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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023


You stood by me once and i have a memory of an elephant , so i will never forget that.

I can't say i agree with some of what you write to say the least. However I made it a rule never to argue with a friends about politics . It never leads to anything good , only arguemenst and people are raely convinced anyway. The end result it usually just risking loosing a friend.

Just wanted to share this since we are both with oppisite opinions on the same thread.


I realize you're stuck between a rock and a hard place, Sammy. You and Babelshalom were level-headed Israelis, and it was possible to have constructive dialogue with both of you. I try not to give you a hard time since this is also tough on us as we feverishly sympathize and support the Palestinians and want to see them have what you and everyone else in this world has.

I wish you quoted my entire post. Expressing the profound impact that hundreds or thousands of Palestinian shell-shocked children who lost their parents and also enduring constant bombing had on us (my family) is being truthful. Were you suggesting you disagreed with something in that post?
Let's see...
I mentioned you about the ch-53 that was destroyed .. still fake news?

Can anyone confirm this? @Falcon29 @Foinikas

Myth: Israel existed 3500 years ago when there was no Palestine.

Truth: Palestine, called Philistia in the Bible, existed long before Prophet Israel's (Jacob) descendants.

Proof: Genesis 21:34
Abraham's agreement with Abimelech

“Abraham lived in Philistia for a long time.”

Gaza has run out of water, people are resorting to drinking from contaminated wells.

You can survive for 3 Minutes without air (oxygen) or in icy water
You can survive for 3 Days without water (if sheltered from a harsh environment)
You can survive for 3 Weeks without food (if you have water and shelter)
You guys are spamming the chat with so many childish posts 😏
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UNHAS has just arrived at Al-Arish Airport (Egypt) on border with Rafah carrying 22 Tonnes of humanitarian relief including 15 tonnes of MRE's and storage units.
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