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French jet 'destroys Libya plane'


Aug 17, 2010
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United Arab Emirates
A French warplane has destroyed a Libyan plane which had been flying in breach of the UN no-fly zone, French officials say.The plane, a smaller trainer aircraft, had just landed in the besieged city of Misrata when it was attacked, they say.

It is the first incident of its kind since enforcement of the zone began.

Dozens of coalition missiles have already hit military bases, with the aim of ending Col Muammar Gaddafi's ability to launch air attacks.

UK officials said on Wednesday that Libya's air force no longer existed as a fighting force.

Single engine

Initial reports of the French action said the Libyan plane, a G-2/Galeb with a single engine, was in the air when it was hit.

But French military spokesman Col Thierry Burkhard later said the plane had just landed when the attack took place.

The French jet, a Rafale, fired an air-to-ground missile, other reports said.

Earlier, the French military said their planes had hit an air base about 250km (155 miles) south of the Libyan coastline, but did not give any further information on the location of the target or the damage.

Western military planes were also said to have hit the town of Sebha in southern Libya, according to residents and media reports.

Fresh fighting has meanwhile been reported in Misrata, scene of a bitter battle for control which has lasted for many days.

One doctor quoted by the AFP news agency said pro-Gaddafi forces had killed more than 100 people and injured 1,300 in the past week.

Misrata resident Muhammad told the BBC many large explosions were heard overnight in the city.

"Even now, we continue to hear the aeroplanes circling the air above Misrata," he said.

"Gaddafi's forces have occupied the main street - there are snipers all along the rooftops of that street. They are firing indiscriminately into the main street and the back streets.

"But the heavy artillery and shelling has stopped since yesterday [Wednesday]. In that sense, we are in a much better position."

Further east in the strategically important city of Ajdabiya, residents described shelling, gunfire and houses on fire. One report said rebels were moving closer to the city but remained outgunned by pro-Gaddafi forces.

In the main eastern city of Benghazi, rebel spokesman Mustafa Gheriani told the BBC that 17,000 fighters had set out from the city to join the battle to the west.

Although he admitted that the rebel forces were on a "learning curve", he insisted that they all knew how to operate their weapons and were committed.

"We will slowly advance," he said. "[Gaddafi's forces] have no reason to fight, no cause, while we do.

"We have given so much blood and we're willing to give some more if we have to."

Nato debate

Nato members have been holding talks about assuming responsibility for the no-fly zone over Libya, so far without agreement.

The US is keen to relinquish its current control, but there are disagreements about who should take on the role, and what the exact terms of engagement would be.

Turkey wants any Nato-led action to focus directly on enforcing the no-fly zone and arms embargo, rather than allowing any continuing strikes against ground forces.

The Turkish parliament has backed a government decision to join the blockade. Four frigates, a submarine and a support vessel are being provided by Turkey.

In a separate development, African Union chairman Jean Ping has invited members of the Libyan government and opposition to talks in Ethiopia.

Representatives of the European Union, the UN Security Council and neighbouring countries have also been invited to the talks, scheduled to be held in Addis Ababa on Friday
Hold on to your seats guys, this might be the first time in history France will WIN a war.

They haven't painted their planes white yet. It's a good sign!
Hold on to your seats guys, this might be the first time in history France will WIN a war.

They haven't painted their planes white yet. It's a good sign!
such hatred of France
they won first world war against Germany
and many before
and the second war wiht alliance

Why so much hatred?
such hatred of France
they won first world war against Germany
and many before
and the second war wiht alliance

Why so much hatred?

France was the country with the absolute least contribution in WW2 and WW1.
France was the country with the absolute least contribution in WW2 and WW1.
WW2 > less than English and far less than Americans
WW1 > it was the main force
1.4 million victimes of this war = first victim.

so get some education before writing thanks

france 800 000 soldiers at the beginning compared to the 850 000 german soldiers
england at start 70 000
usa entered late with canada
russia 1 300 000 soldiers but without formation most of them. and you know what happened with revolution.
Yes France had millions under arms in WW I by far the largest ally vs. the Germans and the old Austro Hungarian Empire, which included Turkey as our enemy in WW I under their Ottoman Empire.

My late father, Corporal Bennett Powell Singleton, was a Squad Leader in the 31st Infantry Division, made up of Army National Guard soldiers from Alabama and Mississippi. Corporal Singleton, who was historically America's youngest veteran of WW I, was only two weeks past his 14th birthday when he enlisted in the Alabama Army National Guard, and two weeks later President Wilson declared war and Corporal Singleton was off to war in France. Corporal Singleton told the Alabama Army National Guard Recruiting Sergeant that he was 18, and being over 6 feet tall and athletic, the Sgt. "believed" he was age 18 and did not realize he had just turned age 14! * B. P. Singleton like all others enlisted as a Private; he became a Corporal after his Regiment was immediately posted to Camp Gordon, today's Fort Gordon, in Georgia for training before shipping out from the Port of Mobile, Alabama for France.

