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Futuristic soldier as a system undergoes skill tests at CAIR (not F-INSAS)


Jun 10, 2010
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Source-- Tarmak007 -- A bold blog on Indian defence: Futuristic soldier as a system undergoes skill tests at CAIR

Futuristic soldier as a system undergoes skill tests at CAIR

Bangalore: In tune with Indian Army's massive modernisation plans, defence scientists have gone one step ahead to give birth to a tech-solider as a system. Wrapped in sensors and sporting a combat suit stitched from NBC- clothing (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical), this solider from a la Star War zone is currently undergoing 'skill tests' at the Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (CAIR) lab in Bangalore. Sources tell Express that the project-X (not yet named), took birth 18 months back at CAIR. “We are sure that in future there will be a requirement from the Army for similar systems when the modernisation plans embrace the foot solider. By then, we will be ready with a system that is tested in-house, proven and fit for the field trials,” sources said.
For the project, the scientists have designed and developed indigenous wearable computers that can be leveraged to process, display, store and disseminate information received from the sensors. Necessary command and control (C2) applications that would be needed for collaboration between members of the combat team are also ready. These applications provide capabilities of locating self on a map using location based services, red-force and blue-force tracking, streaming video from head mounted and robot mounted cameras. Additionally, the CAIR has also identified power packs with suitable form factors.
“In modern combat, there are increasing demands being placed on the human soldiers along various dimensions. For example, in terms of perception, they are expected to be able to operate at night, in dense foliage and in densely built-up urban areas, where human vision may prove to be inadequate and direction of attack may not be perceptible,” say sources.
In terms of coordination, groups of individuals need to carry out complex coordinated tasks, even in the face of uncertainties and hostilities. In terms of logistics, the soldiers are expected to survive and sustain operations for prolonged durations. These demands can be met only by augmenting human capabilities with technology insertions.
For increasing perceptual capabilities, a number of imaging sensors like night vision sensors, infrared sensors, thermal and through-the-wall imaging sensors are provided to the gen-next solider. “Acoustic and vibration sensors can be harnessed to address sensing of direction of fire.
This enables the soldier to become a cybernetic entity with extra-human sensing capabilities. The soldier as a system with one such sensors will be able to receive the incoming data, store, process, display and disseminate it,” say sources.
Wearable computers along with ad-hoc networking capability are thus a critical necessity.
The peer-to-peer networking capability allows the individuals to share sensory inputs, information about own and sensed enemy elements, tasks and plans.
“This allows collaboration and coordination between individuals, effectively creating a cybernetic super-organism out of the team,” sources said.
The 'Soldier.ver2' is armed with a modular personal weapon which has thermal sight and greater aiming sight, when compared to some modern spit-fire units. With laser-pointers, nano- target correction modes and radio controls, the CAIR scientists are marching ahead in confidence rubbing shoulders with the mean man-machine.
For they know, tomorrow is different.
yea it sounds like F-INSAS.maybe another project a more advance one?like for SF?
F-INSAS is delayed by several year. i listen 1st phase of this program will completed by 2011. but now it's 2012 and i not see any solider in F-INSAS dress. only demonstration of this program and now they are thinking of more advance system. Our soliders are still using third class bullet proof jacket, old ak-47 and tin helmet
How is this NOT F-INSAS? It sounds identical to it!!
Just read the opening artical where it is mentioned that this program started only 18 months before and is yet not named.
I had bolded those parts.
Just read the opening artical where it is mentioned that this program started only 18 months before and is yet not named.
I had bolded those parts.

But why a new project? Surely a duplication of services? What is the purpose of this project?
What this layout describes is what i guess is already operational with many spec ops inc Indian spec ops.
But why a new project? Surely a duplication of services? What is the purpose of this project?
After reading the artical, what i understand is that, this program is brain child of CAIR, and is independent of DRDO and babudom hassals to give and test bed to check the technolgy in mordern soilder-as-system concept and present an alternative to a delayed F-INSAS program with all indegenous tech. and then go ahead to more advance F-INSAS program, i may be wrong though.
Like I said, I won't believe it until I see our soldiers wearing them. So far, only MARCOs and Para Commandos have got some decent gear. Normal infantry is still stuck in WW2 equipment.
F-INSAS is delayed by several year. i listen 1st phase of this program will completed by 2011. but now it's 2012 and i not see any solider in F-INSAS dress. only demonstration of this program and now they are thinking of more advance system. Our soliders are still using third class bullet proof jacket, old ak-47 and tin helmet

No,not 2011.The 1st phase of project F INSAS was meant to be completed by 2012 which was only about developing the multi calibre assault rifle and all the communication module,wearable computers,clothing etc are to be developed in phase 2.That's why you don't see any soldier wearing those equipments.
And as for using AK 47,it's just those COIN operatives who use AK Ms and not AK 47s.AK M is not stadard issue assault rifle of IA,it's the INSAS assault rifle which is the stadard issue.
And w.r.t stadard issue combat helmets in IA,it's the Bullet Resistant Patka which is the only helmet in the world that can provide level IIIA standard protection against 7.62X51mm NATO round fired from stndard SLR/FN FAL from 50 meter distance over the frontal ark,something which even the US PASGT helmets can't provide.
So please feel free to do some research before posting something from the newt time.
This is excellent news, we need concurrent development, wish this kind of vigorous development is taken for all the system being developed... the turn-around time for induction of new tech will become less and will make our forces even deadlier...
Like I said, I won't believe it until I see our soldiers wearing them. So far, only MARCOs and Para Commandos have got some decent gear. Normal infantry is still stuck in WW2 equipment.

Which WW2 era equipment our does soldires use-the INSAS rifle,the Patka helmets or what??
This system will be implemented on large scale, while F-Insas will be for special forces.
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