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Game of the year 2009

mw2 doe'snt live up to the hype it generated ,it should have been killzone2
play empire

u will love it more.

a lot has been added to the game mechanics.

also there is a campaign set in the indian sub continent
. .

the requirements are a bit on the higher side but if u can run crysis or cod 4 smoothly, you wont have problems with empire.
mw2 doe'snt live up to the hype it generated ,it should have been killzone2

>________> evreone loved it cod but if your looking for one player game then you shouldn't get it its very short in storyline and it was alot better then kilzone 2.

also uncharted 2 got the game of the year award i bought it and played it i think it deserved it too.
hearts of iron and empire total war, best games ever. Though hearts of iron is a extremly complicated game.

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