My Uncle on my Mother's side (her older brother), PFC James Irving Gillis, was in the Rainbow Division, which was made up of another element of the Alabama Army National Guard combined with Army National Guard soldiers from New York and New Jersey, and various other states. Hence the name 'Rainbow" Division to reflect men from several different states in the same single division.

***Brigadier General Douglas MacArthur was deputy division commander of the Rainbow Division at the start of WW I. To help young historians in WW II General of the Army (five stars) MacArthur led the defense and later invasion to re-take the Philippines from the Japanese. General MacArthur then became the Military Governor of Japan and at the time of the Korean War was placed in command of all US and UN Forces deployed to South Korea.

Both Corporal Singleton and PFC Gillis were wounded in France. My Uncle was wounded three times, the third time he permanently lost all , 100%, of his hearing and was deaf for the rest of his life. PFC Gillis was gassed twice (poison gas) which in later years led to his death from lung cancer.

War is not a game. It is awful and the after effects of war on those wounded who survive any and all wars are horrendous. Let alone the after effects on their family and friends of dealing with those wounded physically and mentally for the rest of their natural lives from and in all wars.
Remember when EU rose a stink over US invasion of Iraq? Now we know they're a bunch of hypocrites. Western arrogance is the same from both shores of the Atlantic.
WW2 > less than English and far less than Americans
WW1 > it was the main force
1.4 million victimes of this war = first victim.

so get some education before writing thanks

Première Guerre mondiale - Wikipédia
france 800 000 soldiers at the beginning compared to the 850 000 german soldiers
england at start 70 000
usa entered late with canada
russia 1 300 000 soldiers but without formation most of them. and you know what happened with revolution.

How many Axis did France kill vs. how many Axis did every other country kill?

In terms of head counts, #1 is USSR, #2 is USA, #3 is China

USSR: 5 million Axis killed 5 million Axis captured
USA: 2 million Jap anese killed, 500,000 Germans killed
China: 800,000-1.77 million Jap anese killed

France: 163,650 Axis killed
UK: ???

Eastern Front (World War II) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Eastern Front (World War II) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Second Sino-Japanese War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Battle of France - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Remember when EU rose a stink over US invasion of Iraq? Now we know they're a bunch of hypocrites. Western arrogance is the same from both shores of the Atlantic.
France was totally against the invasion
and Europe as well: it was so unpopular here that people were in streets for protest (i was not there but i can see the videos and all the programs speaking about it). it is not anti american but a big disagreement . even friends can have .
How many Axis did France kill vs. how many Axis did every other country kill?

In terms of head counts, #1 is USSR, #2 is USA, #3 is China

USSR: 5 million Axis killed 5 million Axis captured
USA: 2 million Jap anese killed, 500,000 Germans killed
China: 800,000-1.77 million Jap anese killed

France: 163,650 Axis killed
UK: ???

Eastern Front (World War II) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Eastern Front (World War II) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Second Sino-Japanese War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Battle of France - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
yes you're right about second war
chinese russian americans you paid much more the price of this war. i know how terrible it was for chinese people.
but France was invaded and a fascist self elected decided to be friend with Hitler. Some people escaped France and went to RAF or other english forces , some in north africa.

The problem is you said that French never won anything
I say : NO
And about paying the big price of a war: just come here in France! you see even the smallest village they have a big stone with all people dead names on it during the first war:10% of the young French died! 10% you can imagine? it is a big trauma here
Yes, my wife and I vacationed a few summers back in France. We stayed with friends for four days in Paris, then at a new (affordable) hotel in Honfleur on the sea coast, near Le Harve. Paris was full of WW I and WW II museums and memorials. Very meaningful to us was the Honfleur top of a hill looking out over the Channel French WW I village or town Memorial, with neat gardens, statue, and names on huge plaques for the honored French dead of WW I.

Also ,memorable was a little tiny French village on a side road several miles off a main French highway (we flew Alabama Air National Guard refueling tanker as retired USAF space available) in and out of Europe via the then USAF Base at Spangdhalhiem) North of Paris...19 rural homes total, everyone blood kin to everyone else living there...with a WW I Victory Statue and honored French WW I war named dead from that little village (name of village escapes me just now) on huge bronze plaques at the foot and all sides of the statue.

My wife who majored in French at Cornell University spoke with the oldest resident of the village (we stayed in a rented bedroom, room and board for a very reasonable price, wife of the couple of the house cooked meals to order for us). My wife conversed in fluent French with a 95 year old very perky French Widow who was a little girl there during WW I. That discussion, in French, of how many village Frenchmen did and didn't return home to their families in this tiny village was "sobering."
...and yet another country under the axe, and the Crusade continues.
...and yet another country under the axe, and the Crusade continues.
Crusade is the word used by Kadhafi.
Maybe you are a fan of him. That's your problem then.
It is not a crusade. It is an help so people don't be massacred.
It is voted by UNO, not by your so called "crusaders"

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