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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Here is a clue: Israel is not in a mood to listen to anybody. Netanyahu of October 2023 is George W Bush of September 2001. He may make mistakes. Most certainly he will make some mistakes. But that will not deter him.
Netanyahu is fully dependent on the USA. Israel can't even sustain one day of clashes with a tiny paramilitary group without asking for US emergency weapons supply. This was a military counter strike. Only Jews are trying to equate it with 9/11. Israel cannot fight a war on its own. If you want to act all macho than fight on your own and quit crying for the USA to arm you and deploy warships next to you. You aren't macho so spare us the drama.

It is not just Netanyahu . All the political parties are supporting this and the public.

It is not just the number deaths - the count now is 12000 dead and 2700 injured , but the way the died , dragged from their homes and shot in cold blood in the head.

9/11 is a good comparison , but here it is worse , we have those who commited this crime on our border , and no one here is willing to take the chance they would ever do this again.

Your soldiers got routed in face to face combat and you're calling it 9/11? You beg for USA intervention after one day. You're not scaring anyone. Any genocide of Palestinians will be met with genocide of Jews.
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Jewish ISIS needs to be nuked with gas missiles. They're worse than ISIS by 1,000 times. They're threatening to bomb any aid supplies, medicine, and food going into Gaza from Egypt. Yes, this is a official statement by Israeli military spokesman:

In a clear insult to Egypt’s sovereignty, the Israeli occupation spokesman: “We closed the Rafah crossing by force and will not allow any fuel and aid convoys to pass into the Gaza Strip.”

I think the operation by Hamas was a false flag or down right stupid.
More US taxpayers money going to wars. I am sure the American people will appreciate this very much.
Well the dem want to fund ukraine, the GOP wanted to fund Israel, por que no los dos?
Biden is complicit in all of it. He or any other US president will always side with Israel even if that means murdering million people. US knows that no muslim regular army will initiate the hostility against Israel when US CSG is near Israel's shores. Tragic but this is how it is.
There is another angle to this. Israel has built its foreign policy in such a way that US perceive it as a reliable ally. Israel also has dealings with Russia and China, so US does not want to undermine its position in this case. From American standpoint, its options in the Middle East are reduced if Israel does not exist.

Sad but this is how it is for now.

US has cultivated meaningful partnerships with a large number of countries around the world. It has options in various regions due to this factor alone. Unfortunately, many hot heads don't learn from the US.

You want to be a big power then learn from a successful one.
Ukraine didn’t murder hundreds of civilians, women, children. You lost all credibility with this attack. You acted as savage terrorists. And now Hamas brings death and destruction upon Gaza.
You are known from other forums where you basically masturbate over deaths of Palestinians .
Let me inform you that Ukrainian volunteers participated in the massacres of Bosnian people in the Bosnian War. Even Serbs built " Heros" graveyard for those who got what they deserved.
I have watched just 5 minutes of this video so far and Scott Ritter echoes just about what I said above!
1) Peace in that region is come when Israel faces a bloody nose from the Hamas-Hezbollah combine!
2) Americans are going to intervene when the Israeli lust for the Gazan blood is satisfied--happened before.

yup.. for some reason some clown deleted it...


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