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Gallipoli War: Great Victory Of Islam ( ) ÇANAKKALE zaferi

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Atatürk'ün Peygamber Efendimize Duyduğu Hayranlık
Atatürk'ün Kuran-ı Kerim'e duyduğu derin sevgi ve saygısı, İslam dininin en saf şekliyle yaşanmasına olan inancı onun dindar yönünü her dönemde ortaya çıkarmıştır. Her zaman gerçek din ile batıl inançlarla dolu gericiliği net biçimde ayıran Atatürk, birçok konuşmasında, samimi ve içten bir şekilde Allah'tan, İslam'dan, Kuran'dan saygı ve bağlılıkla bahsetmiştir. Hz. Peygamberimizi övmüş ve Türk Milleti'ne, gerçek dine sarılmayı ve daha dindar olmayı tavsiye etmiş. Allah'a yönelmede Hz. Muhammed'i rehber göstermiştir:

"Bütün dünyanın Müslümanları Allah'ın son peygamberi Hz. Muhammed'in gösterdiği yolu takip etmeli ve verdiği talimatları tam olarak tatbik etmeli. Tüm Müslümanlar Hz. Muhammed'i örnek almalı ve kendisi gibi hareket etmeli; İslamiyet'in hükümlerini olduğu gibi yerine getirmeli. Zira ancak bu şekilde insanlar kurtulabilir ve kalkınabilirler." (Atatürk, Nedim Senbai, A.Ü. Dil, Tarih, Coğrafya Yay., s. 102, 1979)

Hz. Muhammed'i överek O'nu kendisine örnek alan Atatürk, Hz. Muhammed'in peygamberliğine kesin olarak iman etmişti. Hz. Muhammed'e duyduğu hayranlığı ve O'nun peygamberliğini heyecanla anlattığı bir sırada yanında bulunan M. Şemseddin Günaltay, Ata'nın o anki halini şöyle anlatmıştır:

"... Atatürk'ün denizlerden renk alıp renk veren gözleri, masanın üzerinde serili haritaya dikildi ve beni kolumdan tutarak masanın başına çekip parmağını bir noktaya dikti. Bu, kendi elleriyle çizdikleri bir askeri harita idi ve Hz. Muhammed'in büyük Bedir Cengi'ni adım adım gösteriyordu. Hz. Muhammed'e ve O'nun peygamberliğine kadar, büyük askeri dehasına hayran olan eşsiz Sakarya Galibi, Bedir Galibi'ni göklere çıkarırken, "O'nun Hak Peygamber olduğundan şüphe edenler, şu haritaya baksınlar ve Bedir destanını okusunlar" diye heyecanlandı.

Ata'nın son sözü şu olmuştu:

- Hz. Muhammed'in bir avuç imanlı Müslümanla mahşer gibi kalabalık ve alabildiğine zengin Kureyş ordusuna karşı Bedir meydan muharebesinde kazandığı zafer, fani insanların karı değildir, O'nun Peygamberliğinin en kuvvetli delili işte bu savaştır. (Atatürk ve Din Eğitimi, Ahmet Gürbaş, Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Yayınları, s.28)

Atatürk"ün Hz. Muhammed'e duyulacak sevgiyi tarif ettiği sözleri ise şöyledir:

"Büyük bir inkılap yaratan Hazreti Muhammed'e karşı beslenilen sevgi, ancak onun ortaya koyduğu fikirleri, esasları korumakla tecelli edebilir." (Şemsettin Günaltay, Ülkü Dergisi, sayı 100, s. 4)

Atatürk, dinimizin tam anlamıyla ve aslına uygun olarak yaşanmasını ve milletimize doğru, modern, hurafelerden arındırılmış bir din anlayışını benimsetmeyi hedeflemiştir. Hiçbir aşırılığa kaçmadan, Kuran'ın modern bir dünyayı tarif ettiğini çok net biçimde özümsemiştir.


Sure Gazi ( a very important Islamic concept) Mustafa Kemal Ataturk is just a successful leader! the point is he can be many things but he is not the enemy of Islam
his policies underestimated certain islamic values. Like i said before, i don't give a dime about the Arabic wearing or anything mentioned above. What i find important is the very way of life Islam teaches us. To read while being aware of the creators creations. That science goes hand in hand with religion, some of the greatest scientific discoveries appeared in Islamic societies no one can deny that, Andulus and Ottoman are perfect examples of that. But as you have summed up Cabatli, the last centuries of Ottoman was indeed a failure.

