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Full-Fledged Chinese Military Complex In Doklam, Show Satellite Pics

Okay , once and for all the dummies :

1.Entire Doklam is disputed territory between china and Bhutan .

2. It's North Doklam which the chinese forces has occupied for decades now . Bhutan has accepted chinese de facto occupation .

3. But by stop china from the building the road at southern Doklam last year , india has made sure South Doklam is defacto Bhutanese territory .

4. All chinese activities remain confined to North Doklam and China has done anything after disturb the status quo beyond the spot of dispute of last summer in south Doklam .
Wow, changing the goal post again huh? Have you ever checked the map and the satellite pictures. China had never ever occupied Doklam plateau for decades, there were only roads in that area. Due to it's disputed nature, we were only patrolling in that area up until now. The main base had always been Yadong in Chumbi Valley.

So after this when we occupy the ridge, are you gonna say we have been occupying it for decades? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:. Damn, you still want to save face till the end. Here is a map for your recap.


Batang La/Merug La/Senche La was the so called Indian recognized border, the whole region beyond that was disputed. Hence China wanted to negotiate with Bhutan to exchange territory. Roads was build all around the plateau but no defensive structure nor soldier were stationed there. The strategic portion was the plateau currently occupied by China.

There had never been South or North Doklam, there is Doklam which consists of Doklam plateau, Jampheri Ridge and the valleys of Amo Chu. You are trying really hard to SAVE FACE HERE. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
It's the same place, the very spot that Indians transgressed last year. Just compare the contour of the road, Indians trench outline to the west, & the natural relief of the land.

Google map - https://www.google.com.sg/maps/@27.2928598,88.9163794,565a,35y,306.78h,25.46t/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en


Use BING maps, it's clearer. This was the point of conflict and end of the road before the construction. The greyish high grade paved roads are Chinese, while those mud tracks are Indian, at the end of the mud tracks is an Indian base. Based on your picture above we build a base right next to that end point.



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Use BING maps, it's clearer. This was the point of conflict and end of the road before the construction. The greyish high grade paved roads are Chinese, while those mud tracks are Indian, at the end of the mud tracks is an Indian base. Based on your picture above we build a base right next to that end point.

View attachment 448649

So... Now Indian troops have permanent neighbors up there. :lol:

Hello neighbor! :wave:
There had never been South or North Doklam, there is Doklam which consists of Doklam plateau, Jampheri Ridge and the valleys of Amo Chu. You are trying really hard to SAVE FACE HERE.

Funny how so many Indians have come up with this new statement, "North Donglang is Chinese territory so it's fine for them to build there". :lol:
He is mocking the Indian position of China having "occupied" Donglang.

Since from China's position, all of this is normal and uncontroversial.

Yeah I fully aware that Han Patriot didn't mean china is "occupying" DongLang, I just try to remind everyone that we shouldn't follow the western news report of using the term china "occupy" DongLang, it should be china garrison DongLang. ;)
Did they construct the road in Disputed territory? Answer is big NO. So dear chinese friends stop day dreaming and let us debate when you construct road. PLAs few battalions are worthless in that region against IA build up. This is the territory where IA will always hold upper hand.
Did they construct the road in Disputed territory? Answer is big NO. So dear chinese friends stop day dreaming and let us debate when you construct road. PLAs few battalions are worthless in that region against IA build up. This is the territory where IA will always hold upper hand.

LOL, Donglang IS the disputed territory.

Or are you going to claim that Donglang is now Chinese territory?
Did they construct the road in Disputed territory? Answer is big NO. So dear chinese friends stop day dreaming and let us debate when you construct road. PLAs few battalions are worthless in that region against IA build up. This is the territory where IA will always hold upper hand.
You can go back to sleep.
China is just building defenses to stop future rogue intruders.
Go along now, nothing for India to worry here.
China will call and inform Modi if and when they finish the road that you insist China must build.
You can go back to sleep.
China is just building defenses to stop future rogue intruders.
Go along now, nothing for India to worry here.
China will call and inform Modi if and when they finish the road that you insist China must build.

