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Game Theory of Pakistan Socio-Political Future


Feb 28, 2017
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Game Theory Pakistan’s Next Political Steps:

Scenario 1: Pakistani Establishment is truly stepping away from politics and is neither involved nor actively supporting the PDM government.

Under this scenario the PDM government has a free hand on actions within Baluchistan, Sindh and the Center. PTI governments should have a free hand in KPK, Punjab, AK and GB. Then this entire game will be a test of the 18th Amendment. It will be a test of provincial independence, versus Federal control. It will be a test of the Center’s machinery versus Street political mobilization. In this scenario we should expect the political temperature to continue to rise with an eventual break down of socio-economic and politics constrains. We should expect politics to generate into some street level agitation. Center will continue to crack down on alternative views and will leverage all methods available through legal and extra-legal in order to slow any agitation. This spiral will cause harm to socio-economic stability and since Pakistan’s judicial system is weak, the only outcome short of some major political assassination, would be a full military martial law or a center run martial law or governors’ rule over the other provinces. This could either then result in suppression of political opposition or degenerate into further civil unrest.

Scenario 2: Pakistani Establishment is actively working hand in glove with the PDM government.

Under this scenario we are likely to still see the eventual outcome related to scenario 1. However, we are likely to see a strong force of suppression and faster means of societal control. We are likely to see a national PTI movement degenerate into regional insurgencies, with KPK taking the lead. This insurgency would be extremely difficult for the Pakistani Army to control. Depending on the controlling hands of this insurgency it could be either oriented towards a united Pakistan or it could result in a movement of separation. We are likely to see the PTM movement’s narrative gain momentum and this movement will likely be supported clandestinely by foreign forces. Baluchistan’s insurgency will take on a bigger footprint, pinning down much of the FC (South) along with units of the Army. We’ll see a departure of wealth and brains from Pakistan and with that the country will teeter towards more poor governance. We’ll see pockets of independent movements in Southern Punjab driven by religious groups and schools and Sind will likely see a heating up of Sindhi independence, as the poor governance by PPP over the years will provide good grounds for an angry and disheartened public. Pakistan united structure will be shaken.

In both the scenario the future of Pakistan is bleak. PTI must get prepared for scenario 2. This will require it to develop and build bridges with many parts of the society. They need to establish stronger links with the Tajir community. They need to develop stronger more formal structure of inclusion with ex-Servicemen. They also need to establish an operating structure of a Patriotic Citizens Group – that is in large measure managed and run through the ex-Servicemen who number in the millions within Pakistan. PTI needs to provide open doors of engagement for all political parties, giving all parties avenues to thrive and survive as independent organizations but without the baggage of their corrupted leadership. They have to help develop those alternatives within all the PDM parties. Just as they did the JUI-F, they need to help establish strong viable alternatives within PPP and PML(N). In some ways PML(Shujjat) is also an alternative for PML(N), however it remains more restricted to southern Punjab. An organization similar for Northern Punjab needs to be developed as well. And finally PTI needs to allow open bridges for the armed forces. PTI should continue to develop relationships with the PAF, PN and even other power domains with the PA, through the positions of CJCS as well as Corp Commanders and other Military Intelligence organizations. PTI also needs to develop a step up plan to create more temperature while giving their opponents open doors to take. Temperature needs to include the following:

  • Openly stating that certain parts of the Pakistani Army is involved in politicking against their constitutional and oath obligations
  • Asking their supporters and the nation at large to not pay any taxes for certain periods of time
  • Asking students to not attend schools for certain days and march on the streets in solidarity
  • To shutdown train stations and bus depots
  • To shutdown logistic transportation
  • To shutdown shops and private offices
  • To open cases of torture and oppression in international courts and jurisdictions against key figures and institutions (where they can leverage the large expat-Pakistani support that they have)
  • To express openly to international organizations that any decision or contracts will be subject to renegotiation when they or their allies return to power, as the current government is not a legitimate representative of the Sovereign
  • PTI needs to develop second and third level leadership in the case of assassinations
  • PTI also needs to develop a defence force manned and run by the many ex-servicemen who are their supporters
  • PTI needs to file cases against foreign Banks for corrupt practices in local and international jurisdictions
  • PTI needs to identify and develop an open list of bureaucrats, and other official functionaries and politicians, with well defined charge sheets of corruption and going against the interest of the nation – this charge sheet would be used in the court of Public – and could be used as leverage to forewarn that if the environment is made unbearable for honest Pakistanis, then there will for history and perhaps action, be names of individuals who the public must take to task, since all national machinery has failed to hold them to account.
The above steps should be a temperature rising act and should be done with care so as not to hurt the national interests. Having said that for our national future, ridding ourselves of corrupt establishment, bureaucracy and political class is an imperative if we are to see any future for Pakistan.

