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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Urgent| Violent Israeli bombing on the vicinity of Al-Quds Hospital in the Tal Al-Hawa neighborhood in Gaza
The false propaganda and massive lies spread by the Zionists set aside, I think the current war posses an unprecedented threat to the fascist Zionist state of Israel. I can see the Zionist Israel facing grave dangers if not out-rightly existentialist threat in the near future. The history of Israel is a testimony on Zionists using fascism, terrorism, lies and blackmail, death and destruction, and manipulation of perceptions through a massive propaganda network as their state policy and tools. By using the active support from the western powers (USA, UK, France, Germany, etc.), Zionists have been able to simultaneously defeat several Arab armies multiple times, often swiftly, mostly through the effective use of preemptive strikes without really getting into a long drawn face off or fighting with its Arab opponents. Given their limited manpower and small geographic size, any active and full war that lasts for more than two weeks would pose a serious threat of collapsing for the Zionist state. The well-established perception of Israeli forces being invincible is not based on the reality but rather on the diligently crafted manipulations of the reality. Active military support from the western powers and induction of the latest military technology were used as the supporting pillars to paddle the perception of imaginary invincibility of Israeli forces. One can see how the Hamas fighters were able to defeat and destroy the so-claimed ultra-modern Israeli military infrastructure with one go merely in a few hours and killed hundreds of Zionist terrorist soldiers and captured another few hundreds of them, including their war-criminal generals, thus, shattering that perception of invincibility of the war-criminal Zionist military. Israeli war-criminals were deeply shocked at the disappearance of their false perception and descent of the actual reality.

Being the first and the biggest victims of their own lies and false propaganda, the terrorist Zionists in general and their war-criminal leadership in particular were spewing fire, hatred, and ridicule against the people and the actual owners of Palestine. They claimed that reality in Gaza would never be same as before. They thought their military would smash Hamas in a few days, if not hours, with massive fire power at their disposal. They planned to kill or deport the whole Gaza population to clear and annex the area with Israel. They started targeting civilian infrastructure and population centers, such as multi-story residential buildings, schools, mosques, hospitals, and what not, with bombs from planes and missiles. All supplies of water, food, medicine, and other life necessities were blocked from entering Gaza. Israeli war-criminal military has murdered about nine thousand innocent people, including several thousands of babies and children, in the past 27 days. Their war-criminal leaders were threatening to launch ground offensive on Gaza several times but these cowards were unable to do so for many weeks. The war-criminal Zionist military tried the ground invasion of Gaza only on the twenty-fourth day of the war but Hamas fighters forced these cowards to retreat in humiliation with scores of lost tanks/armed vehicles and dead bodies.

Hamas fighters are showing no signs of fatigue or defeat. Quite contrary, they are as determined as ever to hit the Zionist terrorists when and where possible. Given the sever constraints on the manpower and resources, fascist Zionist state of Israeli cannot take that much for much longer especially if a couple of new war fronts become active against war-criminal Zionists. It wouldn't be a surprise if soon Hamas fighters resort adventuring out of Gaza into the occupied lands to hunt the terrorist Israeli soldiers. Sooner than later, these Zionist war-criminals will realize the fast depleting international support and their fighting stamina. Most of the settlers migrated to the Zionist state to steal Palestinian lands, build their houses on the stolen Palestinian lands, and enjoy a peaceful life there. All those terrorist land-stealers are no fighters. Those terrorist settlers are used to kill innocent civilian Palestinians including women and children. Fighting against well-trained Hamas fighters is like inviting undue death for them.

Most of the war-criminal Israeli military consists of these terrorist settlers and other enlisted Zionists. While facing the real fighters of Hamas, the self-proclaimed Israeli military is getting humiliated time and again during the past four weeks. I think, if the war goes on unabetted for another week or two, the war-criminal Zionists of Israel will be facing a dire situation even if the dick-sucking Zionist slaves from Europe and US come to an all out help to their Zionist masters.

The history of Zionist Israel should be a lesson for the short-sighted rulers of Arab countries. They need to realize that if Zionist war-criminals are able to get and consolidate their illegal occupation over all of Palestine, that would serve as a strong solid foundation for the establishment of greater Israel, which is known to include all areas up to Madina Al-Munawwarah. If that happens, and there would be a high probability of that becoming a reality, then the rulers and the people of these Arab countries would be the victim of all or even worse Zionist war-crimes that are currently being committed against the people and the real owners of Palestine.
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most Turks are against a military adventure outside our borders.

And I think most wannabe jihadists are cowards otherwise they would be fighting in Gaza not posting 30.000 messages on PDF.
Turks are not unique in that. Most normal people don't want military adventure outside their borders when their interests are not threatened.
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