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G-B adopts Pakistan Protection bill to prosecute Nanga Parbat, Chilas suspects


Sep 19, 2008
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GILGIT: Following Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s visit to Gilgit on Friday, the Gilgit-Baltistan Council adopted the controversial Pakistan Protection Bill for speedy trial of the suspects involved in the gruesome murder of nine foreigners and one Pakistani at the Nanga Parbat base camp, among other criminal activities in Chilas.

Terrorists had killed 11 foreign tourists in Nanga Parbat and a military colonel, captain and SSP in Chilas in addition to reports of other criminal acts including kidnapping for ransom and sectarian killings.

The bill was adopted on the direction of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif who chaired the Council meeting that also passed the Council’s budget worth Rs826.602 million besides 26 other bills on various subjects.

This was Nawaz’s first visit to Gilgit since he assumed office in June. It is also for the first time that the Prime Minister, being the council’s chairman, chaired its session in the area.

Addressing the meeting, the Prime Minister lauded the arrest of 11 culprits including the mastermind behind the Nanga Parbat base camp tragedy and congratulated the G-B Chief Minister, district management and other law enforcement agencies who contributed to ensure arrest of the culprits.

Chief Secretary GB apprised the meeting that a total of 18 people were involved in the attack of which 11 have been apprehended while seven of their accomplices are being traced.

Nawaz said that Pakistan Protection Bill would ensure speedy trial of the culprits involved in serious offenses like terrorism and sectarian killings. He asked the G-B government to make special courts under the law, appoint special judges, and try the culprits in these courts. He hoped that these courts will provide quick hearing and decide such cases.

According to the new law, judges hearing the case can wear masks to protect their identity. The law also provides for inter-provincial transfer of prisoners. Further, findings of the Joint Investigation Team would also be admissible before the court and the decisions of this court could only be appealed in the Supreme Court.

New security force

Nawaz also directed the G-B government to raise a modern anti-terrorism force on the pattern of similar forces in other parts of the country. This force will be trained on modern techniques to fight terrorism and will be provided latest weapons and equipment.

The aim of this force would be to improve security along the Karakoram Highway and in the G-B region.

Diamer-Bhasha dam

The Prime Minister expressed his resentment over slow acquisition process of land for the Diamer Bhasha Dam and said the task was supposed to have been accomplished by December.

Nawaz was told that while four teams have been deputed to acquire the land timely release of funds was needed, and that acquisition of land could be completed within two months. Nawaz directed the minister concerned to take up the issue with WAPDA to ensure timely release of funds for the purpose.

He said the ongoing project of Dimaer Bhasha Dam will also prove beneficial for the people of the area and added that the government was striving to simultaneously execute the projects of Bonji and Diamer dams.

Nawaz also approved setting up of a cardiac hospital in Gilgit and increase in number of flights to Gilgit as proposed by the council members.

Earlier, Minister for Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit-Baltistan Mr. Birjis Tahir presented the annual budget of the council. He apprised the meeting that the budget contained development budget worth Rs325 million, non-development budget of Rs501.602 million. The Minister informed that the revenue target for 2013-14 is Rs. 543.613 million. Federal Minister also put forth various suggestions to the Prime Minister including the 10 percent increase in the salaries of G-B Council, establishment of export processing zone, security of Silk Route, construction of Babusar Tunnel, increase in number of PIA flights and budget for rehabilitation of communication infrastructure.
G-B adopts Pakistan Protection bill to prosecute Nanga Parbat, Chilas suspects – The Express Tribune
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