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future of nur khan air base

About 7-10 yrs when discussing issue of population and it's affect on PAF Masroor and Faisal with a retired military person I was told they are planning to make new PAF Bholari base that will take over from both these airbases (primarily Masroor), it's location had some strategic benefits. Since both these airbases, their housing colonies and support infrastructure occupy land that is of very high commercial value, defence housing authorities could sell them off and generate a great deal of funds. So I'm guessing some years down the line the new housing schemes for DHA will be announced.

PAF Masroor even in Musharaf era was expected to be converted to a second commercial airfield for Karachi for the then talked about Karachi Water Front.

Nur Khan AB I suppose for now will stay as it will need to be used for the new army GHQ in Islamabad.
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It’s paf base so very little chances of anything other than paf just because Caa and airlines left does not change anything
Like 'Askry I/II/III' could be utilised as 'Hawabaz I/II/III' for residential purpose. IMO and I feel it will be the future of that land ....:-).
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