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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Just now: North Gaza



Breaking news

Zionist media:
As a result of an anti-tank missile firing near "Shtoleh" on the Lebanese border, 3 people were injured, one of them is in critical condition.
I hope that they survive and remain paralysed neck down and live long lives
Might be right... But

But my feeling is saying, they will try to permanently control the GAZA Strip and established a indirect or puppet administration under their control in the future.

As similar as Hongkong that control by china.
Their goal is to totally eradicate the Palestinians very much how the Soviets tried to "disappear" the Chechans.
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A hindu clown priest who is backed by PM Modi’s party BJP, insults Holy Prophet (pbuh), praising Israel for killing Muslims and also wants Hindus to help Israel in butchering Muslims.

He also added that we are fighting muslims since 1400 years and the time has come to remove them from earth.

Looks like they are itching and need some spanking from Pakistan 😂
We can start the camping to absolutely throw them out of our countries , if not a state apparatus then even on the personal level. People employ poor Muslims.
It is also desirable to make their life as uncomfortable as possible anywhere. In any case , Westerns don't give a damn about them. I am a white guy so I know how Westerns despise these rats. This is not ranting or anything but I never met a white person that likes them in general. They simply look at them as dirty people, truly
unfortunately Pakistan is

it is about telling the truth...

the problem with patwaris and israeli and kind they shamelessly lie on hard facts which why we have absurd arguments.

no body forcing you to like Imran khan (not that needs it he has 80% support) the problem I have with these shameless liars is they lie like there no tomorrow. Every nonsense they told about Khan turned out to be a lie from Toshkana case to Drug addict..

I mean just lol x100 ... if he is a drug addict how did he survive 90+ days in jail with out drugs?..

just insane non sense.

Brother, I don’t know why you brought Imran Khan in the point I was making.

PS: I am his supporter if you haven’t checked my posting history.
It is imperative that the world must act and intervene as the humanitarian crisis in the besieged territories worsens by every passing hour.

The world has already emboldened bigots and cowards with her silence enough.

It is a divine punishment for the rest of us (Palestinians are blessed), don't ask for world to save and help, take it, witness it. No people would ever have been this helpless and spineless than Muslims today. Which massacre the world was ever able to stop by the way?

What is stopping Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia (Saudis are not even worth mentioning) from taking in 2 million Muslims? When did (land in Islam) become more precious than a life?

Here is the real question, the question that should and would matter, when the Palestinians would be asked Why didn't you migrate, wasn't ALLAH's earth not enough for you? What do you think would be their answer?
We can start the camping to absolutely throw them out of our countries , if not a state apparatus then even on the personal level. People employ poor Muslims.
It is also desirable to make their life as uncomfortable as possible anywhere. In any case , Westerns don't give a damn about them. I am a white guy so I know how Westerns despise these rats. This is not ranting or anything but I never met a white person that likes them in general. They simply look at them as dirty people, truly
Man I work with some Indians here in United States, I completely agree and most of them living illegal and ask each and every girl at gas station to marry them lol.

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