Actually, M. Kemal Ataturk's main aim is to create a nation knowing the response of "WH" questions about their beliefs instead of believing everything they heart from any person without reading/searching. You know Ignorance of Turkish nation about Islam almost caused a big failure for independance movement. Kalifat under the Britain pressures and some "Tekke and Zaviyes" were spreading anti-independace fatva's with using Islam to make believe Turkish nation in accordance with British benefits. Ataturk spent so many times to make the nation believe the incomes of independance and reborn around the destruction. Thanks Allah that We have current Democratic Turkish Republic. If their Fatvas affected over all Turkish nation, We wouldn't have such big borders...etc

After Republic established, Corrupted belief exporters have been closed and First translated Quran has been written by Elmalili Hamdi with the order/money of Ataturk. Even Today, Elmalili Hamdi's Translated Quran is known like the best among others and best seller rank in Turkey. I have also one in my house...

Ataturk saw religion as an obstacle for scientific and socio-economic development, there is absolutely no doubt about that. Ataturk in his several speeches states that real awakening can only be established with Western lifestyle. All the fez and wearing rulings are examples of that. I can come with evidence if you wish so, but i don't even need that because it is an accepted fact. Secularism, according to secularists are the only way.

This is so complex subjects to discuss but I can simply say that A person in his World can believe everything in accordance with own point of view and act/live However they want as long as you didn't interrupt other's freedom but State is something different. State has to be blind for all religious matters, tabus,sides which are repeating themselves around some basic rules (The discussion over those rules are forbidden) because Scientific and socio-economic developments require the rules changing in accordance with neccesities of centuries and needs interrogator state mentality approaching everything objective to find the best and correct paths for social, economical and scientific roads. REVOLTION is vital in such countries because Such states always try to catch "THE BESTS" in social life, economical developments, scientific achievements without any biasses...every areas including technology but Religious based states don't have so many selections (Just one celestial way for all) to find the best in accordance with changing positions (Even their punishments are around classics coming from hundreds of years ago and has nothing to do with Islam) because The Religious rules were sent human-being ( Global human ethics (As ordered by Allah) everybody has to obey are always constant) for their individual life, not for state policies/constitutes. After death, Allah wouldn't judge Wheather the country you proceeded you life is Democratic or not, If you obey the rules sent by Allah and had a good manner Islamic rules targetted.

But once you forbid women to dress as they wish, and once you forbid them attending universities and insult them, there is something very wrong about this country.How can you live peacefully with millions of women whose rights are taken away from them just because they follow the rulings of Islam? It is not "arabic" wear but Quran clearly states that women must cover their hair. If you can't accept the freedom to chose religion in an overwhelmingly muslim country and ban headscarf then you can't even take religion into private affairs because the state does not allow you to practice your beliefs. Banning the reading of Quran in groups because you suspect them of forming religios "sects", how ridiculous is that? We don't have to restrict criticizing Ataturks implementations. In the end he is only a man, not a prophet or anything. Take the good things he brought to this country and develop the things you disagree with him. Almost a century passed, and we still hesitate to critizise our historical leaders. If we can't learn from our past mistakes, we will never be able to develop a free and fair society.

Everything was perfect until this pargraph but You have just failed with issuing such craps as Ataturk's activities. BTW, Watch your speeches and don't direct your claims as I achieved all those policies, Otherwise, I will have to respond you same way.

Firstly, Noone forbit women dressing in Ataturk times, If Such a prohibition issued, There wouldn't any single women wearing all those things you have mentioned above today.

Second one is about headscarf, As I said, Ataturk never forbit wearing headscraf. Even Ataturk's wife and mother were wearing headscarf so No need to type so long and dramatic sentences you heart in your meetings to tell the incomes/outcomes of banning headscraft in Universities. It was a problem of Turkey started with military coups and solved today.

Noone says that Ataturk was a prophet or anything else and Noone says Ataturk is irreproachableor There is not a prohibition not to criticize Ataturk If you assess the situations correctly in their times and you use correct arguments in your speeches instead of gossips of some special communities composing their history in accordance with their politic point of views. Think all materials you have (I don't know If you have some) in one and assess the characteristics of the people entirely and don't load all wrongs of 90 years old Republics on the shoulders of M. Kemal Ataturk.
Honestly, It is really boring to discuss same things again and again... Everybody is free to believe everything Even If They are incorrect. I am not the one who is charged to correct them. The history is clear. Open some history book and read your own history instead of believeing gossips.
I agree that Ataturk was not the one who forbid headscarf, fair enough. And i don't think anywhere in my text i have used any kind of harsh rethoric. Cabatli i know you respect Ataturk, and i do respect that. But i think you should not feel very bad about my post. I don't attack Ataturk as a person, as i have said several times, Ataturk brought many good things to our country, but there are things that remains undone. Inonu was the one who really made things much worse regarding Islam. Ataturk was more respectful about Islam than Inonu. I'm really tired now, therefor i will return tomorrow. I hope you can keep your spirits up, because i never intend to harm anyone.
Good night...
why everyone is still here? :lol:

Good night!
Before we discuss any further we have to agree on some basic elements. Firstly, Azatavrear you have to accept the fact that Armenians in the East slaughtered whole villages because the whole empire's army was on front, which they saw as a chance to strike back.

