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Frustated over racist attacks, Indian students hack into Australi Air Force website.


Mar 4, 2009
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Indian students in spotlight after RAAF hack attack


By Lexi Metherell for AM

AM | abc.net.au/am

Posted Fri Jul 17, 2009 7:02am AEST
Updated 11 hours 0 minutes ago
The RAAF website on July 16, 2009, when it was hacked

The RAAF website on July 16, 2009, when it was hacked by someone protesting against violent attacks on Indian students. (ABC News: Nic MacBean)

* Audio: Security breach highlights lingering resentment among Indian students (AM)

The Australian delegation sent to India to try to soothe anxiety over the attacks on Indian students has just finished its tour.

But an embarrassing security breach in Australia shows that not everyone is accepting the message that action is being taken to keep students safe.

A hacker has attacked the public website of the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), warning the Australian Government to stop the "racist attacks" or more websites will be hit.

The hacker, going by the name of Atul Dwivedi, wrote: "This is a warning message to Australian Government. Immediately take all measures to stop racist attacks against Indian students in Australia else I will pawn all your cyber properties like this one."

The hacker posted the message on the front page of the RAAF website earlier this week, forcing it to be shut down for about eight hours.

The Defence Department is quick to point out that only the external RAAF website was hit but is quiet on whether any sensitive information was compromised.

It says the breach is under active investigation.

An Australian Federal Police spokesman says the matter has not been referred to it for investigation.

Gautam Gupta from the Australian-based Federation of Indian Students disagrees with the hacker's method but he supports the sentiment of the message.

"This view is very clearly not about Australia but about the Australian Government's inaction," he said.

"He has called the Australian Government for action and he has asked Australian Government to take some action to stop these attacks on Indian students, which is very much the view that I think most of the people hold - that the Australian Government has been extremely lazy in stemming these issues."

Soothing anxiety

The spate of attacks on Indian students, particularly in Sydney and Melbourne in recent months, sparked intense media attention in India.

An Australian delegation, which included Education Department officials and a Victorian Assistant Police Commissioner, has just wrapped up a week long visit to India to try to soothe the anxiety the attacks have generated.

This week's hacking of the website has scored some air time.

But a senior editor at India's Hindustan Times newspaper says the story is largely old news in India.

And Pramit Pal Chaudhuri says the delegation arrived too late to generate much public interest.

"At least in the major newspapers in Delhi, they just got about two or three inches of press coverage because by then already you had seen a fair amount of disinterest building up into the media as the story sort of began to fade off of page one and deeper and deeper into the newspaper," he said.

But he says the damage may already have been done.

"Speaking with Australian diplomats who are serving here, they have not quantified the numbers, [but there has been] a very sharp drop in student visa applications and their only hope really is that they will recover as this entire issue sort of fades away," he said

Indian students in spotlight after RAAF hack attack - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
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I tell you these chinese and india kids are friggin retard looool . these student are really kick arse - funyn though.

but hwat are they trying to acheive from this step ????
btw they restored the website,
I wounder what kind of safegaurding do these guys have as this is the official site of RAAF.The same happend with some US govt websites allegedly by chinese.
Good Ausi needs more answer like these from Indians. He should paralyse Ausi banking, communication system too......
Aussies killed many innocent indian students in racist attacks:hitwall::angry:and am affraid after this thing aussies will show more anger police::police:
Aussies killed many innocent indian students in racist attacksand am affraid after this thing aussies will show more anger police
They did not kill any one.
I hate hacking. Thats why these Asussies needs a Barracuda Network: lol
I wonder how many Indian students in Australia? cause when I was in university from 02 to 06 in Canada, I had never seen a single Indian student for 4 years, though there are some Indian instructors.

The problem will be solved when the Indian economy develops to a certain point that the number of Indian students aboard become significant, just like the Chinese students all around the world today
I wonder how many Indian students in Australia? cause when I was in university from 02 to 06 in Canada, I had never seen a single Indian student for 4 years, though there are some Indian instructors.

The problem will be solved when the Indian economy develops to a certain point that the number of Indian students aboard become significant, just like the Chinese students all around the world today

Which university in Canada????? u must have studied in a chinese rural university in remote village in tundra part of Canada . For ur kind info indian student is 2nd after chinese in Canada.....
Never ever mess with Indian youths.:disagree: They may not respond with knife or gun but beware Australia.....They WILL hack ur systems to stoneages.:agree: Kudos to Atul Dwivedi.:tup:
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