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French hospital discovers Covid-19 case from December

Hate to put a dampener on the early celebrations in this thread:


"Knowing who was the first is critical to understanding how the virus spread but Cohen said it was too early to know whether the patient was France’s “patient zero”

“He was sick for 15 days and infected his two children, but not his wife, who works in a supermarket,” he said.

“He was amazed. He didn’t understand how he had been infected. We put the puzzle together and he had not made any trips. The only contact that he had was with his wife.”

"The man’s wife worked alongside a sushi stand, close to colleagues of Chinese origin, Cohen said. It was not clear whether those colleagues had travelled to China, and the local health authority should investigate, he added."
China donates 600,000 masks to Singapore
05 May 2020

Thank you China.
Help is much appreciated.
You are 可靠后盾

WHO urges countries to investigate early COVID-19 cases

French hospital finds it treated a man with COVID-19 nearly one month before government confirmed first cases
May 05, 2020

The World Health Organization said on Tuesday that a report that COVID-19 had emerged in December in France, sooner than previously thought, was "not surprising," and urged countries to investigate any other early suspicious cases.

The disease later identified as COVID-19 was first reported by Chinese authorities to the WHO on Dec. 31 and was not previously believed to have spread to Europe until January.

"This gives a whole new picture on everything,"
WHO spokesman Christian Lindmeier told a UN briefing in Geneva, referring to the French reports.

"The findings help to better understand the potential virus circulation of COVID-19."

Other possible earlier cases could emerge after retesting samples, he said.
Coronavirus was circulating in France in December, case report suggests
By Yasemin Saplakoglu

First Published 10 hours ago
The coronavirus may have been circulating around the world earlier than thought.

The coronavirus was
circulating in France as early as December, new evidence suggests.

Doctors in France discovered that a patient who went to the hospital in late December with respiratory symptoms was positive for COVID-19, according to The Guardian. The man contracted the virus nearly a month before France confirmed its first cases. But it's still not clear how the man was infected, as he wasn't traveling. Doctors also can't say whether or not the man was France's "patient zero."

The doctors discovered the patient while testing samples taken in December and January from 24 patients who had all tested negative for the flu. One of the samples, taken from a patient on Dec. 27, tested positive for COVID-19.

The doctors had originally collected the samples to test for the flu using a polymerase chain reaction test — the same test used to detect the new coronavirus — which searches for bits of viral genetic material.

The patient, a 43-year-old man from Bobigny, likely became infected sometime between Dec. 14 and Dec. 22, according to the BBC. He presented to the hospital with a dry cough, a fever and trouble breathing on Dec. 27.

He was sick for 15 days and had infected his two children, but not his wife, Dr. Yves Cohen, the head of resuscitation at the Avicenne and Jean Verdier hospitals in Paris told France's BFM TV on May 3. It's too early to know whether or not this patient was France's "patient zero," he added.
Damn, Chinese posters are going crazy posting this one news several times.

The propaganda room must be very busy
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By Jan 2, 2020, 41 admitted hospital patients had been identified as having laboratory-confirmed 2019-nCoV infection.

Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan closed January 1
Have patience.
More cases will surface that will reveal the origin of COVID-19.
Right back to the US.
Belleville mayor has coronavirus antibodies, believes he had COVID-19 months ago
April 30, 2020
Belleville Mayor Michael Melham said he has tested positive for coronavirus antibodies, adding that he believes he was sick with the virus in November — more than a month before doctors in China first reported cases of the new disease.

Time will tell, lets wait for it.
By Jan 2, 2020, 41 admitted hospital patients had been identified as having laboratory-confirmed 2019-nCoV infection.
Errr. Correction. Unknown respiratory disease. How did China know it was Corona virus on Jan 2 ?

You just proved China acted very fast.
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Errr. Correction. Unknown respiratory disease. How did China know it was Corona virus on Jan 2 ?

The February Lancet article is just replaying a timeline of events

You just proved China acted very fast.

They didn't close it because there were just 4 people around that time that's for sure
So i guess orange clown was wrong blaming china And his minimi pumpaeoooo lol venting verbal vomit left and right to cover up own govt failures.

Ah will love to see what happen on nov 5....if this keep continue clown will be asking Americans to elect him while standing on pile of few hundred thousand dead body....10 million job less and 6 trillion more debt....

I guess Americans will be tired of winning after all by then lol.
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