You cannot till 2023. Till then keep laying roads here and there but not in disputed territory.
This time, the Dragon ain't Joking around :china: but lets hope that the conflict resolve peacefully
Too late. China officially recognized India an enemy now. India replaced Japan as enemy#2. Congratulations to Modi for achieving his goal

I don't know. Of course, after 6 years, given Chinese construction power, anything is possible. I am just a little surprised. That is a lot of work.
Understandable for an American. American is I think I can. Chinese is more like I know I can. Chinese can tackle harshest environment for infrastructure. Look at SW China infrastructure.

Trying to change their unshakable conviction that India is the winner and China was humiliated? Good luck! If they could believe they were SP 2012, they would believe anything that make them feel good.

They are desperately in need a "win" over China, big or small, true or false. :lol:
Indian victory on PDF. Means jack.
You cannot till 2023. Till then keep laying roads here and there but not in disputed territory.
I remember India saying Donglang is disputed territory and India is defending the sovereignty of Bhutan.
Now that China is controlling the whole plateau, India is dancing to another tune.
So you agree that Donglang belong to China now, is not disputed territory anymore.
Good for you, that should be the way to behave towards China, a superior power to India by far, to avoid obliteration, good boy.
The area of dispute is called Donglang. Which India officially considers to be Bhutan's territory, and thus protected by a full mutual defence treaty with India.

So why did India unilaterally retreat from Donglang, and allow China to build an enormous military base there, complete with multiple major roads, on the Donglang plateau which directly overlooks India's Chicken's Neck Corridor?

since its the same question..let me give you the same answer...you will understand why I call this topic a dead horse.

You see Doklam was/is a contention between China and Bhutan. Technically India is not even involved directly. Still I agree with you that India should go in since we have defence treaty with Bhutan. When Bhutan called for help (read again....when Bhutan called for help) India went to THE AREA and sweeped Chinese out of THE AREA (Where Bhutan didn't want Chinese army). Do keep in mind, that the Chinese army has been patrolling the other side (where you are making those micro Disney parks for your Chinese army) forever, even before there was any dispute in the region. Now pray tell me how does making bases on an area where India never objected to, is a setback for India..forget set back, how am I even supposed to be bothered as long as: 1. Chinese army do not try any adventure in the area where Bhutan had an objection and for which it called Indian army. 2. Unless Bhutan feels the need and gives a shout out to Indian army.

what you see right now (I know unimaginable for Chinese members since you are not used to seeing Chinese army on a backfoot) is nothing bhutan act of self healing. infact you not only make bases, but also make another Chinese wall in that area, we don't give a flying fish as long s you are not coming back on the disputed area. Also I kinda like the Chinese built up. China militarily has always been more equipped than India and for decades the infrastructure on the Chinese side of Himlayas has been always better. and today whetever infrastructure India has (at all) in the India side of Himalayan region, its only because of multiple intrusions by Chinese army and its threat. It is now well established that Chinese army is just a newspaper with warning articles and zero balls. So..my friend please build more infra and bases...thanks to your virtual threat, we have ITBP, tank regiments etc in the region... its like a wake up call to our ministers. So Thanks !! Now pleeease do not quote if you have nothing really substantial or real or new to ask or say. Honestly am tired of not only Chinese members forcefully claiming this to be a Chinese victory and indian defeat, but also Indian members replying to these self praising, ego massaging thread by Chinese members. If you are seriously interested...then PM me. I will get back.

Thanks and regards,
Mirza Jatt
with love. from Batala.

Another self denial Indian. The construction you see is definitely new and the distance the PLA place military hardware and even a permanent base not far from disputed is only result of Indian folly. Didn’t your media reported Chinese troops were never presence during winter time and permanent base at that area is non existent?

Now not only our troops are 24/7 at the area plus military heavy hardware like IFV and guns are nearby.

It’s more like Indian getting humiliated After failed to stand up for Bhutan :enjoy: Excuse Excuse Excuse... I can understand how Indian try to save face for themselves. The whole donglang is disputed by Indian on behalf of Bhutan. Suddenly become a small corner of 50m which to Indian is critical as a reason to
Save face. :rofl:

China threatened to beat India and the Indians chicken out from the area just like their chicken neck. :lol:

Your troops should get some rest. Trust me they are just getting worked up ever since they had to leave the disputed area. I feel bad for them. Don't let them suffer just to comfort your ego). Go think tonight what I'm saying. See you brother. Time will heal you. may god be with you.

Its just a small base man chill out. It's nothing major.

Trust me mate..I love these trolls. Forget the bases, its not even Indian land..lol.
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