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French Navy Rafale M Fighters May Conduct Combat Missions From a US Navy CVN in 2017


Feb 25, 2014
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I always find it amazing how can French aircrafts operate on their aircraft carriers and the US aircrafts on ours. :cheers:

@LeveragedBuyout @C130 @Syed.Ali.Haider @F-22Raptor @AMDR @Nihonjin1051 @Khafee
@Taygibay Here's why we should at least maintain 2 aircraft carriers.I really hope the next president reconsiders to build the PA2. :sick:
French Navy (Marine Nationale) Rafale M carrier-based multirole fighters may conduct combat missions against the Islamic State (IS) in Iraq and Syria from a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier as soon as January 2017. The information comes from French TV channel TF1 (video in French). According to TF1 this subject was discussed between US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter and French Navy Rear Adm. Rene-Jean Crignola, Commander Task Force (CTF) 50.

The US Defense Secretary was visiting the French Navy aircraft carrier Charles De Gaulle on Saturday.


The reason why the French Navy would deploy its Rafale M aboard a US Navy aircraft carrier for combat operations is because of the planned major refit (Major Technical Shutdown or IPER in French) for France's sole aircraft carrier. The Charles De Gaulle next refit is scheduled for the start of 2017 and is expected to last a year and a half.

If this was to happen, it would be the first time that French Navy aircraft would fly actual combat missions from an American aircraft carrier. The US Navy and French Navy are used to demonstrate their interoperabilty and Rafale M fighters have landed and launched several times already, almost on a yearly basis. The most recent examples are March 2015 when the two allied navies teste, implemented and improved their interoperability while on theatre and while actively engaged in combat missions in the Gulf. In January 2014, the same type of training happened as well, while on theatre.

According to TF1, as many as 18 Rafale M could be deployed on the US Navy aircraft carrier. Some room would have to be made for the French Navy support crew as US Navy sailors are not familiar with maintaining the Rafale M aircraft. Likewise, room would have to be made for spare parts and ammunitions for the French aircraft.

French Navy Rafale M Fighters May Conduct Combat Missions From a US Navy CVN in 2017
I always find it amazing how can French aircrafts operate on their aircraft carriers and the US aircrafts on ours.

Interoperability is important. After all, the French carriers use US catapult systems. :D
I always find it amazing how can French aircrafts operate on their aircraft carriers and the US aircrafts on ours. :cheers:

@LeveragedBuyout @C130 @Syed.Ali.Haider @F-22Raptor @AMDR @Nihonjin1051 @Khafee
@Taygibay Here's why we should at least maintain 2 aircraft carriers.I really hope the next president reconsiders to build the PA2. :sick:
French Navy (Marine Nationale) Rafale M carrier-based multirole fighters may conduct combat missions against the Islamic State (IS) in Iraq and Syria from a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier as soon as January 2017. The information comes from French TV channel TF1 (video in French). According to TF1 this subject was discussed between US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter and French Navy Rear Adm. Rene-Jean Crignola, Commander Task Force (CTF) 50.

The US Defense Secretary was visiting the French Navy aircraft carrier Charles De Gaulle on Saturday.


The reason why the French Navy would deploy its Rafale M aboard a US Navy aircraft carrier for combat operations is because of the planned major refit (Major Technical Shutdown or IPER in French) for France's sole aircraft carrier. The Charles De Gaulle next refit is scheduled for the start of 2017 and is expected to last a year and a half.

If this was to happen, it would be the first time that French Navy aircraft would fly actual combat missions from an American aircraft carrier. The US Navy and French Navy are used to demonstrate their interoperabilty and Rafale M fighters have landed and launched several times already, almost on a yearly basis. The most recent examples are March 2015 when the two allied navies teste, implemented and improved their interoperability while on theatre and while actively engaged in combat missions in the Gulf. In January 2014, the same type of training happened as well, while on theatre.

According to TF1, as many as 18 Rafale M could be deployed on the US Navy aircraft carrier. Some room would have to be made for the French Navy support crew as US Navy sailors are not familiar with maintaining the Rafale M aircraft. Likewise, room would have to be made for spare parts and ammunitions for the French aircraft.

