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French attacks could inspire next generation of terrorists: Expert


Apr 28, 2011
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London (CNN) -- "Lone wolves" who plot to carry out small-scale attacks on soft targets, like those in which seven people have been killed in France, could be the future of terrorism, a security expert has warned.
"We are witnessing the next stage of terrorism in Europe," said Sajjan Gohel, director of International Security at the Asia Pacific Foundation, a London-based counterterrorism think tank.
Hundreds of French police have surrounded the home of Mohammed Merah, 23, a self-styled al Qaeda jihadist who is suspected of carrying out a series of shootings in which seven people, three of them young children, have died in recent days.
Gohel told CNN that killings like those in Toulouse and Montauban would likely inspire other radical Islamists to action.
"This has sent out the message that followers of al Qaeda can carry out successful attacks, can precipitate terror, on their own.
"This is exactly what happened in France: People were scared to go out, schools were under guard, there was a real sense of insecurity -- that is true terrorism."
He said the actions of Anders Breivik, whose twin bomb and gun attacks in Oslo and on the island of Utoya in Norway in July last year left 77 people dead, had also encouraged would-be terrorists.
Police surround Toulouse suspect Toulouse shootings timeline French attack victims buried in Israel French candidates suspend campaigns
"Although it wasn't linked to al Qaeda, the Norway attack set a dangerous precedent, because it showed that a plot like this could succeed."
And Gohel said there were fears the upcoming Olympic Games, due to be held in London this summer, could be targeted.
"The sort of attack we've seen in Toulouse is not a model that is unique to France -- it could be replicated in Germany, in Britain, or elsewhere -- and that is a real concern, especially in the lead-up to the Olympics in London later this year.
"The Olympics are of symbolic significance, because the day after the 2012 games were awarded to London, in 2005, we had the 7/7 bombings [on public transport, in which 52 people were killed].
"And so there is a sort of a scar associated with that, and it could be that those who sympathize with the motives of the bombers see the Olympics as a symbolic time to attack."
But he said counter-terrorism forces faced a major challenge in tackling 'lone wolf' attacks.
"They are a real headache for the authorities, because they are very difficult to thwart: If a 'cell' is only one or two people it's a lot harder to monitor their activities, to trace their networks, and so on.
"In previous cases, the ability of the authorities to disrupt the planning stage has been low, because you don't get the leakage of information that you get with a larger cell."
Merah, the suspect in the French killings, is a supporter of radical Islamist group Forsane Alizza, the Knights of Glory, France's Interior Minister Claude Geant said.
Gohel said the organization, which has members in Paris and Limoges in central France, acts as an "antechamber towards terrorism," encouraging its followers to go abroad for training.
"Before it was banned earlier this year, it had posted a chilling warning on Facebook, encouraging its followers to attack Americans, Jews and French soldiers," said Gohel. "Unfortunately, that threat seems to have been carried out in recent days."
The security analyst told CNN al Qaeda's role in the Toulouse and Montauban killings remained unclear.
"There are two schools of thought -- that it could be an al Qaeda-controlled attack, or that it could be an al Qaeda-inspired attack -- and either way, it's a real concern.
"If it's al Qaeda-controlled, it shows that al Qaeda is able to recruit European-based followers, and to train and guide them into carrying out attacks.
"If it's al Qaeda-inspired, then it's the first 'lone wolf' act of terror of its kind to succeed in the West. There have been many al Qaeda-inspired attempts, but so far they have all failed -- are we seeing that in this instance it has succeeded?"
Algerian Muslims praising Merah (video)

From Memri:

Following are excerpts from an address by Algerian cleric Ali Belhadj, former vice-president of the Islamic Salvation Front, in the course of which a Muslim with dual nationality demonstratively tears up his French passport. The footage was posted on the Internet on March 30, 2012.

Ali Belhadj : Yesterday, I saw that despicable man, Sarkozy of France. Forgive me. I brought important things to talk about, but sometimes, there are things that make one go off on a tangent.
I saw the father of [Toulouse terrorist] Merah, Allah's mercy upon him...

Crowd : Allah's mercy upon him...

