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Gandhi’s letters to son may trigger storm

Desi Guy

Nov 16, 2010
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Gandhi’s letters to son may trigger storm
Written in 1935, they ‘reveal’ his eldest son Harilal as alcoholic and a child molester

Disclosures that threaten to blacken the reputation of members of Mahatma Gandhi's immediate family are due to be made public later this month in the UK.

These are contained in three letters written by Gandhiji to his oldest son, Harilal, who died of liver failure in 1948, and who is revealed as a debauched alcoholic, child molester and possible rapist of his own daughter, Manu.

Harilal was one of Gandhiji's four sons. The others were Manilal — who stayed behind in South Africa — Ramdas and Devdas.


The three never-before-seen letters handwritten in Gujarati in Mahatma Gandhi’s own hand were sent from Vardha near Nagpur in June 1935. A Tribune photograph
One letter from Gandhiji also refers to Harilal's 'illicit' relations with his dead wife's sister, Bali. "According to Anandlal, Bali was suffering from syphilis, then how can you escape it?" Gandhiji writes to his son.

All these never-before-seen letters hand written in Gujarati in Gandhiji's own hand and sent from Vardha near Nagpur in June 1935 have been authenticated by a leading Gandhian scholar, Professor Tridip Suhrud, current director of the Sabarmati Ashram Preservation Memorial Trust.

Professor Suhrud, who describes the content of the letters as "disturbing", is a recipient of a Sahitya Akademi Award for his translation of "Harilal Gandhi: A Life."

The most controversial content of one letter sent on June 19, 1935, starts: "Chi (long live) Harilal" before going on to talk about the arrival in Vardha of Harilal's 16-year-old daughter (and Gandhiji's grand daughter) Manu.

In a translation from Gujarati provided to The Tribune Gandhiji writes, "Manu is telling me a number of dangerous things about you. She says that you had raped her before eight years and she was so much hurt that medical treatment was also to be taken. She permits anyone to ask about this incident. I am getting more and more pained by this."

At the end of this same letter Gandhiji goes on to say, "I would wish that you better die than resort to alcohol in any manner. May God save you from lack of peace. Bapu's blessing, Vardha, 19-6-1935."

In a separate, second letter, Gandhiji again addresses the issue of his son's alcoholism, saying, "Please let me have pure truth, please tell me if you are still interested in alcohol and debauchery."

Harilal's troubled life and tense relationship with his father have been well documented. He was born in 1888 and hoped to go to England to qualify as a barrister, but this was opposed by his father.

Suhrud accepts the possibility that Harilal physically assaulted Manu, and there is a reference to that in Harilal's biography, but whether Manu was actually raped by her father is open to interpretation because of Gandhiji's use of the word 'balatkar'.

"The word 'balatkar' means rape, but in Gujarati it also means 'use for force' ", explains Suhrud. "So I'm not trying to defend, I'm just saying there is the possibility of a different kind of usage."

Asked to comment on the contents of Gandhiji's letters, Suhrud told The Tribune: "They were written at the most disturbed time in Harilal's life. He had gone through conversion to Islam, a re-conversion to Hinduism and he had been working as a Vedic missionary for the Arya Samaj. So in his own personal life this is perhaps the most traumatic period. Also a time when his son Kanti is growing up and aspiring to become a doctor, but doesn't become a doctor."

What letters say

    • Gandhiji writes, “Manu is telling me a number of dangerous things about you. She says that you had raped her before eight years and she was so much hurt that medical treatment was also to be taken. She permits anyone to ask about this incident. I am getting more and more pained by this.”
    • At the end he says, “I would wish that you better die than resort to alcohol in any manner. May God save you from lack of peace.”
how many skeletons he has in closet ./. first he said hindus are coward, then there is some credible evidence is that he is gay .. now his son is a child molester ...
how heroes of yesterday are changed to zeros... is just a matter of time.. every man has some skeletons in his closet.. no doubt!
@Desi Guy Doodh ka dhula koi nahi hota!
The quality one pick and idolize or criticize tells lot about the person!!

It's not a gandu you need to find in Gandhi but do introspect you'll know. Remember sant Kabir once said..

बुरा जो देखन मै चला, बुरअ न मिला कोई
दिल जो देखा आपना मो से बुरा ना कोइ!!
The Brits better tread carefully.

There's no point throwing mud at people who are dead and can't defend themselves.

There's plenty of mud to be thrown at their heroes, like Churchill, etc.
Oh yea!
We, Indians love to see our popular political figures covered in an unnecessary shroud of divinity. That is the reason why till today we don't allow to make a movie based upon Alex Von Tunzelmann's book, we don't accept that Bose actually married Emily Schenkel in Austria, neither we are ready to acknowledge the fact that what Mr.Gandhi preached on stage actually was poles apart what he practiced at home. The British don't understand this and these revelations will continue to stir up Indian minds even today.
We, Indians love to see our popular political figures covered in an unnecessary shroud of divinity. That is the reason why till today we don't allow to make a movie based upon Alex Von Tunzelmann's book, we don't accept that Bose actually married Emily Schenkel in Austria, neither we are ready to acknowledge the fact that what Mr.Gandhi preached on stage actually was poles apart what he practiced at home. The British don't understand this and these revelations will continue to stir up Indian minds even today.

He also refused his wife treatment because of lack of belief in modern medicine. I think.
how many skeletons he has in closet ./. first he said hindus are coward, then there is some credible evidence is that he is gay .. now his son is a child molester ...

Ironically, this will please some the Hindutva waadis here


You are absolutely right.

He was also chided by Tagore and Nehru for saying the Bihar Earthquake was their punishment for ill treating the Dalits.

Gandhi is no longer seen as a hero among the Ambedkarite Dalits. And the R.S.S.
What difference does it make to Mahatma Gandhi's legacy if his son was an A$$hole ? Gandhi tried to get him on track , the letters show.

What difference does it make to his legacy even if he was gay ? of which there us no concrete proof by the way ? He was a freedom fighter. What difference do these things make ?

All these so called controversial letters are not really controversial at all, if you are not going around looking for controversy where there is none.

However, one thing is clear, with the rise of India as a stronger and more prosperous nation, the Brits are getting more and more desperate and venomous. They have already become the pet pooch of their one former colony (USA) and can't bear to see another colony surpass them in national power and international relevance. That too a country of a different race and skin colour than theirs.

Just take their reactions to the CWG games, F1 race in India, IPL, India's mars mission, Modi's popularity etc. into account, apart from all these letters being revealed.
What Gandhi's son may or may not have done is irrelevant. In any case the qualities for which Gandhi is admired WORLD OVER are indeed noble and incredibly brave and have stood the test of time.

While others deified Gandhi, he was a great example of a human being, a giant really. His moral courage was stuff for another era.
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