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Gates warns China not to underestimate US power

I doubt the West wanted to turn China (or even India) into another Japan, Sk, Taiwan. China has 1.4 billion people, it is too big for the Western hi-tech countries to afford to have it "developed". A developed China means the West would lose out 1.4 billion people to consume products made by the West. A developed China means that it will compete with the West for purchase of natural resources from the undeveloped countries that have natural resources but no capabilities to produces industrial goods and natural resources are finite btw.

Just look at the policy of the U.S toward the PHillipines at the end of world war 2, the U.S "mandated" that the Phillipines will be a poor nation, refusing to transfer any technology to turn it into another Japan, South Korea, or Taiwan. Japan, SK, or Taiwan are so poor in natural resources, without the transfer of technology from the West and the U.S, these 3 countries would be much poorer than Cambodia or Lao today.

We don't need permission from the West to do anything. What are they going to do, nuke us and then we all get back to the stone age? Even if that happens, we both nuke each other, both back to the stone age, we'll beat them with numbers.
It toke 1 month for few cavemen (Taliban) to attempt in crippling the US economy by luring them in fighting an endless war, with a bonus of Iraq that has lasted over 10 years. It toke over 30 years for US in its ARMS RACE with Russia, to have had the same effect to the collapsed of the Soviet Union.

Taliban were financially supported by the US CIA, had partially succeeded in their goals. What was not foreseen was the finance turmoil was not all due to an external force, but more an intermal force.

The US housing market bubble, the overvalued paper wealth have lead US consumer to spend more than what it can digest. When the paper lost its trail, not only did the US consumer could not afford to pay, it literally bought a collapse to US major banks. US today have suffered with the worst recession since 1929.

It is fair to say today that the US not only is financially unstable, but that it can not sustain even ARM RACE with China, not alone a war with China!

We can see this clearly by its willingness to supply nuclear power to Vietnam with no limitation. How it wants Japan and Taiwan to get its new F-35 stealth fighter. Where it is supporting Philippine's Navy in military aids to counter China's modern Navy. Where it is forcing India to buy F-35, and so more. And the cuts in its military budget.

As this is more than transparent, the world clearly see its weakness as it can not afford to engage in another conflict. So to imply China is underestimating US is more ridiculous than imposing itself. It is close to be written on stones that the US empire is on a decline, as we can see it will engage to its old enemy to serve its interest as it can not do its own battle.

The louder the warning gets from the US, the more China have triumphed because its hitting too close to US mainland. The game of encirclement only plays well with everyone self interest at work. It is not a one directional stage, but an international stage. So hands can change and players can change.
AR, are you sure this is Mumbai? :taz:

LOL! Thought your IQ would help you find a better way in boosting your ego. Seriously!

My 2 cents:

a) stop being incredible, start being credible.

b) internet is good for polishing something shinning, but it is also deadly in busting fakers. Copy/paste never works this way. :lol: Learn from the Chinese in a better way.


With Modi-ji in charge, Mumbai will quickly surpass Shanghai. By 2020, when one thinks of modern megacities, one will think of Mumbai before New York and Shanghai.
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