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Game, Set, Boom


Jan 3, 2010
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Game, Set, Boom – The Express Tribune

The mask is slowly coming off. The face underneath ain’t pretty. In a flash of rhetorical brilliance, the spokesman for the TTP has blurted out a gem: “The bombing of the church in Peshawar is as per the requirements of Sharia.” So, there you have it: the unveiling of the philosophical and theological world view of our partners in dialogue, for all to see. Slaughter dipped in vengeance and baked in blood. Appetising enough for our apologist leaders and their zombie camp followers?

The TTP spokesman talks to the BBC and lays it straight: No, our central command did not bomb the church but one of our subsidiaries did. These subgroups adhere to our world view and have our permission to hit the enemy wherever and whenever. And yes, the church bombing was according to Shariat.

If I am a subgroup commander, what do I take away from this statement? Not hard to fathom really. I actually get a carte blanche to blast away. Yes, I now get a green signal from the HQ: lock on the suicide vests boys, snap shut the Velcro straps, tighten those joints, recheck the red and blue wires, pack in the ammo, don’t forget the nails, and off you go hunting.

Yes, it is open hunting season now. See, slaying has a Shariati sanction from the high priests of North Waziristan. It’s a go, go, go moment for the swashbuckling vest-wallahs. It’s never a dull day for killing, is it?

Game, Set, Boom. So, if you are a Christian; if you are a member of any other minority group, or even if you are not; even if you are a Muslim of any denomination; or sect; even if you are foreigner, or a Pakistani, or an old man, woman, or a little baby who just opened your eyes in the bad bad world a few months ago; even if you are any of the above — then, be afraid. Be very afraid.

‘Cuz TTP is coming your way. It’s snarling, it’s growling, and man, it is pumped up to blow up. Nothing — no Sharif, no Khan, no maulana and no allama — can stop it from carrying out its Sharia responsibility.

Meanwhile, back in Islamabad, the tough guys are, well, napping or shopping. Sharif, the PM, is planning his nirvana meeting with Obama, Khan is locked in a bitter duel — with himself — and the others don’t really count. The maulanas are an electoral waste of space and the PPP, MQM, ANP combined are a spectator at best.

That leaves the khakis. They have the guns, but do they have the guts? And more importantly, do they have a plan? The situation is evolving, mutating, and only the blind, the self-obsessed, and the denial-mongers, can miss the changes. Slowly and surely, there is a groundswell of loathing and disgust for those who slaughter innocents by the dozens; who kill and maim little babies and bomb places of worship.

Slowly and surely, a reservoir of hatred is building up for those who slit throats, severe heads, slash limbs, gut open the bodies of Pakistanis and yank out their entrails. And then they spit in the face of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The State of Pakistan wipes off the spit and grins foolishly — and sheepishly. How much spit can a face take?

The PML-N lion is purring like a house cat, happy to scratch itself than gouge the slayers’ eyes. Nawaz Sharif is our lord commander now. Towards him look all eyes, living and dead. He and he alone, must bend the others to his will. He has the mandate he has, not to grovel but to make decisions. The buck stops with him. The khakis are under his command. Khan is a mere annoyance, maulanas an irritant. He has tried taking them along. If they do not, shunt them aside — and rule.

So, time to wipe that spit, and that grin, off your face.
Sharif, the PM, is planning his nirvana meeting with Obama, Khan is locked in a bitter duel — with himself — and the others don’t really count.

I think it's enough of democrazy play and much need pause is required as per tradition and kyani also needed to be kicked out and replaced with Hitler to give it last try, Meanwhile i have to start working on Greater Punjab project. again :angry:
That leaves the khakis. They have the guns, but do they have the guts?

Talking of guts, who attacked scum india in 48, 65, 71, and 99? and whose million man army wet their pants standing on the border for two years? need a hint, asshole?

And then they spit in the face of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The State of Pakistan wipes off the spit and grins foolishly — and sheepishly. How much spit can a face take?

The problem is there is so much shyt on the face, eyes, ears, mouth, and head of india and Indians that they onle see, hear, speak, and think shyt. india is so full of shyt, that even shyt goes, Oh SHYT!!!.

The highest number of government sponsored female fetocide happens in india, the largest number of rapes in the world happen in india, the largest number of poor living below poverty life in india, the largest number of underweight children reside in india, largest number of people suffering from AIDS live in india, largest number of ethnic riots happen in india, highest number of race based crimes and murders happen in india, largest number of Hitler supporters live in india, the only cow pee drinkers, and a huge number for that, live in india largest number of people taking dump in the open carp in india

and there is no limit of how much shyt can india take on its face................infact its so full of shyt that even shyt goes to shyt in india, and that mother ****** is talking about spit in our face
doesn't even worth to get shared - utter wastage of bandwidth - thats what I have to say
If you think highlighting some text and writing them in bold will get your message through than you failed my friend.
Talking of guts, who attacked scum india in 48, 65, 71, and 99? and whose million man army wet their pants standing on the border for two years? need a hint, asshole?

