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Full-scale war threat exists between Pakistan-India: DG ISPR

Full-scale war threat exists between Pakistan-India: DG ISPR

September 27, 2020

Director General Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) Major General Babar Iftikhar has said that Indian aggressive behaviour and ceasefire violations along the Line of Control (LoC) gave indication of a full-scale war between India and Pakistan.
“The threat of a full-scale between India and Pakistan exists as such instances has been witnessed during the past and its main reason is India’s belligerence and preparations,” he told the private channel during the visit of a foreign delegation to the LoC, arranged by the ISPR the other day.
The DG ISPR said when he said that it is a time to go beyond negotiations, its major focus is towards International community. Pointing out the escalated ceasefire violations committed by India along the LoC, he said “That’s needed to be stopped and for this to stop, International community has to come in.”
Iftikhar said the ceasefire violations frequency along the LoC was different from 2014 as there was a massive escalation in existing environment due to use of high caliber firearms. India has been using every kind of calibers and weaponry system along the LoC ranging from snipers to normal artillery ammunition to air-burst and smart ammunition.

“It’s been a massive escalation as far as ceasefire violations are concerned and as far as their lethality is concerned.”
Rejecting India’s allegations of infiltration attempts by Pakistan, he said a foolproof anti-infiltration grid was installed along the LoC which had three tiers. It started with mine fields and bunkers and then came fence, electronic gadgets, sensors and observations posts.
He said India had been propagating that 200 persons were sitting on jump-point to infiltrate into its territory which was a mere propaganda as India had already taken all sort of measures to prevent infiltration into its area.
It was humanly not possible to infiltrate from a counter-infiltration grid system, installed along the LoC. The spokesman said the world already knew about the ground situation along the LoC as the visits of foreign delegates including ambassadors and journalists were being arranged frequently. India used to increase cease fire violations in an attempt to launch a false flag operation as it did in the past, he said, citing example of fake surgical strikes in 2016 and Pulwama incident in 2019.

India could not dare to attack Pakistan due to our preparations and presence along the LoC. The Pak army is absolutely prepared to respond any Indian misadventure, he stressed while responding to a query.

Full-scale war threat exists between Pakistan-India: DG ISPR

Full-scale war threat exists between Pakistan-India: DG ISPR

September 27, 2020

Director General Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) Major General Babar Iftikhar has said that Indian aggressive behaviour and ceasefire violations along the Line of Control (LoC) gave indication of a full-scale war between India and Pakistan.
“The threat of a full-scale between India and Pakistan exists as such instances has been witnessed during the past and its main reason is India’s belligerence and preparations,” he told the private channel during the visit of a foreign delegation to the LoC, arranged by the ISPR the other day.
The DG ISPR said when he said that it is a time to go beyond negotiations, its major focus is towards International community. Pointing out the escalated ceasefire violations committed by India along the LoC, he said “That’s needed to be stopped and for this to stop, International community has to come in.”
Iftikhar said the ceasefire violations frequency along the LoC was different from 2014 as there was a massive escalation in existing environment due to use of high caliber firearms. India has been using every kind of calibers and weaponry system along the LoC ranging from snipers to normal artillery ammunition to air-burst and smart ammunition.

“It’s been a massive escalation as far as ceasefire violations are concerned and as far as their lethality is concerned.”
Rejecting India’s allegations of infiltration attempts by Pakistan, he said a foolproof anti-infiltration grid was installed along the LoC which had three tiers. It started with mine fields and bunkers and then came fence, electronic gadgets, sensors and observations posts.
He said India had been propagating that 200 persons were sitting on jump-point to infiltrate into its territory which was a mere propaganda as India had already taken all sort of measures to prevent infiltration into its area.
It was humanly not possible to infiltrate from a counter-infiltration grid system, installed along the LoC. The spokesman said the world already knew about the ground situation along the LoC as the visits of foreign delegates including ambassadors and journalists were being arranged frequently. India used to increase cease fire violations in an attempt to launch a false flag operation as it did in the past, he said, citing example of fake surgical strikes in 2016 and Pulwama incident in 2019.

India could not dare to attack Pakistan due to our preparations and presence along the LoC. The Pak army is absolutely prepared to respond any Indian misadventure, he stressed while responding to a query.

