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Sep 15, 2006
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United Kingdom
12 years ago I decided to work towards a goal, after seeing my country being weakened and belittled by an organisation that had no merit among my people. Several thousand patriots joined me. Although we were optimistic, we knew were up against the might of organisations with far more resources and manpower than we had. However we never gave up our dream of independence.
My people, my country has moved mountains today, they were pushed against the wall and they came out fighting. No more they said and we have made history.



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12 years ago I decided to work towards a goal, after seeing my country being weakened and belittled by an organisation that had no merit among my people. Several thousands patriots joined me. Although we were optimistic, we knew were up against the might of organisations with far more resources and manpower than we had. However we never gave up our dream of independence.
My people, my country has moved mountains today, they were pushed against the wall and they came out fighting. No more they said and we have made history.




Glad you are on the same side as me brother regarding this. Congrats to all of you and may a dawn of a new era for the UK commence....one where UK does not have to automatically accept anyone from another part of Europe without a voice (or pander to EU finances, banking and economic policy)....where people from around the world can have equal opportunity to enter through the UK choosing from among the lot of them who it most wants.

Thatcher would be happy...hope there are finally great times ahead for the UK....and wish you all the best of success.
Was this the better option ?

Would appreciate if I could be educated on this .

Glad you are on the same side as me brother regarding this. Congrats to all of you and may a dawn of a new era for the UK commence....one where UK does not have to automatically accept anyone from another part of Europe without a voice (or pander to EU finances, banking and economic policy)....where people from around the world can have equal opportunity to enter through the UK choosing from among the lot of them who it most wants.

Thatcher would be happy...hope there are finally great times ahead for the UK....and wish you all the best of success.

Thank you bro and please stand by us our Canadian cousins, we need you guys and our ties are with you.
I miss Thatcher, but I'm sure she is looking down with pride at our country.


Thanks bro.
Its not a decisive vote though, a slender margin. Will the fence sitters rethink after a year or so?
Thank you dude!!!! As anti-imperialist I fully support your stand and want desperately to see remaining British prestige/ pretense of power go down the drains. This brings India so much closer to getting the UNSC seat etc.

Now can you please put your full support behind UKIP, get Nigel Farrage elected as PM and complete the joke?

(Britain is officially a lame country now)
Was this the better option ?

Would appreciate if I could be educated on this .


I'm so tired my friend. I'll write up a detailed post in the evening. I have been up all night and I start work at 08.00. Hope you are well.

Thank you dude!!!! As anti-imperialist I fully support your stand and want desperately to see remaining British prestige/ pretense of power go down the drains. This brings India so much closer to getting the UNSC seat etc.

Now can you please put your full support behind UKIP, get Nigel Farrage elected as PM and complete the joke?

(Britain is officially a lame country now)

Your post is a joke. British prestige will increase now. This was democracy in action. Please go away and make another thread.
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