NOTE: I am putting ideas out there to discuss. In no way do I intend to have people under these steps or do I believe that Pakistan is in Scenario 1 or 2. This is purely meant to game theory what actions PTI can take in the case it is met with either of the scenarios.
It's a pure-play Gladio case. What is Gladio? It's a network of loyal politicians, civil/military officials, judges, media personalities, businessmen, academicians, NGOs etc. maintained by NATO in the member countries to cater for all adverse eventualities. By the by, they're like the "House Negroes" as Malcolm X used to say. They love and believe in the Shah more than the Shah himself does. They get more upset at the Shah's slightest problems than the Shah himself.....

How to get rid of the Gladio? Well, it's no easy job. The Turkish folks, for example, had to throw themselves in front of the Leopard tanks, brave the GBU bombs dropped from the F-16s, and face the barrage of rounds of rockets from the Cobra combat choppers....

May GOD help the Paks....
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As our Turkish Member stated , Freedom demands action
Pakistan is under Occupation since April

The Occupiers have prevented dissolution of Assembly and have maintained minimum representation in Assembly to commit their henious crime

The fact they have not accepted any resignation shows you their intent , they pick and choose when resignations are acceptable

Option 1: If Elections are not Held

Option 2 : If Elections are not held
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I feel really sorry for the Pak side! They can satisfy neither the US nor the Pak folks! Hence, they should have left it to IK to face them. Why? For he has successfully faced the likes of Ian Botham who are like the Lords of these red necks....

Anyway, as per Gen Kurilla, when confronted with a question on "over the horizon" capability vis-à-vis Afganistan, his answer is like: "Don't worry, our Boys are there" (15:26 onward).....

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WTF is that body language by our Generals. They neither look sharp nor do they look present. They do seem to give off a overworked kind of look. But overall body language was weak. Shoulders shrouded. Eyes down. COAS looks arrogant not confidant. I think Murricans aren't happy how things have gone down. There never has been more hate for establishment and U.S combined.
Yes, the USA is never satisfied with Pak no matter how many heads (including that of IK, closing CPEC, putting off the strategic relationship with China etc.) they serve on a platter! As per the KITAP they never will even if you do a Harakiri.......
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WTF is that body language by our Generals. They neither look sharp nor do they look present. They do seem to give off a overworked kind of look. But overall body language was weak. Shoulders shrouded. Eyes down. COAS looks arrogant not confidant. I think Murricans aren't happy how things have gone down. There never has been more hate for establishment and U.S combined.
That American looks extra arrogant and behaving like a boss. He knows he is facing US servants who can't talk back. The system in Pakistan designed to promote slave minded people e.g. in army, politics, beaurucracy.
Game Theory Pakistan’s Next Political Steps:

Scenario 1: Pakistani Establishment is truly stepping away from politics and is neither involved nor actively supporting the PDM government.

Under this scenario the PDM government has a free hand on actions within Baluchistan, Sindh and the Center. PTI governments should have a free hand in KPK, Punjab, AK and GB. Then this entire game will be a test of the 18th Amendment. It will be a test of provincial independence, versus Federal control. It will be a test of the Center’s machinery versus Street political mobilization. In this scenario we should expect the political temperature to continue to rise with an eventual break down of socio-economic and politics constrains. We should expect politics to generate into some street level agitation. Center will continue to crack down on alternative views and will leverage all methods available through legal and extra-legal in order to slow any agitation. This spiral will cause harm to socio-economic stability and since Pakistan’s judicial system is weak, the only outcome short of some major political assassination, would be a full military martial law or a center run martial law or governors’ rule over the other provinces. This could either then result in suppression of political opposition or degenerate into further civil unrest.

Scenario 2: Pakistani Establishment is actively working hand in glove with the PDM government.

Under this scenario we are likely to still see the eventual outcome related to scenario 1. However, we are likely to see a strong force of suppression and faster means of societal control. We are likely to see a national PTI movement degenerate into regional insurgencies, with KPK taking the lead. This insurgency would be extremely difficult for the Pakistani Army to control. Depending on the controlling hands of this insurgency it could be either oriented towards a united Pakistan or it could result in a movement of separation. We are likely to see the PTM movement’s narrative gain momentum and this movement will likely be supported clandestinely by foreign forces. Baluchistan’s insurgency will take on a bigger footprint, pinning down much of the FC (South) along with units of the Army. We’ll see a departure of wealth and brains from Pakistan and with that the country will teeter towards more poor governance. We’ll see pockets of independent movements in Southern Punjab driven by religious groups and schools and Sind will likely see a heating up of Sindhi independence, as the poor governance by PPP over the years will provide good grounds for an angry and disheartened public. Pakistan united structure will be shaken.