French Navy Rafale M Fighters May Conduct Combat Missions From a US Navy CVN in 2017

U.S and France should co-develop smaller conventional carriers.

Why The US Navy Should Build Smaller Aircraft Carriers
Interoperability is important. After all, the French carriers use US catapult systems.

Yes and yes and yet ... the limiting factor here is flattop dimensions i.e. smaller runway.
Less time for applied force ( even if the cats are identical ) means less weight launched.

The lighter French planes never had problems landing on the bigger US carriers.
What changed recently is that the US pilots that had the balls for it ( most did not ) were
allowed to land on the CDG even though below USN safety limits in runway length.
A C_2 did so too! Here. So no bug with the American naval aviators in fine except ...

that the C-2 cannot launch loaded nor can the SH be fully armed.​
With up to 5 000 kilos more in max take-off weight, the Suppa would be dipping hard at first.
( CDG deck is 260M of which 195 in runway vs 320/330/340m. Cat stroke is 75M instead of 90 on the Nimitz class. )
The F-35 will add 2000 kilos in max T-O weight. This limits interoperability down to CDG but
Rafales can be deployed as CVW after minor adjustments to USN carriers with C-13s.

Now if this ...
U.S and France should co-develop smaller conventional carriers.
came to be with French design a bit adapted to US requirements with 10M more cat stroke,
all would be peachy. I can only hope France would then go for 3 units ( to weigh in enough )
considering the gain in shared work for the overall series as funding for them.

The resulting class would normally be entirely interoperable. At the same time, both politically
and strategically speaking, one would not necessarily want to lose the small footprint way of
war favoured by France since the 1990s in which case unit level integration may be more fitting
with such projects only at the very high end of transformation.

Time will tell, Tay.
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I always find it amazing how can French aircrafts operate on their aircraft carriers and the US aircrafts on ours. :cheers:

@LeveragedBuyout @C130 @Syed.Ali.Haider @F-22Raptor @AMDR @Nihonjin1051 @Khafee
@Taygibay Here's why we should at least maintain 2 aircraft carriers.I really hope the next president reconsiders to build the PA2. :sick:
French Navy (Marine Nationale) Rafale M carrier-based multirole fighters may conduct combat missions against the Islamic State (IS) in Iraq and Syria from a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier as soon as January 2017. The information comes from French TV channel TF1 (video in French). According to TF1 this subject was discussed between US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter and French Navy Rear Adm. Rene-Jean Crignola, Commander Task Force (CTF) 50.

The US Defense Secretary was visiting the French Navy aircraft carrier Charles De Gaulle on Saturday.


The reason why the French Navy would deploy its Rafale M aboard a US Navy aircraft carrier for combat operations is because of the planned major refit (Major Technical Shutdown or IPER in French) for France's sole aircraft carrier. The Charles De Gaulle next refit is scheduled for the start of 2017 and is expected to last a year and a half.

If this was to happen, it would be the first time that French Navy aircraft would fly actual combat missions from an American aircraft carrier. The US Navy and French Navy are used to demonstrate their interoperabilty and Rafale M fighters have landed and launched several times already, almost on a yearly basis. The most recent examples are March 2015 when the two allied navies teste, implemented and improved their interoperability while on theatre and while actively engaged in combat missions in the Gulf. In January 2014, the same type of training happened as well, while on theatre.

According to TF1, as many as 18 Rafale M could be deployed on the US Navy aircraft carrier. Some room would have to be made for the French Navy support crew as US Navy sailors are not familiar with maintaining the Rafale M aircraft. Likewise, room would have to be made for spare parts and ammunitions for the French aircraft.

French Navy Rafale M Fighters May Conduct Combat Missions From a US Navy CVN in 2017
Does it means some kind of advertising campgain with understanding between US & France that US supplies EMALS , AAG & E2D and france supplying Rafale M to indian navies proposed INS Vishal ?
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