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Futuristic Laser Successfully Tested on Cruiser

I'm sure it isn't since that was only a 15kw demonstration.

HEL and the FEL are two totally different systems, so while the HEL has been tested at 15kw, I don't think that means much to the FEL. Well the FEL is ahead of schedule in anycase, but no recorded test that i'm aware of..
It is wrong to demand someone to prove a negative. The burden of proof lies with the claimant, not with the doubter.

Then the claimant would be me.

This is where you Chinese boys continue to prove yourselves idiotic. The theories have already been proven but apparently you have a problem understanding the difference between theory and engineering.

This is where you continue to amuse everyone.
Theories have already been proven? if so where does it say it will be a good substitute for SM-3? Where did it say it can destroy DF-21D and make it obsolete? And blasting a speed boat in short range doesn't prove how effective it really is. So yeah it looks like more work for the proven engineers and more consultations on science fictions for the wishful fan boys.

:lol: This just goes to prove that once again, China is just trying to catch up but still remain behind.

Nope, it only proved that China was the first to create an ASBM and America is left behind playing catch up! :lol:
Then the claimant would be me.
Then provide reasonably credible evidence that the DF-21 is a deployable weapon.

This is where you continue to amuse everyone.
Theories have already been proven? if so where does it say it will be a good substitute for SM-3? Where did it say it can destroy DF-21D and make it obsolete? And blasting a speed boat in short range doesn't prove how effective it really is. So yeah it looks like more work for the proven engineers and more consultations on science fictions for the wishful fan boys.
This is why I continue to laugh and make fun of you Chinese boys. Interception of an object is theory but building the interceptor that will do it with %100 certainty is engineering. We already have a kinetic kill interceptor. We do not need to do it against the DF-21 to prove that such an interception is feasible. There is no such thing as the 'DF-21 THEORY' or 'How to intercept the DF-21' theory. If the DF-21 can maneuver that will make its interception more problematic but that does not invalidate the idea that we can intercept a descending ballistic warhead with another vehicle.

Nope, it only proved that China was the first to create an ASBM and America is left behind playing catch up! :lol:
Wrong...Until you, the claimant, can provide reasonably credible evidence that the DF-21 is a fully functional weapon, you have nothing. The fact that you do not understand even basic logic undermine your entire blind support of the Chinese.
that's cool, in the military hardware world, you always have capabilities and counter capabilities. maybe next generation ballistic missiles will have mirrors on them or something.
Every material absorb heat, even a mirror, so if the laser's heat is enough, it will shatter the mirror defense. Plus, the mirror is for visible wavelength, this laser weapon need not be in the visible spectrum, so if you want to have a reflective surface robust enough to absorb heat while reflect some non-visible laser beam, you will not have anything like a ballistic warhead to start, or your ballistic missile will be so large to carry this extremely robust warhead that it will bankrupt your economy.

Abstract : An improved heat exchanger for high energy laser mirrors is provided which comprises one or more sections each hot pressed into a desired configuration to define coolant passageways, and subsequently stacked and joined by a suitable means such as diffusion bonding. A surface of one of the sections may either support a laser mirror faceplate or be finished to provide the desired laser mirror surface.

For higher power laser mirrors (e.g. CO2 laser mirrors), RMI recommends copper mirror substrates. Copper is known for its tremendous heat dissipating properties that will minimize the damaging effects of absorption from high power IR lasers. RMI also produces Molybdenum (also referred to as “Moly”,) mirror substrates for more special/higher power CO2 lasers.

The progress towards direct energy weaponry is constant and the US is far ahead of the rest of the world. You cannot take the current technical hurdles to mean technical impossibility. Of course, the Chinese criticisms for this has been nothing but smoke and mirrors...:lol:
Then provide reasonably credible evidence that the DF-21 is a deployed weapon.

Then first provide credible evidence that DF-21D wasn't deployed.

This is why I continue to laugh and make fun of you Chinese boys. Interception of an object is theory but building the interceptor that will do it with %100 certainty is engineering.