In both the scenario the future of Pakistan is bleak. PTI must get prepared for scenario 2. This will require it to develop and build bridges with many parts of the society. They need to establish stronger links with the Tajir community. They need to develop stronger more formal structure of inclusion with ex-Servicemen. They also need to establish an operating structure of a Patriotic Citizens Group – that is in large measure managed and run through the ex-Servicemen who number in the millions within Pakistan. PTI needs to provide open doors of engagement for all political parties, giving all parties avenues to thrive and survive as independent organizations but without the baggage of their corrupted leadership. They have to help develop those alternatives within all the PDM parties. Just as they did the JUI-F, they need to help establish strong viable alternatives within PPP and PML(N). In some ways PML(Shujjat) is also an alternative for PML(N), however it remains more restricted to southern Punjab. An organization similar for Northern Punjab needs to be developed as well. And finally PTI needs to allow open bridges for the armed forces. PTI should continue to develop relationships with the PAF, PN and even other power domains with the PA, through the positions of CJCS as well as Corp Commanders and other Military Intelligence organizations. PTI also needs to develop a step up plan to create more temperature while giving their opponents open doors to take. Temperature needs to include the following:

  • Openly stating that certain parts of the Pakistani Army is involved in politicking against their constitutional and oath obligations
  • Asking their supporters and the nation at large to not pay any taxes for certain periods of time
  • Asking students to not attend schools for certain days and march on the streets in solidarity
  • To shutdown train stations and bus depots
  • To shutdown logistic transportation
  • To shutdown shops and private offices
  • To open cases of torture and oppression in international courts and jurisdictions against key figures and institutions (where they can leverage the large expat-Pakistani support that they have)
  • To express openly to international organizations that any decision or contracts will be subject to renegotiation when they or their allies return to power, as the current government is not a legitimate representative of the Sovereign
  • PTI needs to develop second and third level leadership in the case of assassinations
  • PTI also needs to develop a defence force manned and run by the many ex-servicemen who are their supporters
  • PTI needs to file cases against foreign Banks for corrupt practices in local and international jurisdictions
  • PTI needs to identify and develop an open list of bureaucrats, and other official functionaries and politicians, with well defined charge sheets of corruption and going against the interest of the nation – this charge sheet would be used in the court of Public – and could be used as leverage to forewarn that if the environment is made unbearable for honest Pakistanis, then there will for history and perhaps action, be names of individuals who the public must take to task, since all national machinery has failed to hold them to account.
The above steps should be a temperature rising act and should be done with care so as not to hurt the national interests. Having said that for our national future, ridding ourselves of corrupt establishment, bureaucracy and political class is an imperative if we are to see any future for Pakistan.

NOTE: I am putting ideas out there to discuss. In no way do I intend to have people under these steps or do I believe that Pakistan is in Scenario 1 or 2. This is purely meant to game theory what actions PTI can take in the case it is met with either of the scenarios.
They've again created a 1971-like situation for Pak, where you're in a lose-lose position. The US State Dept clearly calls it Pak's "crimes"; therefore, it requires punishments....

Now is the time for the Pak Deep State, if it's existing till now, to come up with some smart solutions that would kill the snake but won't break the stick....
I feel really sorry for the Pak side! They can satisfy neither the US nor the Pak folks! Hence, they should have left it to IK to face them. Why? For he has successfully faced the likes of Ian Botham who are like the Lords of these red necks....

Anyway, as per Gen Kurilla, when confronted with a question on "over the horizon" capability vis-à-vis Afganistan, his answer is like: "Don't worry, our Boys are there" (15:26 onward).....

Well the video you posted of USA General , sitting comfortably and answering to representatives of USA (the Panel ), shows one of the strongest points of USA system which is the Generals do not feel offended to Report to own Citizens for Inquiry

In Pakistan the institutes feel they are "Kings" and rulers over People of Pakistan and that is their ultimate downfall because they see themselves as "Rulers" they like the terms like
"Establishment" or the watchers. In USA the military aways views themselves as "Servants" of People of America

Bajwa looks like a man who has lost his Nation's Support

He has lost the Support of his Soldiers

He has lost his Legacy and 20 years of Service wasted because the whole Nations Looks at him with Questions in their mind

The remaining reputation was taken away by the Islamabad Police Torture Case
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1) Get rid of dual nationality

2) Do permanent alliance with China
Don't agree with 1) get rid of dual nationality but do sort of agree with 2) as there already a permanent alliance with China since long time.
Don't agree with 1) get rid of dual nationality but do sort of agree with 2) as there already a permanent alliance with China since long time.
China, Japan, and Saudi Arabia do not allow dual nationality.
Game Theory Pakistan’s Next Political Steps:

Scenario 1: Pakistani Establishment is truly stepping away from politics and is neither involved nor actively supporting the PDM government.

