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happy independence !

freedom from nazi George Soros' evil globalist plans.
Interestingly England and Wales voted for Britain to leave but Scotland voted to remain.
There are talks about another Scottish referendum for freedom from UK.
I'm so tired my friend. I'll write up a detailed post in the evening. I have been up all night and I start work at 08.00. Hope you are well.

At your convenience.

Yes I am well , thank you.
12 years ago I decided to work towards a goal, after seeing my country being weakened and belittled by an organisation that had no merit among my people. Several thousands patriots joined me. Although we were optimistic, we knew were up against the might of organisations with far more resources and manpower than we had. However we never gave up our dream of independence.
My people, my country has moved mountains today, they were pushed against the wall and they came out fighting. No more they said and we have made history.




Congratulations @waz .. Britain is for the Brits mate.. I'm glad you pommie b@stards stood up for your sovereignty.. :cheers:
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