The Turkish apologists insist that Armenians were also killing Turks. It is true that scores of Armenians fought back successfully. But how can you compare pockets of self-defense with murder by a government? The Armenians were killed by their own government, the Turkish government; they sometimes fought back to protect themselves.

When the armed government of 25 million people turns on and attempts to exterminate an unarmed minority of three million old men, women, and children, it is hardly an "intercommunal struggle," "an ethnic feud," or "civil war".... it is nothing more or less than genocide. The Turkish government had a bureaucracy, tax money, an army, irregular troops, the local police, and special killing squads to carry out its mission. What did the Armenians have?

If it was a feud between Turks and Armenians, what explains the genocide carried out by Turkey against the Christian Assyrians at the same time?

Furthermore, Turkish armies invaded the fledging Armenian Republic in the Caucasus inhabited by indigenous Armenians in order to wipe out not only Armenians in the Ottoman Empire but also Armenians who lived elsewhere.

No principled Turk should be offended by the truth. After all, a large number of Armenian survivors of the Genocide owe their lives to devout Muslim Turks, Kurds, and Arabs. To be a patriotic Turk does not require hating Armenians or distorting history. In fact, there are Turkish scholars who recognize the Genocide and urge their government to come to terms with Turkish history. A few, including Taner Akcam, have published books on the Armenian Genocide, however they had to leave the country for their safety.

Secondly, i do accept that some of the Ottoman policies which resulted in the death of many Armenians were indeed sad and wrong, but as Quasar explained, we can't judge yesterdays actions with today's glasses.

Truth is not divisible by two. Is there another side about Hitler who gassed Jews, about Stalin who starved Ukrainians, or about Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge who massacred Cambodians? Of course not. Genocide is so blatant an evil that it has no other side to the story.

1Million, come on

Would this change the basic truth that a genocidal massacre occurred in 1915-1923? Almost the entire Armenian population of Turkey was wiped out by its own government, the Turkish government. Does it really make the actions of Turkey better if they succeeded in killing only 600,000 Armenians and not 1.5 million?
I do not order you to fight, I order you to die. In the time which passes until we die, other troops and commanders can come forward and take our places.
Colonel Mustafa Kemal

summary of issue.
Firstly, you do not discuss in a very friendly manner, i would kindly suggest you to change your attitude. Stop accusations...

About your points.

1: When i say norms and traditions, i firstly talk about Islamic belief system and behavior. That should not surprise anyone. Our core beliefs derives from our religion. Because Islam is not only a religion, it is the very fabric of reality. If you say you are Muslim, you must agree that life is part of Allah's creation. And that we must follow on the path Allah has commanded in his holy scripts via his messengers (Muhammad PBUH, Jesus etc.). All those nonsense traditions you mention above is absolutely garbage, they have no place in Islam.
2: Islamic authorities, such as respected Imams. Imams which have the authority to give fatwas etc. Ataturk was very clear in his speeches that Islamic authorities had to play no significant role in the nation.
3: Ataturk encouraged the Turks to wear modern European attire. He abolished the caliphate in 1924. In 1926 the penal code was passed which was modelled after the Italian Penal Code. In 1926, all Islamic courts were closed. All of this could have been done to save Turkey and modernize it. Yet, why so furious against Islamic principles? In Quran it is very clearly stated that when people are judged they should be judged according to Islamic belief system. If one does not accept the rules stated in the Quran than one should doubt his belief. Ataturk tried to change the clothing of the Republic for it to become even more "modern". He also had plans to abolish women's veils.

About the "turban" issue. The only reason this was brought up was to delegitimize the veil/headscarf, and by introducing this concept of "symbolic" headscarf some politicians succeeded in banning wearing any type of veil in certain areas.
4: When i talk about disrespect i talk about trying to westernize our country and abolish the fez, veil, azan in arabic, reading quran in groups. If you have the slightest clue about the Turkish history then you know that all the mentioned above has happened, and some of them are still happening.
5) Every European countries except France have official state religions. In almost every European countries you automatically pay money to the church. These countries allow people to wear religious clothing, and they respect them, unlike Turkey the last couple of decades. Malaysia is almost administered with Islamic sharia, and they have a very high HDI.
Even if there are few countries who can't live up to western standards it doesn't equal they fail? Thank god we are not as materialistic and destroy the valuable material resources as much as the West. And thank god that we didn't have the same colonial past as Europe. If you think our model should be Europe and their materialistic world view than there is absolutely nothing to discuss.

