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French Nationalist politician called Andres Breivik (Oslo bomber ) an icon


Aug 15, 2009
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A member of the French right wing party Front National (UN) has been suspended after he supported the terror accused Anders Behring Breivik on his blog

Jacques Coutela, who was a candidate for the United Nations at the local elections in March and raging against Islam on his blog, calling Breivik an icon and the main defender of Europe.
Compares Breivik with army

He also compares Breivik by Charles Martell, the military driver who stopped the rise of Islam in Western Europe in the seventh century.

Secretary General of the National Front, Steeve Briois, said Coutela be suspended and must answer for themselves in a disciplinary committee of the party.

Coutela removed quickly post on his blog and said that he supports terrorism, even when terror has its roots in the ideas he shares.

See also: 1003 people should have received Breivik's Manifesto

Another UN member, Laurent Ozon, who sent several Twitter messages in which he linked the attack to the increasing immigration in Norway, is not suspended. He says he has received a reminder from the party leadership of the party line.

Read also: Fear of terror in Norway will inspire others
SD politician understands Breivik

Also in Sweden has a message of support to Breivik come from a nationalist.

A local politician in Sweden Democrats (SD) believe that the massacre in Norway due to mass immigration and Islamization. His party is opposed to the statement.

On his blog, the municipal politician Erik Hell Born in Varberg that he did not feel embarrassed to be agreed with Anders Behring Breivik's goal.

"If there was Islamization and mass immigration had not been something that could have Breivik to do what he did," he writes.

- The ultimate responsibility always lies with the perpetrator, but you should discuss the underlying causes that drove him was the multi-culture, says Hell Born to newspaper Halland News.

Initiative does not fall on good ground with the party leadership, writes Expressen.

- This is not Sweden Democrats align themselves with, said party spokesman Martin Kinnunen.

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