Ali Belhadj : He asked for his son to be buried in Algeria. True, he was a French citizen and was supposed to be buried in France, but if his father writes a letter to the president, asking that his son be buried in Algeria - why refuse?
Did his act warrant his excommunication? Is he a heretic? He should be buried in a Muslim graveyard, and prayers should be said for him.

French Muslim : Sheik, I would like to say something.

Ali Belhadj : Go ahead.

French Muslim : Sheik, this is my way of supporting... I would have like to have done it in front of Allah's enemies in France 24 TV, and in front of all the infidels. I want Allah's enemy Sarkozy to see this.
I have dual nationality. Sarkozy, Allah's curses upon you...

Tears up his French passport

Crowd : Allah Akbar... Allah Akbar...

French Muslim : I love you as a brother in Islam, Sheik... I am doing this in support of my brother in Islam, the mujahid Muhammad Merah.

Crowd : Allah Akbar... Allah Akbar...

French Muslim : By Allah, he was a lion, my brothers. Let me tell you, Sheik, he is not a kharijite. By Allah, he is a Sunni Salafi.
Sheik, I would like to tell you something.

Ali Belhadj : Go ahead.

French Muslim : I am not in a position of authority in matters of jurisprudence. You are a sheik, and I love you as a brother in Islam. By Allah, [Merah] was not in the wrong, because there are fatwas by great scholars who said: If they kill our women, kill their women, and if they kill our children, kill their children.
Sheik, he was not in the wrong. Sheik Ibn Al-Uthaymeen said this, and he was a great scholar, and Ibn Taymiyya and many others said it before. [Merah] was a God-fearing man, and I don't mind if they denounce me.
Sheik, let me say to that Sarkozy: Allah's curses upon you, you pig! You are a Jew. We know you all too well. I lived among you in France, you enemies of Allah. I was a lawyer, defending our brothers in Islam. Let me tell you something. I pray that Allah place [Merah] in Paradise. Sarkozy, you pig, may Allah freeze the blood in your veins.

Crowd : Amen.

French Muslim : Allah, bring a black day upon them.

Crowd : Amen.

French Muslim : I would also like to say to our brothers in the Forsane Alizza organization, headed by my brother Abu Hamza, who were taken to prison. Sheik, they sent 19 of them to prison, although they had nothing to do with it. They had nothing to do with those brothers. [the Forsane Alizza] are preachers, religious people, who wanted to defend women wearing the niqab.
Sheik, I'm not in a position to...

Ali Belhadj : May Allah bless you...

French Muslim : Sheik, may that lion [Merah] vouch for me on Judgment Day.

H/T: EoZ
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Those bastards who praise that terrorists should all be kicked out of France as well as Europe. They can go back their original shxt holes.

Algerian Muslims praising Merah (video)

From Memri:

Following are excerpts from an address by Algerian cleric Ali Belhadj, former vice-president of the Islamic Salvation Front, in the course of which a Muslim with dual nationality demonstratively tears up his French passport. The footage was posted on the Internet on March 30, 2012.

Ali Belhadj : Yesterday, I saw that despicable man, Sarkozy of France. Forgive me. I brought important things to talk about, but sometimes, there are things that make one go off on a tangent.
I saw the father of [Toulouse terrorist] Merah, Allah's mercy upon him...

Crowd : Allah's mercy upon him...

Ali Belhadj : He asked for his son to be buried in Algeria. True, he was a French citizen and was supposed to be buried in France, but if his father writes a letter to the president, asking that his son be buried in Algeria - why refuse?
Did his act warrant his excommunication? Is he a heretic? He should be buried in a Muslim graveyard, and prayers should be said for him.

French Muslim : Sheik, I would like to say something.

Ali Belhadj : Go ahead.

French Muslim : Sheik, this is my way of supporting... I would have like to have done it in front of Allah's enemies in France 24 TV, and in front of all the infidels. I want Allah's enemy Sarkozy to see this.
I have dual nationality. Sarkozy, Allah's curses upon you...

Tears up his French passport

Crowd : Allah Akbar... Allah Akbar...