6: I think it is not very clever of anyone to say that Ataturk alone defended the whole country. By doing that you underestimate the Turkish people who fought and died for the country during WW1 and the War of independence.

SUBHANALLAH , that was golden... you are absolutely right. some of the brothers here is very much obsessed with the term " modernization" . when we watch closely it is very clear that by " modernization" they mean
" implementing western materialistic ideas". ,

a country with 99% Muslims cannot justify their act of making laws against Islam on any ground.

. This "fanatic secularism" is a false concept. the basis of secularism is equality , respect and love between the individuals in a community regardless of their religion .

let me explain some of my experiences in a secular society:

I come from India, where Islam is a minority religion. Here I experience the real beauty of secularism.
secularism doesn't mean absence religion, it means presence of all religion. In India we are allowed to practice Islam at its best. There is no restrictions and regulations on practicing any religion.that is the real secularism. I have intimate friends who are Hindus and Christians. real friends. we always visit each others home , and is keen in keeping the relations tight. but we all adhere to our religion very strongly. we spend good times together but we will not go against any of our belief for making other happy, for example, as a Muslim I cannot take pork, and my Hindu brothers cannot take beef. when a situation comes my Hindu and christian brothers warn me about the pork on the table so that I can keep away from it. in the same way I warn my Hindu brothers about beef .

this is the way to practice secularism. if I take pork and my Hindu friend takes beef, it is not secularism but something like atheism. because by that act we two will be rejecting our religions.

And wearing hijab is a must in Islam . there is no doubt in it ,females should cover their head.
there may be lots of explanations for wearing hijab. but when speaking to a Muslim ,the rationale behind hijab is simple " our messenger told us to do so". if you are going against it and preventing a female from wearing hijab, then you are going against the messenger and think what is the position of a society in Islam who have openly gone against the teachings of the messenger of The Almighty . can a individual be a proud Muslim when he is continuously going against the teachings of Allah and his Rasool?

here in colleges and other institutions, we have many Muslim female students wearing hijab . and it doesn't effect their relationship with the teachers or their college mates.

My dear Turk brothers please explain , what will be the consequences, if a lady wear hijab to a university or a public institution for studies or work?

It is the part of the western propaganda to make people believe that ,one cannot have good education and legitimate life if he or she adhere to Islam.

and Turks blindly fell for that.

Turks should look back to their history ,what was their relevance in the past and relevance in the present?.There was a time the Turks were respected and feared both in Asia and Europe . It was only because they kept their personality.

Today world is eagerly watching the stands and opinions of Turkey in every political and military activities going own both in Europe and Asia, because Turkey is showing itz own personality and standing by itself rather than a NATO member.Today Turkey have its strong stand regarding Nuke of Iran, Settlement in Palestine, famine in somalia....and world have started to respect you. Turks should thank Mr. Thayib Erdogan for that.
SUBHANALLAH , that was golden... you are absolutely right. some of the brothers here is very much obsessed with the term " modernization" . when we watch closely it is very clear that by " modernization" they mean
" implementing western materialistic ideas". ,

a country with 99% Muslims cannot justify their act of making laws against Islam on any ground.

. This "fanatic secularism" is a false concept. the basis of secularism is equality , respect and love between the individuals in a community regardless of their religion .

let me explain some of my experiences in a secular society:

I come from India, where Islam is a minority religion. Here I experience the real beauty of secularism.
secularism doesn't mean absence religion, it means presence of all religion. In India we are allowed to practice Islam at its best. There is no restrictions and regulations on practicing any religion.that is the real secularism. I have intimate friends who are Hindus and Christians. real friends. we always visit each others home , and is keen in keeping the relations tight. but we all adhere to our religion very strongly. we spend good times together but we will not go against any of our belief for making other happy, for example, as a Muslim I cannot take pork, and my Hindu brothers cannot take beef. when a situation comes my Hindu and christian brothers warn me about the pork on the table so that I can keep away from it. in the same way I warn my Hindu brothers about beef .

this is the way to practice secularism. if I take pork and my Hindu friend takes beef, it is not secularism but something like atheism. because by that act we two will be rejecting our religions.