That is why you continue to amuse us. Interception of what object? and building the interceptor that do what to what object 100%? So I am guessing a slow flying missile and a speed boat would be appropriate enough to show as prove that it is capable of destroying mach 10 warheads at a safe distance?

We already have a kinetic kill interceptor. We do not need to do it against the DF-21 to prove that such an interception is feasible.

I hope you do not mean this (which was cancelled):

Multiple Kill Vehicle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kinetic Energy Interceptor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And if MKV or KEI could beat decoys and multiple warheads raining down on your head at 8-10 times the speed of sound, then it would not have been cancelled.

For the time being I guess sticking with PAC-3 and SM-3 would be your best bet whilst America continues to refine its speed boat hitting laser?

There is no such thing as the 'DF-21 THEORY' or 'How to intercept the DF-21' theory.

Of course not. I was only teasing. The theory of intercepting DF-21D is irrelevant until US successfully conclude its tests on setting fire on a multiple flying speedboat raining down on it at mach 10.

but that does not invalidate the idea that we can intercept a descending ballistic warhead with another vehicle.

Yes..idea, I am sure we have plenty ourselves.

Wrong...Until you, the claimant, can provide reasonably credible evidence that the DF-21 is a fully functional weapon, you have nothing. The fact that you do not understand even basic logic undermine your entire blind support of the Chinese.

Same can be said about your blind support for America.

Anyways the F-22 too was said to be proven, but have we actually seen the thing in a combat environment? It doesn't stop the American government from procuring it did it? let alone this speed boat hitting laser and you are giving so much credit for.
I am not saying it is wrong to consult science fiction for inspiration, but it is equally important to knuckle down and be in the realm of reality. :lol:
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HEL and the FEL are two totally different systems, so while the HEL has been tested at 15kw, I don't think that means much to the FEL. Well the FEL is ahead of schedule in anycase, but no recorded test that i'm aware of..

That is correct they have not yet test fired a FEL laser yet. They have tested the injector for it though.

ONR Achieves Milestone In Free Electron Laser Program

"Researchers demonstrated an injector capable of producing the electrons needed to generate megawatt-class laser beams for the Navy's next-generation weapon system Dec. 20, months ahead of schedule."

google translation:

DIRCM (Directed Infrared Counter Measures) is a protection system for
military and civil aircraft against approaching
Guided missiles with infrared seekers. The system uses a
Missile Warner together and consists of the IR-liability
Tracker, Laser precision tracker and destructive of the IR detector
hide approaching missile with high-energy pulses or destroyed.
The entire process takes place in a very short time and at a safe distance
from the protected object. With two or three DIRCM systems
entire airspace around an aircraft to be protected. After
successful completion of the demonstrator program and the risk-
Minimization studies in 2006, 2009, the project
(Development) of the operational system in cooperation with EADS
and start Diehl BGT Defence. From 2014 on the first serial
DIRCM systems will be provided for the german A400M fleet.

google translation:

DIRCM (Directed Infrared Counter Measures) is a protection system for
military and civil aircraft against approaching
Guided missiles with infrared seekers. The system uses a
Missile Warner together and consists of the IR-liability
Tracker, Laser precision tracker and destructive of the IR detector
hide approaching missile with high-energy pulses or destroyed.
The entire process takes place in a very short time and at a safe distance
from the protected object. With two or three DIRCM systems
entire airspace around an aircraft to be protected. After
successful completion of the demonstrator program and the risk-
Minimization studies in 2006, 2009, the project
(Development) of the operational system in cooperation with EADS
and start Diehl BGT Defence. From 2014 on the first serial
DIRCM systems will be provided for the german A400M fleet.

Looked it up a bit and that's a jammer/blinder. Still looks like a good tested system and I wish the germans the best with it.
Then first provide credible evidence that DF-21D wasn't deployed.
:lol: Another fail. By the way you talk, may be the 'cold fusion' guy was correct, that even though they failed to replicate his 'result', they still had to prove his 'result' was flawed. That is not how it works, kid. The first responsibility to prove anything lies with the claimant. The default position is ALWAYS doubt, from when the Earth was proclaimed to be round to cold fusion.