Under this scenario the PDM government has a free hand on actions within Baluchistan, Sindh and the Center. PTI governments should have a free hand in KPK, Punjab, AK and GB. Then this entire game will be a test of the 18th Amendment. It will be a test of provincial independence, versus Federal control. It will be a test of the Center’s machinery versus Street political mobilization. In this scenario we should expect the political temperature to continue to rise with an eventual break down of socio-economic and politics constrains. We should expect politics to generate into some street level agitation. Center will continue to crack down on alternative views and will leverage all methods available through legal and extra-legal in order to slow any agitation. This spiral will cause harm to socio-economic stability and since Pakistan’s judicial system is weak, the only outcome short of some major political assassination, would be a full military martial law or a center run martial law or governors’ rule over the other provinces. This could either then result in suppression of political opposition or degenerate into further civil unrest.

Scenario 2: Pakistani Establishment is actively working hand in glove with the PDM government.

Under this scenario we are likely to still see the eventual outcome related to scenario 1. However, we are likely to see a strong force of suppression and faster means of societal control. We are likely to see a national PTI movement degenerate into regional insurgencies, with KPK taking the lead. This insurgency would be extremely difficult for the Pakistani Army to control. Depending on the controlling hands of this insurgency it could be either oriented towards a united Pakistan or it could result in a movement of separation. We are likely to see the PTM movement’s narrative gain momentum and this movement will likely be supported clandestinely by foreign forces. Baluchistan’s insurgency will take on a bigger footprint, pinning down much of the FC (South) along with units of the Army. We’ll see a departure of wealth and brains from Pakistan and with that the country will teeter towards more poor governance. We’ll see pockets of independent movements in Southern Punjab driven by religious groups and schools and Sind will likely see a heating up of Sindhi independence, as the poor governance by PPP over the years will provide good grounds for an angry and disheartened public. Pakistan united structure will be shaken.

In both the scenario the future of Pakistan is bleak. PTI must get prepared for scenario 2. This will require it to develop and build bridges with many parts of the society. They need to establish stronger links with the Tajir community. They need to develop stronger more formal structure of inclusion with ex-Servicemen. They also need to establish an operating structure of a Patriotic Citizens Group – that is in large measure managed and run through the ex-Servicemen who number in the millions within Pakistan. PTI needs to provide open doors of engagement for all political parties, giving all parties avenues to thrive and survive as independent organizations but without the baggage of their corrupted leadership. They have to help develop those alternatives within all the PDM parties. Just as they did the JUI-F, they need to help establish strong viable alternatives within PPP and PML(N). In some ways PML(Shujjat) is also an alternative for PML(N), however it remains more restricted to southern Punjab. An organization similar for Northern Punjab needs to be developed as well. And finally PTI needs to allow open bridges for the armed forces. PTI should continue to develop relationships with the PAF, PN and even other power domains with the PA, through the positions of CJCS as well as Corp Commanders and other Military Intelligence organizations. PTI also needs to develop a step up plan to create more temperature while giving their opponents open doors to take. Temperature needs to include the following:

  • Openly stating that certain parts of the Pakistani Army is involved in politicking against their constitutional and oath obligations
  • Asking their supporters and the nation at large to not pay any taxes for certain periods of time
  • Asking students to not attend schools for certain days and march on the streets in solidarity
  • To shutdown train stations and bus depots
  • To shutdown logistic transportation
  • To shutdown shops and private offices
  • To open cases of torture and oppression in international courts and jurisdictions against key figures and institutions (where they can leverage the large expat-Pakistani support that they have)
  • To express openly to international organizations that any decision or contracts will be subject to renegotiation when they or their allies return to power, as the current government is not a legitimate representative of the Sovereign
  • PTI needs to develop second and third level leadership in the case of assassinations
  • PTI also needs to develop a defence force manned and run by the many ex-servicemen who are their supporters
  • PTI needs to file cases against foreign Banks for corrupt practices in local and international jurisdictions
  • PTI needs to identify and develop an open list of bureaucrats, and other official functionaries and politicians, with well defined charge sheets of corruption and going against the interest of the nation – this charge sheet would be used in the court of Public – and could be used as leverage to forewarn that if the environment is made unbearable for honest Pakistanis, then there will for history and perhaps action, be names of individuals who the public must take to task, since all national machinery has failed to hold them to account.
The above steps should be a temperature rising act and should be done with care so as not to hurt the national interests. Having said that for our national future, ridding ourselves of corrupt establishment, bureaucracy and political class is an imperative if we are to see any future for Pakistan.

NOTE: I am putting ideas out there to discuss. In no way do I intend to have people under these steps or do I believe that Pakistan is in Scenario 1 or 2. This is purely meant to game theory what actions PTI can take in the case it is met with either of the scenarios.

Army fans wont be happy reading this, but this will be the eventual outcome unless there are radical changes which does not seems to be happening anytime soon.
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