French Muslim : I love you as a brother in Islam, Sheik... I am doing this in support of my brother in Islam, the mujahid Muhammad Merah.

Crowd : Allah Akbar... Allah Akbar...

French Muslim : By Allah, he was a lion, my brothers. Let me tell you, Sheik, he is not a kharijite. By Allah, he is a Sunni Salafi.
Sheik, I would like to tell you something.

Ali Belhadj : Go ahead.

French Muslim : I am not in a position of authority in matters of jurisprudence. You are a sheik, and I love you as a brother in Islam. By Allah, [Merah] was not in the wrong, because there are fatwas by great scholars who said: If they kill our women, kill their women, and if they kill our children, kill their children.
Sheik, he was not in the wrong. Sheik Ibn Al-Uthaymeen said this, and he was a great scholar, and Ibn Taymiyya and many others said it before. [Merah] was a God-fearing man, and I don't mind if they denounce me.
Sheik, let me say to that Sarkozy: Allah's curses upon you, you pig! You are a Jew. We know you all too well. I lived among you in France, you enemies of Allah. I was a lawyer, defending our brothers in Islam. Let me tell you something. I pray that Allah place [Merah] in Paradise. Sarkozy, you pig, may Allah freeze the blood in your veins.

Crowd : Amen.

French Muslim : Allah, bring a black day upon them.

Crowd : Amen.

French Muslim : I would also like to say to our brothers in the Forsane Alizza organization, headed by my brother Abu Hamza, who were taken to prison. Sheik, they sent 19 of them to prison, although they had nothing to do with it. They had nothing to do with those brothers. [the Forsane Alizza] are preachers, religious people, who wanted to defend women wearing the niqab.
Sheik, I'm not in a position to...

Ali Belhadj : May Allah bless you...

French Muslim : Sheik, may that lion [Merah] vouch for me on Judgment Day.

H/T: EoZ
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APRIL 5, 2012 12:00 A.M.
The Messages of Toulouse
Lone-wolf terrorists are a growing threat moderate Muslims shouldn’t ignore.
By Clifford D. May


Clifford D. May
To those who proclaim themselves jihadis, Mohamed Merah is a hero and a martyr. He became a hero last month when he attacked a Jewish school in Toulouse, murdering Rabbi Jonathan Sandler, his two young sons, Gabriel and Arieh, and a seven-year-old girl, Myriam Monsonego, whom he pulled by the hair and then shot in the head. He became a martyr when, after a 33-hour standoff, he was killed by French commandos.

This part of the story has received too little attention: Merah, the 23-year-old son of Algerian immigrants, began his killing spree by gunning down French paratrooper Sergeant Imad Ibn Ziaten and, four days later, two more uniformed paratroopers, Corporal Abel Chennouf and Private Mohamed Legouad. All three were Muslims.

The clear message Merah was sending his co-religionists in France and other Western nations: “If you are good citizens of the infidel lands in which you have settled, if you are not waging war against the unbelievers or supporting those who do, you are traitors. And one of these days, Allah willing, you too will get the justice you deserve.” In France, graffiti in support of Merah characterizes those he slaughtered as “Zionists” and “false Muslims.”

Merah’s connections to well-known terrorist organizations are sketchy — perhaps by design. A strategy paper produced by al-Qaeda’s senior leadership was recently uncovered by German authorities. As summarized by Daveed Gartenstein-Ross and Daniel Trombly, researchers at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, it “outlines the group’s war-of-attrition strategy: a combination of both complex, multi-member operations and also smaller attacks, perhaps executed by so-called ‘lone wolves.’”

Gartenstein-Ross and Trombly note also (in a study soon to be published) that less than a year ago, al Sahab, al-Qaeda’s media production arm, “released a one-hundred-minute video urging Muslims to undertake individual jihad” against infidels.

Extremist websites call upon Muslims to take up the sword against Jews, Christians, and those Muslims who do not toe the jihadi line. Such appeals are made as well in mosques — some, not all. Think, for example, of Anwar al-Awlaki: Born in the U.S.A., he ran the Dar al Hijrah mosque in Virginia, where he posed as a moderate. Eventually, he took off for Yemen, where he became an al-Qaeda leader with a global online presence. (His career was cut short by a U.S. drone strike in September 2011.)

