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French National Front party wins bellwether by-election


Aug 13, 2013
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BBC News - French National Front party wins bellwether by-election

A candidate for the French far-right National Front (FN) party has won a by-election in the south-east, amid signs the party is gaining in strength.

Laurent Lopez won a seat in the Var regional council, defeating the centre-right UMP with 53.9% of votes.

Speaking on TV, FN leader Marine Le Pen said the results showed "a real desire for change by the French".

The party, once seen as a pariah in French politics, has made significant gains in popularity in recent months.

It has been expanding its appeal to disillusioned Socialist and opposition UMP voters with promises on crime and illegal immigrants.

'A lesson to the left'
Sunday's run-off poll was for a seat in the town of Brignoles, near Toulon.

Observers say the FN win there suggests the party may make gains in the 2014 municipal and European Parliament elections.

"This victory with an unambiguous score and a record turnout demonstrated that the National Front is a unifying party," Mr Lopez said after the results were announced.

He defeated UMP candidate Catherine Delzers to take one of 43 seats in the Var council.

Speaking on TV after the results were announced, Ms Le Pen said her party could win "hundreds, maybe a thousand" seats in local elections next March.

President Francois Hollande's party did not field its own candidate in the first round of voting, instead opting to back a Communist ally who failed to make it to Sunday's run-off.

The Socialist Party subsequently called on left-wing voters to back the opposition UMP but still failed to avert an FN victory.

President Hollande has seen a continuous fall in popularity levels since being elected last year, largely attributed to his failure to stem high unemployment rates and mounting concerns over crime.

Reacting to the by-election result, Socialist Party spokesman Eduardo Rihan-Cypel told LCI TV: "This should serve as a lesson to the left as a whole."

A poll of voting intentions for the European Parliament elections in May 2014 put the FN party ahead of France's two mainstream parties for the first time in any nationwide vote.

The Ifop poll for the Nouvel Observateur magazine said the FN was tipped to secure 24% of the vote and was "clearly ahead of both the (ruling) Socialist Party and the UMP", according to the Agence France-Presse news agency.

Marine Le Pen's party secured 17.9% of the votes in the first round of voting in last year's presidential election. It now holds dozens of local seats across France and two seats in Parliament.
It's not a really good new for me:tdown:
I've been too paying little attention to politics for too long, but I suspect this victory has more due to the local pupulation's perception of the local and global politics, annd of the slight effect of the global recession than any real efforts or the apparent political foresight of MLP. Anyway, a different scene from the days her father hung 'n'ayez pas peur' banners on parisian streets. And bad news for the Africans in France.
If they win the goverment somebody is going back to Hanoi :lol:
Saigon for me
I've been too paying little attention to politics for too long, but I suspect this victory has more due to the local pupulation's perception of the local and global politics, annd of the slight effect of the global recession than any real efforts or the apparent political foresight of MLP. Anyway, a different scene from the days her father hung 'n'ayez pas peur' banners on parisian streets. And bad news for the Africans in France.

You joke? You're a connoisseur

The country is goind down in all aspects: political, economical, sociological... Like all countries led by the zionists
İ don't understand how these people that scream the most of zionism, somehow don't seem to have a probşem to live in a "zionist" country :). Dear god, what a fail!
Do i have the choice? If Iran, Russia arm the protesters in France, i would be among them.
Do i have the choice? If Iran, Russia arm the protesters in France, i would be among them.

Yes you have! Go to another country which is not a " zionist state " in your eyes. No one makes you stay right?
Then freaking leave, don't eat from the hand of the "zionists" .
Do i have the choice? If Iran, Russia arm the protesters in France, i would be among them.

Yes you have! Go to another country which is not a " zionist state " in your eyes. No one makes you stay right?
Then freaking leave, don't eat from the hand of the "zionists" .
Yes you have! Go to another country which is not a " zionist state " in your eyes. No one makes you stay right?
Then freaking leave, don't eat from the hand of the "zionists" .

So why you bombed Libya to help the beheading "protesters" if protesting is bad?
So why you bombed Libya to help the beheading "protesters" if protesting is bad?

We didn't bombed Libya, We only sent 4 Frigates plus 1 submarine for naval blockade.
We didn't bombed Libya, We only sent 4 Frigates plus 1 submarine for naval blockade.

You would if you could, as you are bullying Syria and sending Al Qaeda for NATO

They needn't you, they were at least 20 against Libya + Al Qaeda insects, as usually the courage of NATO.
You would if you could, as you are bullying Syria and sending Al Qaeda for NATO

They needn't you, they were at least 20 against Libya + Al Qaeda insects, as usually the courage of NATO.

You never answered his question. You had the choice to go to Saudi Arabia, Iran, Qatar, Jordan, China, India - all Anti Zionist nations. But you chose France. Your obsession hints at a secret admiration for zionists.
You would if you could, as you are bullying Syria and sending Al Qaeda for NATO

They needn't you, they were at least 20 against Libya + Al Qaeda insects, as usually the courage of NATO.

When i busted your lie ( as you are a liar who lies in every topic) you start to use assumptions. So much for your knowledge.
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