That is why you continue to amuse us. Interception of what object? and building the interceptor that do what to what object 100%?
Any object.

So I am guessing a slow flying missile and a speed boat would be appropriate enough to show as prove that it is capable of destroying mach 10 warheads at a safe distance?
Essentially, yes. Theories do not take into consideration factors like manufacturing and materials defects, or human caused events like someone wrongly calibrated a piece of equipment. You argue this way tells me you have never worked in an R/D or manufacturing environment.

I hope you do not mean this (which was cancelled):
Whatever canceled can be resurrected.

And if MKV or KEI could beat decoys and multiple warheads raining down on your head at 8-10 times the speed of sound, then it would not have been cancelled.
Your persistence in bringing up decoys or descent speed tells me these subjects totally escaped you.

For the time being I guess sticking with PAC-3 and SM-3 would be your best bet whilst America continues to refine its speed boat hitting laser?
The fact that the PAC 3 had successful intercepts means the theory is proven. The laser will complement the kinetic kill interceptors.

Of course not. I was only teasing. The theory of intercepting DF-21D is irrelevant until US successfully conclude its tests on setting fire on a multiple flying speedboat raining down on it at mach 10.
You mean you got busted for being wrong. What a lame recovery attempt.

Same can be said about your blind support for America.

Anyways the F-22 too was said to be proven, but have we actually seen the thing in a combat environment? It doesn't stop the American government from procuring it did it? let alone this speed boat hitting laser and you are giving so much credit for.
I am not saying it is wrong to consult science fiction for inspiration, but it is equally important to knuckle down and be in the realm of reality. :lol:
:lol: Aviation is proven. The F-22 or the 747 or the Wright Flyer are devices that proved the many theories that made up 'aviation' or 'heavier than air powered flight'. The F-22's deployment is not the same thing as being in combat and this is where you are wrong, again. As for this laser weapon, there is nothing that 'need' to be 'proven', only the engineering hurdles that must be overcome as the greater the dynamics of the objects involved, the greater the complexities of those engineering hurdles.

If we go back to the DF-21, I challenge any of you Chinese boys to show where I said the technical hurdles involved are impossible to beat. I only presented what those technical hurdles are so the readers can make up their own minds as to Chinese claims. To date, not one shred of credible evidences have been presented by the Chinese government to show that the DF-21 is operationally deployed. Anyone can believe anything anyone else say so you Chinese boys are free to believe whatever Photochopped crap posted on the Internet. We have seen how gullible the Chinese boys here are about that.

This latest test of the Navy's laser weapon does not need any propaganda assist or exaggerated claims by anyone. Whoever actually worked for an applied science company will understand that progression is natural and is a budgetary matter, no longer theoretical. Like it or not, the DF-21 has been rendered obsolete, at least against US anyway.
what if the approaching speed boats have large mirrors attached to them and the laser gets reflected back??with expensive innovation comes cheap counter innovation:lol:
what if the approaching speed boats have large mirrors attached to them and the laser gets reflected back??with expensive innovation comes cheap counter innovation:lol:
I guess reading the discussion so far before shooting off one's mouth is too difficult for a 12yr old to perform...:rolleyes:
I guess reading the discussion so far before shooting off one's mouth is too difficult for a 12yr old to perform...:rolleyes:

what makes u think i will waste my time doing so?and how did u guessed my age?Last time you guessed iraq had wmd's and waged a bloody war just to find out your guess was wrong;)
what if the approaching speed boats have large mirrors attached to them and the laser gets reflected back??with expensive innovation comes cheap counter innovation:lol:

1. The laser as envisioned would be of such intensity that any common mirror would quickly melt/be burned through. Any bit of dust, grime,etc would make the job easier.

2. Wouldn't putting bright shiny mirrors out in full view make the ship easier to spot than without, seeing as the mirror would have to face the lasers to be effective.
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