominate Laos, Cambodia and then Thailand ;)

Everybody knows the dirty intentions of Viets.
Russia, Vietnam Eye Trade Turnover Growth to $5 Bln by 2015

Russia and Vietnam plan to increase their trade turnover to $5 billion by 2015, the two countries said in a joint agreement of strategic cooperation on Friday.
"We are going to raise trade turnover to $5 billion by 2015. The strengthening of trade and economic links between Vietnam and countries of the Customs Union [i.e. Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan] will allow us to do that," the countries stated in the agreement.
Bilateral trade turnover grew 55 percent last year to $3.06 billion compared with 2010. As for the first five months of 2012, trade operations between the two states rose 55 percent year-on-year to $1.47 billion.
Among Russian core export products to Vietnam there are vehicles with a 71-percent share in overall export volume to the Southeast Asian country, and a 22-percent share in metals and metal products.
The joint agreement between Moscow and Hanoi also stipulates the creation of favorable terms for Russian-Vietnamese oil and gas joint ventures such as Rusvietpetro and Vietsovpetro as well as for Russian energy companies such as the country's largest private oil company LUKoil.

As for other bilateral oil and gas projects between the two countries, Russian energy giant Gazprom has a 49-percent stake in a project to develop offshore blocks 0.5.2 and 0.5.3 in Vietnam. Total reserves of the two blocks are estimated at 55.6 billion cubic meters of gas and 25.1 million tons of gas condensate.


LMAO :lol: Gazprom is smart enough to limit their drilling to 20 nautical mile territorial seas. They've been doing this for 20 years. Vietnam was slaughtered the last time in 1979 they thought somebody was going to save them from China :rofl:

Oh really? So who were defeated dishonorably by the girls of Vietnamese militia? :cheesy:


PLA arrested by Vietnamese militia in 1979
Russia – Vietnam's priority energy partner

President of Vietnam Truong Tang Sang will discuss energy issues, the expansion of economic ties and other strategic partnership questions with Russia’s leadership. Truong Tang’s four-day visit to Russia began on Thursday and the President has already held talks with Russian Prime Minister Medvedev. On Friday he will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Sochi.

Russia and Vietnam are close strategic partners who have made serious advancements in bilateral relations in the last years, Russian PM Dmitry Medvedev said at his meeting with President Truong Tang Sang. Strategic partnership and the realization of bilateral projects, first of all in the energy field is especially important. ROSATOM will be in charge of building the first nuclear power station in Vietnam.

A total of 8 nuclear power plants are planned to be built in the country. Such large-scale plans are explained by the growing energy demand in Vietnam, deputy minister of science and technology Lye Din Tiyen explained.

"The economy of Vietnam has been undergoing rapid development in recent years and the energy demand in the republic will only grow. Traditional energy sources such as oil, gas and hydro resources are already not enough to supply the demand. That’s why we need nuclear energy."

There was a struggle for the opportunity to build NPPs in Vietnam between Chinese, Japanese, American and Russian companies. In the end ROSATOM was chosen.

Earlier, head of ROSATOM Sergei Kiriyenko said that agreements had been reached with Hanoi not only on the construction of NPPs but also on the creation of a research center. Apart from that Moscow is already helping in training branch specialists.

Joint nuclear energy development is a new direction in the Russia-Vietnam relations. However cooperation continues in the more traditional oil and gas industry as well. The leading Russian player in the region, ZARUBEZHNEFT, has been operating in Vietnam since the Soviet times.

ZARUBEZHNEFT realizes joint projects in Russia as well. On July 29 RUSVIETPETRO, a joint venture between ZARUBEZHNEFT and Vietnam's PETROVIETNAM, plans to start production at an oil field in Western Syberia. The potential of that oil field is more than 1.5 million tons of oil.