The problem is there is so much shyt on the face, eyes, ears, mouth, and head of india and Indians that they onle see, hear, speak, and think shyt. india is so full of shyt, that even shyt goes, Oh SHYT!!!.

The highest number of government sponsored female fetocide happens in india, the largest number of rapes in the world happen in india, the largest number of poor living below poverty life in india, the largest number of underweight children reside in india, largest number of people suffering from AIDS live in india, largest number of ethnic riots happen in india, highest number of race based crimes and murders happen in india, largest number of Hitler supporters live in india, the only cow pee drinkers, and a huge number for that, live in india largest number of people taking dump in the open carp in india

and there is no limit of how much shyt can india take on its face................infact its so full of shyt that even shyt goes to shyt in india, and that mother ****** is talking about spit in our face

That's the problem with most Pakistanis here. Comprehension is an issue. This is not an Indian article. Its written by a Pakistani in a Pakistani newspaper :)
know that, an indian paid Pakistani to be correct.

That's the problem with most Pakistanis here. Comprehension is an issue. This is not an Indian article. Its written by a Pakistani in a Pakistani newspaper :)
The khakis are under his command.
Really?? :lol: The Khakis rule the roost in Pakistan. Only an idiot will think otherwise.

And that ladies and gentlemen, is the reason why Pakistan is where it is today!
and indains live on the moon.............enjoy the smell stinky.....


Really?? :lol: The Khakis rule the roost in Pakistan. Only an idiot will think otherwise.

And that ladies and gentlemen, is the reason why Pakistan is where it is today!
the PA are the ones suporting these guys. and they dont have guts for a direct confrontation. they like to fire off of other shoulders. thats in the dna.
Talking of guts, who attacked scum india in 48, 65, 71, and 99? and whose million man army wet their pants standing on the border for two years? need a hint, asshole?

The problem is there is so much shyt on the face, eyes, ears, mouth, and head of india and Indians that they onle see, hear, speak, and think shyt. india is so full of shyt, that even shyt goes, Oh SHYT!!!.
The highest number of government sponsored female fetocide happens in india, the largest number of rapes in the world happen in india, the largest number of poor living below poverty life in india, the largest number of underweight children reside in india, largest number of people suffering from AIDS live in india, largest number of ethnic riots happen in india, highest number of race based crimes and murders happen in india, largest number of Hitler supporters live in india, the only cow pee drinkers, and a huge number for that, live in india largest number of people taking dump in the open carp in india

and there is no limit of how much shyt can india take on its face................infact its so full of shyt that even shyt goes to shyt in india, and that mother ****** is talking about spit in our face

Now this is the problem with most of the Pakistanis on this forum.......
Its a Pakistani news paper and writer is also Pakistani.

I know you are very pissed because this time its not India nor Us or World media but your own people have shown you the mirror. Facts you don't want to except. Or giving a blind eye to the current situation.

We never claim that India is out of poverty or we don't have any problems.

But we except the reality. And try to improve the situation. We don't blame others or some one out side the country for our situation. India is our country and its fate will be decided by us and not some nut job who thins or uses us as his interests favour.
So get a life.
know that, an indian paid Pakistani to be correct.

then what the hell are you doing here??? go catch that Indian paid pakistani & show your momeeni... or it is only for ranting online & showing your self as a king kong....lol
This is quite a point of view, indeed GHQ seems to be the script writer for Fahad Hussain.
He shared a newspaper article from Pakistan stop abusing him, those are not his views.

Talking of guts, who attacked scum india in 48, 65, 71, and 99? and whose million man army wet their pants standing on the border for two years? need a hint, asshole?

The problem is there is so much shyt on the face, eyes, ears, mouth, and head of india and Indians that they onle see, hear, speak, and think shyt. india is so full of shyt, that even shyt goes, Oh SHYT!!!.

The highest number of government sponsored female fetocide happens in india, the largest number of rapes in the world happen in india, the largest number of poor living below poverty life in india, the largest number of underweight children reside in india, largest number of people suffering from AIDS live in india, largest number of ethnic riots happen in india, highest number of race based crimes and murders happen in india, largest number of Hitler supporters live in india, the only cow pee drinkers, and a huge number for that, live in india largest number of people taking dump in the open carp in india

and there is no limit of how much shyt can india take on its face................infact its so full of shyt that even shyt goes to shyt in india, and that mother ****** is talking about spit in our face

I respect the POV presented but the Tribune really needs to put in effort to be able to publish good articles. The writer seems like an 9th grader writing; no maturity.

doesn't even worth to get shared - utter wastage of bandwidth - thats what I have to say
If you think highlighting some text and writing them in bold will get your message through than you failed my friend.
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