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French gone crazy..... again

They belong to nations. And I want each nation to preserve it's culture and traditions and not become something else.
Cultures evolve and change over time, it's natural. Even this mythic cultural ideal you are missing was never what you thought it was. And it certainly did not represent everyone's ideas at the time. That point in time the culture was different to what came before. It's possible and a good thing to have diverse cultural views in a society.
Your responses are truely pathetic.

This topic is about the here and now, not colonism, man your a complete waste of time. And Yes France is a Facist country, if the current RSS UK government remains for long we could be going down the same route, but they will be taken care of at the next election.
Why are you obsessed with france? That is a very Angloid viewpoint.

Cultures evolve and change over time, it's natural.
You missed the point. Lets convert all muslims to hindus. Now you'll suddenly understand how stupid that was .
Cultures evolve and change over time, it's natural. Even this mythic cultural ideal you are missing was never what you thought it was. And it certainly did not represent everyone's ideas at the time. That point in time the culture was different to what came before. It's possible and a good thing to have diverse cultural views in a society.
So I take it you're not a native British?
Are you stupid, go read the title of the thread again before asking such questions.
I read the title. Normally you need to have reference point to call French crazy. I can only see the hand of criminal Anglosaxons writing such a title...
So I take it you're not a native British?

Why? Born here.

Do you disagree that society and cultures change over time, often for the better. Many things that were not allowed before now are. Many things have improved -womens rights, gay rights, race for example. Things obviously are not perfect. But given you were whinging about black people, gays, mixed race you would disagre
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Why? Born here.

Do you disagree that society and cultures change over time, often for the better. Many things that were not allowed before now are. Many things have improved -womens rights, gay rights, race for example. Things obviously are not perfect. But given you were whinging about black people, gays, mixed race you would disagre
Just tell me,you're not a native British? You're a Muslim from immigrant parents,right?
Just tell me,you're not a native British? You're a Muslim from immigrant parents,right?
I am an atheist. I think all religions are equally fucking stupid and have caused untold problems. My parents were immigrants - Muslim and Christian countries.

However, what does that have to do with saying that society is not static. And you being a racist who does not like black and mixed race people on TV, has a problem with women, gays and who knows who else?
I am an atheist. I think all religions are equally fucking stupid and have caused untold problems. My parents were immigrants - Muslim and Christian countries.

However, what does that have to do with saying that society is not static. And you being a racist who does not like black and mixed race people on TV, has a problem with women, gays and who knows who else?
I asked because you are pro-diversity. And I guessed that in order to be pro-divesity you must be either an immigrant or a leftist Brit.
I asked because you are pro-diversity. And I guessed that in order to be pro-divesity you must be either an immigrant or a leftist Brit.
Pro-diversity? You seem to go on in soundbites or talking points rather than ideas. Immigrant - no, leftist - depends on your point of view. Many of those terms have lost a lot of meaning these days.

Anyway hope your day is not ruined by seeing black people and mixed race couples on TV.
Pro-diversity? You seem to go on in soundbites or talking points rather than ideas. Immigrant - no, leftist - depends on your point of view. Many of those terms have lost a lot of meaning these days.

Anyway hope your day is not ruined by seeing black people and mixed race couples on TV.
It's because you said this:

It's possible and a good thing to have diverse cultural views in a society.

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