GAZPROM, being responsible for Russia’s cooperation with Vietnam in the oil sector, is exploring 4 blocks on the Vietnamese shelf and plans to launch LNG supplies. GAZPROM has also transferred the exploration and production license for the North Purovskoye gas condensate field in the Yamal-Nenets autonomous district to GAZPROMVIET, a joint venture between GAZPROM and PETROVIETNAM.

The Voice of Russia

Hahahaha in the real world China already patrols the coast of Vietnam and attacks Viet fisherman. Nobody can do the same on the Chinese coastline ;)

But your ship was chased and running away like dpg.... :cheesy:

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Vietnam interested in liquefied gas production
11:59 27/07/2012

SOCHI, July 27 (Itar-Tass) —— Vietnam is interested in liquefied gas production, according to the materials to the talks between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Vietnamese counterpart Truong Tan Sang.
The Vietnamese partners have expressed interest to participate in the Eastern Program, which Gazprom carries out in Siberia and the Far East. The program envisages production of liquefied natural gas and gas chemical products for export, with the specific needs of foreign consumers taken into account. The Vietnamese Oil and Gas Corporation PetroVietnam is ready to buy liquefied gas and participate in its production.


:lol: What happened to the tough talk from Viets? I thought you were ready to confront China?

You invaded Laos in 1958 and didn't leave until the 90's. They hate you just as much as Cambodians. In fact, everybody in SE Asia hate Viets because despite your tough talk about confronting China.... the real strategic goal of Vietnam is to dominate Laos, Cambodia and then Thailand ;)

Everybody knows the dirty intentions of Viets.

Wow, Laos hate us? OMG! Laos is our brother. What do you think they hate us?

China instigated and supported the Khmer Rouge regime killed 3 million Cambodian people [at the time, Cambodia's population of 7 million], you dont feel ashamed about that?

Cambodian people are very grateful Vietnam, except for the remnants of the Khmer Rouge.
See the pictures Cambodian people, Cambodian people army and Vietnam's army in Phnom Penh after victory over the Khmer Rouge-China:

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Russia, Vietnam Eye Trade Turnover Growth to $5 Bln by 2015Oh really? So who were defeated dishonorably by the girls of Vietnamese militia?


PLA arrested by Vietnamese militia in 1979
Is that what your Viet propaganda teach you? :rofl:

We did crazy things to your village girls in 1979 when we invaded and occupied your territory. After the war, PLA soldiers came back with so many stories how they entered villages to search Viet virgin bodies in their own homes for weapons. Where did you think all these women POWs we took came from?

No worries, after we were done with them. We kicked them back to Vietnam.





But your ship was chased and running away like dpg....

Is that how you delude yourself in Vietnam? Our coast guard patrol your coastline every day to protect our fisherman! :lol: Your dirty old boats can't even stand up to our ships, you can just talk big and delude yourself with a funny video.
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Oh, you did not realize the humiliation of your PLA "powerful army" on the photo? :cheesy:
Frankly, I dont expect you to be able to recognize the difference between the photos.

If you violate into Vietnam's EEZs, we will continue to ram your ship. :cheesy:
Is that what your Viet propaganda teach you?

We did crazy things to your village girls in 1979 when we invaded and occupied your territory. After the war, PLA soldiers came back with so many stories how they entered villages to search Viet virgin bodies in their own homes for weapons. Where did you think all these women POWs we took came from?

No worries, after we were done with them. We kicked them back to Vietnam.

Is that how you delude yourself in Vietnam? Our coast guard patrol your coastline every day to protect our fisherman! Your dirty old boats can't even stand up to our ships, you can just talk big and delude yourself with a funny video.

You just can't prove that China CSM, even China Navy getting close to our Coastline that you been talk about it. Even if Viet Nam Police like to ramp you, then its will ramp you with no sweat and you just have that video clip to proved that I am not dirty chese d!ck like you.

Instead of head to head with debate, you just head-to-d1ck. It doesn't feel good cause you don't even know how to use tooth brush, to clean up your god darn sh!ty teeth.

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