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French far-right overtakes Macron in EU parliament election poll


Feb 25, 2014
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France's far-right Rassemblement National (RN) party jumped ahead of President Emmanuel Macron's LREM for the first time in a poll of voting intentions for May 2019 European Parliament elections.

An Ifop poll published on Sunday showed the centrist Republic on the Move (LREM) with 19 percent of voting intentions compared to 20 percent at the end of August, while far-right leader Marine Le Pen's RN -- formerly the National Front -- rose to 21 percent from 17 percent previously.

Together with the seven percent score of sovereignist Nicolas Dupont-Aignan and one percent each for "Frexit" parties led by former Le Pen associate Florian Philippot and Francois Asselineau, far-right parties won a combined 30 percent of voting intentions, up from 25 percent end August.

The poll asked nearly 1,000 French people on Oct 30-31 who they would vote for if the European Parliament elections were to be held the next Sunday.

The conservative Les Republicains party led by Laurent Wauquiez slipped two percentage points to 13 percent, while the far-left France Insoumise led by Jean-Luc Melenchon fell from 14 to 11 percent.

Melenchon was widely criticized and mocked after yelling at police officers during a raid of his party offices as part of an anti-corruption inquiry.

In an Odoxa-Dentsu poll released mid-September, Macron and Le Pen's parties were neck-and-neck at around 21 percent, while the conservative Les Republicains came third with 14 percent and Melenchon's France Insoumise fourth with 12.5 percent.

In an Ifop poll in May, the LREM was seen winning 27 percent of the EU parliament vote, well ahead of the far right's 17 percent and more than Macron's 24 percent in the first round of France's April 2017 presidential elections.

The European elections are shaping up to be a major battle between centrist, pro-EU parties like Macron's LREM and far-right formations that want to stop immigration and globalization.

The European Parliament elections determine who leads the major EU institutions, including the European Commission, the bloc's civil service, and are also important as a bellwether of sentiment among the EU's 500 million people.

In a YouGov poll published last week, Macron's popularity fell to its lowest level since his 2017 election, with only 21 percent of those polled saying they were satisfied with him.

Macron's reputation has been hit by the brusque departure of two high-profile ministers and a summer scandal over his bodyguard, while stubbornly high unemployment, high taxes and rising fuel prices add to a general feeling of discontent.

zionist vs zionist.

The FN used to be a Catholic tradition political party that wanted to marginalize jewish influence in politics. And wanted to return France to Catholic roots and reject the revolution. Now under the daughter it is a jewish zionist political party that wants to hate Muslims and like Netanyahu and Putin and Trump.

The father did not want Muslims because he was like the Saudis, wanted to keep Arabia Muslim, he wanted to keep France Christian and turn back the clock like any good reactionary.

The neo-nazis took over the FN with Marine, and like the revolution, like zionism, like degeneracy and other evils and ills. So jews had big problems with Jean-Marie and belittling the holohoax. The jews have no problem with Marine and like her and her jewish boyfriend.

Macron is in bed with zionist jews figuratively. Marine is literally in bed with zionist jews.
It's the EU elections, here in the UK no body gave a hoot about them :woot:. I guess it's the same case in France?
I love the right winged nationalist Nazi pro-Ziomist islamaphobic movements of the west...

Who cares.

Come back to Pakistan. That is our true homeland anyways.

Make Pakistan Great Again!
Actually Front National got 24% in the 2014 elections, so it seems they actually dropped if they now get 21%.

True. Last time though there was no LREM party. They increased from 17% to 21% compared to a previous poll held at the end of the summer. Given there's still 6 months to this election and Macron's popularity (and his party) decreasing,they could even get more points. (Macron's party was on average between 26% to 33%)

Take also into account the turnout to the European elections is generally low and voters from the right and far right could mobilize themselves.

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