A growing list of lone-wolf terrorists includes Hesham Mohamed Hadayet, who shot and killed two Israelis at the El Al ticket counter at Los Angeles International Airport; Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, who shot two soldiers who were on a smoke break outside a military-recruiting center in Little Rock, Arkansas; Major Nidal Hasan, who carried out the most deadly shooting spree on a U.S. military base in history; wannabe-car-bomber Faisal Shazad, whose explosive device malfunctioned in New York City’s Times Square; and “underpants bomber” Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who, thanks to courage and quick thinking by passengers on his flight from Amsterdam to Detroit, succeeded only in damaging his own crotch.

Imagine you are a young American Muslim wondering what to make of all this. You might go to the websites of some of the well-funded and well-connected organizations that claim to speak on behalf of Muslims in America. And there you would find . . . next to nothing. For example, on the website of ASMA (the American Society for Muslim Advancement), led by Feisal Abdul Rauf, the Imam who has vowed to build an Islamic center at Ground Zero in New York City, I find no mention of Merah. What is highlighted instead is the dubious assertion that “Islamophobia is America’s real enemy.” I also find not a word about Toulouse on the CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), ISNA (Islamic Society of North America), ICNA (the Islamic Circle of North America), and MSA (Muslim Students Association) websites.

The leaders of these organizations will indignantly object that they should not be held accountable for terrorists who happen to be Muslims. That’s right, but it misses the point: Surely, America’s Muslim leaders have an obligation to warn against the hateful, homicidal, and genocidal ideology that drives terrorists such as Merah — an ideology that, its proponents insist, is simply Islam in its purest form. And if three French Muslim paratroopers had been murdered by a Jew or a Christian, do you think they’d have nothing to say about it?

In France, Mohammed Moussaoui, the president of the French Council for the Muslim Faith, said: “These acts are in total contradiction with the foundations of this religion.” But he then used the occasion to object to the term “Islamism,” saying its use “feeds the confusion between Islam and terrorism and brings suffering to millions of Muslims who feel it important to defend the dignity of their faith and their religion.” In fact, the term is meant to distinguish Islamic supremacists from Muslims who have no interest in forcing non-Muslims to submit to Islamic law. Similarly, former French justice minister Rachida Dati told a radio audience that using the word “jihadist” to describe Merah risked “stigmatizing our [Muslim] French compatriots.” Isn’t it terrorists who claim to be “soldiers of Allah” who stigmatize Muslims?

Most of the Muslims of Toulouse surely do not regard Merah as a hero. But he was not the only extremist in town. There is a jihadi network known as the Toulouse Group. And Merah’s older brother, Abdelkader, has been linked to Salafis — ultra-fundamentalist Muslims — and he has now been indicted as an accomplice. And someone arranged for him to travel abroad — including to Afghanistan and Pakistan, where he may have received terrorist training.

If one understands this context, one also must grasp that it is not Islamophobia that impels those charged with preventing terrorism to keep an eye on what is going on within Muslim communities. Yet Daisy Khan, the wife of Imam Feisal, recently condemned such intelligence gathering by New York City police officers, calling it an “aggressive policy of spying on American citizens.” In the same article, Khan asserted that American Muslims want to be “full and equal partners in the fight against extremism.”

Would that not require, at a minimum, some candid commentary from her and the imam when such extremism leads Muslims such as Merah to massacre patriotic French Muslims along with Jewish children? Should they not be drawing lessons for the Islamic communities whose interests they claim to champion and the more diverse communities they seek to influence? Are they afraid to do so? Or is there another explanation for their conspicuous silence?

