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Free media or Zionist media?

That is a laugh.

You support a terrorist, a murderer, a barbaric butcher, a war criminal, and you blame me of terrorism.
Coming from a Jew, and talking about oppressed freedom fighters? This is epitome of hypocrisy.

I understand some Jews like you are fanatics brainwashed by their own media, but come on now - there are plenty of neutral sources for you to educate yourself, the only one preventing yourself from knowledge is you!
Coming from a Jew, and talking about oppressed freedom fighters? This is epitome of hypocrisy.

I understand some Jews like you are fanatics brainwashed by their own media, but come on now - there are plenty of neutral sources for you to educate yourself, the only one preventing yourself from knowledge is you!

I think I am quite educated on the affairs of my own country and my own people, but you are welcome to enlighten me with your "knowledge".
I think I am quite educated on the affairs of my own country and my own people, but you are welcome to enlighten me with your "knowledge".
If you only believe what your own media and books are saying, you wont ever know the truth. Few facts for you to consider (and dont try to change subject)

1. When Jews were the weaker side in Palestinians lands, they were using terrorism against civilians too, read up about bombings done by Jews.
2. Jews to expel Palestinians not only used ethnic cleansing, but genocide too.
3. Since Palestinians are weaker side now, they use terrorism. I dont approve killing of civilians, however unlike Jews before forming Israel, Palestinians are fighting against occupants, so under International Law they can use all means, not just crappy home-made rockets, but actual heavy-duty weapons if they would have those.

In another thread some made comparison between Jews and Palestinians, if they both kill civilians, you can draw equality between them. However its as stupid as saying Nazis = Jews (WWII). Both sides were killing civilians, however Nazis were occupants and committed vastly more crimes than Jews (WWII) did, same as Jews are occupants and committed vastly more crimes than Palestinians did.

Therefore to focus on Palestinians true or alleged crimes and ignore what Jews are doing is asinine. Same as it would be focusing on Jews (WWII) crimes and ignoring what Nazis did.
If you only believe what your own media and books are saying, you wont ever know the truth. Few facts for you to consider (and dont try to change subject)

1. When Jews were the weaker side in Palestinians lands, they were using terrorism against civilians too, read up about bombings done by Jews.
2. Jews to expel Palestinians not only used ethnic cleansing, but genocide too.
3. Since Palestinians are weaker side now, they use terrorism. I dont approve killing of civilians, however unlike Jews before forming Israel, Palestinians are fighting against occupants, so under International Law they can use all means, not just crappy home-made rockets, but actual heavy-duty weapons if they would have those.

In another thread some made comparison between Jews and Palestinians, if they both kill civilians, you can draw equality between them. However its as stupid as saying Nazis = Jews (WWII). Both sides were killing civilians, however Nazis were occupants and committed vastly more crimes than Jews (WWII) did, same as Jews are occupants and committed vastly more crimes than Palestinians did.

Therefore to focus on Palestinians true or alleged crimes and ignore what Jews are doing is asinine. Same as it would be focusing on Jews (WWII) crimes and ignoring what Nazis did.

Here a few facts for you:

1. There were few attacks by Jewish underground movements on Arab civilians, but the number of these attacks was very small and in retaliation to Arabs attacks on Jewish communities. On the other hand, the Palestinian national movement headed by the Mufti Hussini (who became a Nazi officer in the SS during WWII) Orchestrated several massive terror attacks on Jewish communities which led to hundreds of Jewish casualties: in 1921, 1929 and 1936-1939.

2. Genocide is mass killing of an entire nation, and this claim against the Jews community is totally absurd: the Palestinian who stayed in their homes and did not fight Israel are today 20% of Israeli citizens. There was never any ethnic cleansing or any such thing. On the other hand, the Palestinian and Arabs did conduct ethnic cleansing against the Jews: the territories they controlled during the 1948 War were left without a single Jewish inhabitant (while hundred of thousands of Palestinians continue to live under Israeli control)

3. There is no acceptance in international law or in any other moral norm that an intent mass killing of civilians is legitimate only because one side sees itself under occupation. Furthermore, Israel has all the right in the world to protect its citizens from the barbaric attacks of terrorists and take the necessary means to prevent them from terrorising innocent people, women and children - if by building a security fence, and if by assassinating terrorists before they can murder more people. Few months ago Palestinians terrorists penetrated a Jewish village and massacred almost an entire family including their six month old baby. According to your twisted morality Israel should set them free and it should be condemned for sentencing them to life in prison for their degraded murders.

What crimes the Jews did in WWII that you compare them to the Nazis who slaughtered millions of them? I am curious to know how you can justify the most terrible crime in history - naming it as genocide will be an understatement.
I remember Nazam sethi's remark, If you say something they don't like, You are CIA agent.... good going Brah...
Axel Springer AG - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Axel Springer AG is one of the largest multimedia companies in Europe, with more than 11,500 employees and with annual revenues of about €2.9 billion.[1] The Company is active in a total of 36 countries, including Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, Russia and Germany, France, Spain, Switzerland. It has more than 230 newspapers and magazines, more than 80 online offerings as well as holdings in television and radio stations.

It was started in 1946/1947 by journalist Axel Springer.[2] Its current CEO is Mathias Döpfner. The Axel Springer company is the largest publishing house in Europe and controls the largest share of the German market for daily newspapers; 23.6%,[3] largely because its flagship tabloid Bild is the highest-circulation newspaper in Europe with a daily readership in excess of 12 million.

German Publisher Gives Auschwitz Blueprints to Israel | Opinion | Jewish Journal

The founder of our publishing house, Axel Springer, had a mission that he pursued his entire life: reconciliation between Germans and Jews.
Axel Springer personally even wrote this commitment into the contract of every journalist in his company, compelling them to work toward this reconciliation. And this commitment is still part of each and every contract to any and all journalists at Axel Springer.

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Between Axel Springer AG Vertag ("Vertag") and XXXX ("editor) will be closed the following contract editor.
§ 1 Area of ​​work:
First Lord. Mrs. XXXX is hired as an editor and worked on the editorial board of IMAGE WOMAN.
Second The publisher reserves the right to transfer to the other editor of editorial or journalistic tasks, and in other places and other objects, if it appears necessary for the Vertag the editor reasonable.
§ 2 Basic attitude of the newspaper
BiILD the MRS has the following fundamental attitude:
- An unconditional commitment to a liberal law in Germany as a member of the Western community of nations and the promotion of unification efforts of the peoples of Europe;
- Effecting a reconciliation between Jews and Germans: this includes the support of the vital rights of the Israeli people
- The rejection of all forms of political extremism:
- The defense of a free social market economy.
There is no free mass-media, they either influenced by governments, or controlled by businessman with their goals/agendas.
it is not because a business man owns a media that he didn't let the media to be free
i see some media who don't hesitate to give bad news related to the company of the owner of the newspaper here

as well there are some media which are independant
in france for exemple:
le monde diplomatique is owned by majority of the readers (the readers are the owners)
le canard enchaine is depending only on readers buying the newspaper and never been owned by a big media or a business man
and so on

so before giving a very simple description of media with lot of fantasm, just get better knowledge
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