And wearing hijab is a must in Islam . there is no doubt in it ,females should cover their head.
there may be lots of explanations for wearing hijab. but when speaking to a Muslim ,the rationale behind hijab is simple " our messenger told us to do so". if you are going against it and preventing a female from wearing hijab, then you are going against the messenger and think what is the position of a society in Islam who have openly gone against the teachings of the messenger of The Almighty . can a individual be a proud Muslim when he is continuously going against the teachings of Allah and his Rasool?

here in colleges and other institutions, we have many Muslim female students wearing hijab . and it doesn't effect their relationship with the teachers or their college mates.

My dear Turk brothers please explain , what will be the consequences, if a lady wear hijab to a university or a public institution for studies or work?

It is the part of the western propaganda to make people believe that ,one cannot have good education and legitimate life if he or she adhere to Islam.

and Turks blindly fell for that.

Turks should look back to their history ,what was their relevance in the past and relevance in the present?.There was a time the Turks were respected and feared both in Asia and Europe . It was only because they kept their personality.

Today world is eagerly watching the stands and opinions of Turkey in every political and military activities going own both in Europe and Asia, because Turkey is showing itz own personality and standing by itself rather than a NATO member.Today Turkey have its strong stand regarding Nuke of Iran, Settlement in Palestine, famine in somalia....and world have started to respect you. Turks should thank Mr. Thayib Erdogan for that.

You summed up really good my friend. Regarding secularism. There are still people in Turkey who thinks that secularism means banning all sorts of religious adherence in the public sphere (even though this sort of mentality only creates hatred among its citizens). What it really means however is that it respects and tolerates any religion and everywhere.
Sadly there are some Turks who still think that development can only be achieved through "westernilization". Yet, as you have pointed out, the majority of Turks already are Muslim, and they know the importance of religion in their everyday life. They also want people to wear any types of religious cloth in universities etc. That is why AKP is the most succesfull political force in Turkey (as well as in Europe and Middle East). Both middle Eastern and European countries acknowledge their amazing success in fields such as, Economy, Infrastructure, Technology, Education, Public Health and many others. Insallah, if Allah wills we will continue to grow stronger and demonstrate that Islam can coexist with a peaceful and real modern lifestyle. That Islam actually respects and urges people to work, respect, help the poor, and bring peace everywhere.
Everyone's talking about how much of muslims we are, but what they are forgetting is this... It's none of your god damn business!!! We live however we want and we will do whatever it takes to keep our nation alive and stronger than ever. I don't pray 5 times a day, I don't go to mosque every day either, but I do love my religion and what it teaches us. The number 1 thing I am trying to do is to be a good person to the humanity, not only to the Muslims or Islam. I learned not to judge people on the basis of their race, or religion. I try to represent Islam the best way possible, because when I get into conversations with Americans and show them how much I respect their beliefs as a Muslim, they act pleasantly surprised. It's a great feeling to show people how understanding and respectful our religion is. Covering yourself up DOES NOT mean you are proper Muslim. If you're making your wife do it by force, then you are violating the very important idea of Islam.
I appologize, I thought the central powers lost the first world war. It was very nice of Turkey to give up all that territory, seeming as how they were victors, lol. Denial, it's not just a river in Egypt!

hahahaha lol hahahaha lol hahaha lol. Wow that was funny. Now time for a little history lesson. What did you accomplish in the Gallipoli battle? What did the Brits, or the Greeks get out of it? The main objective was to secure the bosphorus so that the ships can pass thru the bosphorus towards the Marmara see and from there to Istanbul... So we lost Gallipoli and Canakkale? Wow you really are ignorant, I'll tell you that. Check out the world map. But please follow my directions okay. First, find the state you live in in google maps... now zoom out until you see the map of USA. I hope you're familiar with the shape of your own country knowing the lack of geography education in American schools and all. Okay, now start going towards the East (aka to the Right) until you find Europe (no it's not a country, it's a continent). You probably know where Italy is, but in case you don't know, it looks like a boot. yeah literally. Find that, to the right is Greece. Pass the Aegean sea and yes, that is Turkey. Zoom in on the Northwestern Turkey, south of Thrace, find Canakkale and Gallipoli right next to the bosphorus. Yes, they do belong to Turkey and we did win the battle and the Brits got jack S#hit. Thank you for following the directions.
You should also warn him about Hungary in case he looks at the European map. Some of the Americans are known to be giving "Is Hungary a country?" runtime error and then rarely recover from that...
Armenian Genocide , why is it that Western propagandist always use the 3 Million figure or 6 million figure ... always in millions
Islam's simple message is to make people lives better, societies stronger, promote equallity and freedom. Promote human rights. Make people work harder. Protection of minorties. If anything, Tukey is the closest thing to Islam compaed to all the other Muslim countries.
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