— Clifford D. May is president of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a policy institute focusing on national security and foreign policy.

strangely the best comment i could read comes from an actor:
Djamel Debbouze
He grew up in these poor suburbs with very high rate of unemployment
He said : "sadly they are many mentally ill offenders in suburbs who don't represent the suburbs but are potentially very dangerous"
you can see today in France, even Police get difficulties to enter suburbs: the "bad young guys" there have military weapons now, coming from two different places: east europe and yougoslavia before it

sometimes when i move to some cities i see young guys 17-18 yo in the suburbs with strong accent with a so expensive car than even a doctor can not offer it
Everyone knows how they become rich so fast
you can see today in France, even Police get difficulties to enter suburbs: the "bad young guys" there have military weapons now, coming from two different places: east europe and yougoslavia before it -
I'm afraid that Islam (unlike Christianity and Judaism) has not yet developed to the point where Muslims feel empowered enough to deny the legitimacy of tyrannical militants growing in their midst. Peaceful parents can't stop their kids from becoming militants, is that not so?
I don't understand,why did that muslim guy attacked and how many he killed and i think he was killed and wat was the motive for him to kill innocents???
I'm afraid that Islam (unlike Christianity and Judaism) has not yet developed to the point where Muslims feel empowered enough to deny the legitimacy of tyrannical militants growing in their midst. Peaceful parents can't stop their kids from becoming militants, is that not so?
Most of these guys don't say to be muslims
fact is that some guys watch TV and since they hate France they want to go Afghanistan to fight French troops (the French services said that the number of these guys became almost zero now)
They don't know Islam they just use it as they would use the name of Dark Vador as an excuse to kill someone ;)

The beautiful part was the Jew authorities and the Muslim authorities together came to see Sarkozy many times and spoke together to say this is nothing to do with Islam.

Nobody wanted the body of Merah staying here and even his mom said she was ashamed
only his father had some sick words but he is not living here and he didn't get i guess how it was that someone kill little kids in school and run after them to kill them:
he was trained with talibans
no surprise .

if there was any miracle product ro eradicate talibans...
at least it shows the danger of talibans is beyond the frontier of Afghanistan
I don't understand,why did that muslim guy attacked and how many he killed and i think he was killed and wat was the motive for him to kill innocents???
Well do you understand the motive behind that christian American soldier who killed 16 people? out of which 9 were children.
I'm afraid that Islam (unlike Christianity and Judaism) has not yet developed to the point where Muslims feel empowered enough to deny the legitimacy of tyrannical militants growing in their midst. Peaceful parents can't stop their kids from becoming militants, is that not so?

such questions cannot be discussed without offending many. in brief, some group of people want the western freedom and lifestyle, will jump for any small chance to immigrate into western countries. later, want to pollute the secular,multicultural nature of western society with a medieval one. and it is considered charity and rewarding by them.
The beautiful part was the Jew authorities and the Muslim authorities together came to see Sarkozy many times and spoke together to say this is nothing to do with Islam.
Can you tell us more? For example, did both Jewish and Muslim leaders pledge to root out militancy in their communities, working with French law enforcement officials and schools?
I don't understand,why did that muslim guy attacked and how many he killed and i think he was killed and wat was the motive for him to kill innocents???

There were these two mosques bombings in France where Muslim clerics and worshippers lost their lives just prior to these killings!!!
No one seems to remember!!!
Double standards or hypocrisy!!!





And here is some vicious propaganda where infiltration by Mossad becomes:"Jewish Students in France Pretending to Be Muslims to Avoid Being Attacked"

such questions cannot be discussed without offending many. in brief, some group of people want the western freedom and lifestyle, will jump for any small chance to immigrate into western countries. later, want to pollute the secular,multicultural nature of western society with a medieval one. and it is considered charity and rewarding by them.

The truth appears to be that the people immigrants to Europe wanted freedom (period) not the lifestyle like you like to think.
The causes for them to jump on the slightest opportunity to immigrate are well known to every one.
There were these two mosques bombings in France where Muslim clerics lost their lives just prior to these killings!!!
No one seems to remember!!!
Double standards or hypocrisy!!!
Merah's first victims were Muslim soldiers. The French were first looking for a white supremacist like Norway's Breivik. It wasn't until they looked at the forensics that they realized the killer could be Muslim, too. Perhaps investigations into other terror attacks on Muslim targets will make more progress now?
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