DIG-ISPR is wasting his time, India will make any excuse to attack Pakistan and integrate and subjugate Kashmir. We can expect a full blown attack across all fronts but their goal is to invade Azad Kashmir and take whole of Kashmir. The public should be given information and training for war with appropriate bomb/nuke shelters and food and water ration plans. When you have Nazis across the border anything is possible and Pakistan must be prepared for full scale all out war. India will no doubt make distractionary attacks along the south. Do we have enough DU armour piercing rockets to keep their tanks at bay?
DIG-ISPR is wasting his time, India will make any excuse to attack Pakistan and integrate and subjugate Kashmir. We can expect a full blown attack across all fronts but their goal is to invade Azad Kashmir and take whole of Kashmir. The public should be given information and training for war with appropriate bomb/nuke shelters and food and water ration plans. When you have Nazis across the border anything is possible and Pakistan must be prepared for full scale all out war. India will no doubt make distractionary attacks along the south. Do we have enough DU armour piercing rockets to keep their tanks at bay?
DIG-ISPR is wasting his time, India will make any excuse to attack Pakistan and integrate and subjugate Kashmir. We can expect a full blown attack across all fronts but their goal is to invade Azad Kashmir and take whole of Kashmir. The public should be given information and training for war with appropriate bomb/nuke shelters and food and water ration plans. When you have Nazis across the border anything is possible and Pakistan must be prepared for full scale all out war. India will no doubt make distractionary attacks along the south. Do we have enough DU armour piercing rockets to keep their tanks at bay?

hey you want dogs of war just call brit Pakistanis most of them from Azad Kashmir. i swear they do a good job unlike lazy natives in azad k.
Those are the other side Kashmir. Azad k over sea paks i give you my word much more robust than lazy Azad k born comfortable idiots. bollywood loving is not oversea paks (azad k) pastime but Pakistan natives.

It’s not common knowledge the other side is lazy. Theirs been historically less reported. But Pakistani Kashmiris fight like lions.
Oppression of the Kashmiri people by Indian military cannot go unanswered.

War is being thrust upon Pakistan today and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is being left with no choice but to face the crazy and the belligerent enemy on the battlefield for the final battle.
So, what is the solution?

General Saab should know might is right.

The section of international community especially after Uae, saudi and bahrain affair who used to offer lip service to Pakistan is now dissolved.

Need to militarize Pakistan and have a big budget.
Full-scale war threat exists between Pakistan-India: DG ISPR

Full-scale war threat exists between Pakistan-India: DG ISPR

September 27, 2020

Director General Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) Major General Babar Iftikhar has said that Indian aggressive behaviour and ceasefire violations along the Line of Control (LoC) gave indication of a full-scale war between India and Pakistan.
“The threat of a full-scale between India and Pakistan exists as such instances has been witnessed during the past and its main reason is India’s belligerence and preparations,” he told the private channel during the visit of a foreign delegation to the LoC, arranged by the ISPR the other day.
The DG ISPR said when he said that it is a time to go beyond negotiations, its major focus is towards International community. Pointing out the escalated ceasefire violations committed by India along the LoC, he said “That’s needed to be stopped and for this to stop, International community has to come in.”
Iftikhar said the ceasefire violations frequency along the LoC was different from 2014 as there was a massive escalation in existing environment due to use of high caliber firearms. India has been using every kind of calibers and weaponry system along the LoC ranging from snipers to normal artillery ammunition to air-burst and smart ammunition.

“It’s been a massive escalation as far as ceasefire violations are concerned and as far as their lethality is concerned.”
Rejecting India’s allegations of infiltration attempts by Pakistan, he said a foolproof anti-infiltration grid was installed along the LoC which had three tiers. It started with mine fields and bunkers and then came fence, electronic gadgets, sensors and observations posts.
He said India had been propagating that 200 persons were sitting on jump-point to infiltrate into its territory which was a mere propaganda as India had already taken all sort of measures to prevent infiltration into its area.
It was humanly not possible to infiltrate from a counter-infiltration grid system, installed along the LoC. The spokesman said the world already knew about the ground situation along the LoC as the visits of foreign delegates including ambassadors and journalists were being arranged frequently. India used to increase cease fire violations in an attempt to launch a false flag operation as it did in the past, he said, citing example of fake surgical strikes in 2016 and Pulwama incident in 2019.

India could not dare to attack Pakistan due to our preparations and presence along the LoC. The Pak army is absolutely prepared to respond any Indian misadventure, he stressed while responding to a query.

Mashallah finally a prime minster I can get behind who is willing to go to war for Pakistan. This is the first call to war to protect Pakistan

So within one and half year of Feb 19, Pakistan is facing full scale ware from India.
What was that when Pakistan proper was targeted by India!!
Sending a bouquet of flowers!!

Why we didn't respond they way could have, and should have.
Indians only understand language of force.
We have to take the Bollywood out of the Indians. It has to be done, for them to realise reality.
So much craziness is shown in the world around these recent months... Like the earth is thristy for blood

its like guardian angels got sick of humans and Allah let them have a break to teach us a lesson
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