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French savagery


Oct 2, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
In the 19th century, France shipped off the skulls of 37 resistance fighters to be stored at the Museum of Mankind in Paris. There are 18,000 skulls brought from across the world in the museum. Algeria has been demanding to return the skulls since 2011 for their burial -- a demand rejected by Paris.

However, recently it was reported that France would return the Algerian heroes' skulls to the country. But still refused to return almost 18,000 skulls of freedom fighters to their countries.

We can count plenty of reasons for this outstanding savagery from the French. First and most important is the colonial nature of this country, they remind thier current/former colonies of their past that the French once used to be their colonizers.

Secondly, French wants to keep its superiority complex alive, a part of their history that is made by other nations' skulls.





'An African girl fed by the outstretched hand of a white patron during 1958 Brussels World’s Fair featuring 'Congo Village' with visitors watching her from behind wooden fences.[3]'

Yup, Human Zoos!

Americans and Australians eventually created their own nations with natives as equal citizens, with special recognition and benefits. No doubt, non Anglo European powers were worse. Dutch created apartheid in South Africa. Belgians who are mostly French murdered 10 million in Congo. Systematic savagery, brutality, exploitation, enslavement and humiliation of the natives. Yet, mostly Middle Easterners, Africans, Iranians, Afghans, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis risk their lives to illegally get into these countries which is very perplexing. Mainland European history is of holocaust, pogroms, crusades, and genocides. Even a liberal, socialist country such as Sweden look at Syrians and Somalians as subjects to be civilized, for example the state forcibly takes away children from parents for minor reasons so the government can raise them.
Yet, mostly Middle Easterners, Africans, Iranians, Afghans, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis risk their lives to illegally get into these countries which is very perplexing. Mainland European history is of holocaust, pogroms, crusades, and genocides.
How many of them are aware of this?

Most of details of these horrors have become ubiquitous only due to the internet

Prior to internet only academic source of information on any historic event was Western academia, which will have its obvious colonial biases and narrative
How many of them are aware of this?

Most of details of these horrors have become ubiquitous only due to the internet

Prior to internet only academic source of information on any historic event was Western academia, which will have its obvious colonial biases and narrative
How can Middle Easterners and North Africans not be aware. They are the oldest colonized subjects in the world under Greek and Roman Empires. The latter was followed by centuries of Roman crusades and occupation in the medieval period, after which came western colonization and imperialism in the modern age. So, West Europeans have been at it for thousands of years! And, they have succeeded in many ways. For example, we are writing in a European language.
That skull from the second picture doesn’t look like human. Or am i wrong?

What France did to Algeria, no longer than 60 – 80 years ago​

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What France did to Algeria, no longer than 60 – 80 years ago​

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France commited genocide in Africa.
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