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Future leader of Pakistan

Future leader

  • Maryum nawaz the mad queen

    Votes: 5 45.5%
  • Hamza shahbaz the kokri

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Bilawal Bhutto the protege

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Shahbaz the showbazy

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Sheikh Rasheed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Shah mehmood

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Aseefa Bhutto

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nawaz sharif "the Shrek"

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters


Apr 22, 2010
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United States
Since IK will be disqualified soon who will lead Pakistan in 2024 elections(delayed 1 yr more)


Where is our beloved Bajra? :kiss3:
don't do this type of madakhlat with us, you ill-informed youth
Since IK will be disqualified soon who will lead Pakistan in 2024 elections(delayed 1 yr more)

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View attachment 877375
I wish we cease to exist soon. We are a filth, that needs to be cleaned. We truely are. No leader can lead us to right path.
The day when I will stand infront of Holy Prophet SW, I will definitely ask him why he saved us from Allahs wrath till Qayamat? We deserved Azab, why you prevented that, did we deserve it?
I wish we cease to exist soon. We are a filth, that needs to be cleaned. We truely are. No leader can lead us to right path.
This is hopelessness. Those who lose hope in Allah’s mercy, wisdom and love and want deliverance without hardships become hopeless.
Lead yourself if you cant be lead. That is what muslim does. In simple words connect with quran and sunnah.
The day when I will stand infront of Holy Prophet SW, I will definitely ask him why he saved us from Allahs wrath till Qayamat? We deserved Azab, why you prevented that, did we deserve it?
The day you stand you will be asked about many other things.
Don’t be lazy. Pakistani’s are adept in fact are epitomised for this.
Laziness: We want betterment but we don’t want sacrifice.

In all honesty, though imran khan is honest, Allah maybe just maybe took away the only man from Pakistanis because we maybe did not follow up on our duas. If a muslim is in hardship he must reconsider his actions and also trust Allah.

So let Allah take care of your leader and work on improving oneself as a muslim. Allah (in sha Allah) will then Himself raise a leader amongst us.
Mian Shabaz Sharif shall be the pm just like right now. Has experience and truly knows us all bhikari’s. He can beg well to arabs for the country…..
He’s capable of bringing more miney than others
I wish we cease to exist soon. We are a filth, that needs to be cleaned. We truely are. No leader can lead us to right path.
The day when I will stand infront of Holy Prophet SW, I will definitely ask him why he saved us from Allahs wrath till Qayamat? We deserved Azab, why you prevented that, did we deserve it?
Take it easy bro.

Mayoosi is Kufr.

We don’t know why Allah is/will putting us/anyone through tribulations. He is all knowing.

What we need to strive for is, be on the right path.

Maybe this country is surviving due to few good men.

Mian Shabaz Sharif shall be the pm just like right now. Has experience and truly knows us all bhikari’s. He can beg well to arabs for the country…..
He’s capable of bringing more miney than others
Frankly, I am sick of all this dingly dangly.

Just legalize corruption and let Sharif come with a fanfare. Let him go straight to PM house with his men doing sajda.

Disqualify Imran Khan and give extension to Bajwa.

If, the countrymen are still sleeping, then damn this country.
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