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France will 'never give in to Islamist terrorism,' says Macron


Sep 20, 2014
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15 min
French prosecutors opened a terror inquiry Friday after a police employee was stabbed to death at a station southwest of Paris by a suspected Islamist extremist from Tunisia who was then shot dead by the security forces. Three people have been detained in connection with the attack.

President Emmanuel Macron said France would never give in to "Islamist terrorism" after the attack in Rambouillet, a tranquil commuter town about 60 kilometres (40 miles) from Paris, which revived the trauma of a spate of deadly attacks last year.
France's national anti-terrorism prosecutors said they had opened a terror investigation, also involving the DGSI domestic intelligence service, into the murder of a person holding public authority. Three people from the suspect's "entourage" were detained on Friday, according to a judicial source.
A source close to the inquiry told AFP the attacker shouted "Allahu Akbar" (God is Greatest) during the attack.
Chief anti-terror prosecutor Jean-François Ricard, who spoke outside the station along with Prime Minister Jean Castex, confirmed that "comments made by the assailant" indicated a terror motive, without giving further details.

'By her side'

The attack took place in the secure entrance area of the station at around 2:20pm (1220 GMT), a police source added.

The 49-year-old woman, an administrative assistant and mother of two who was returning from a lunch break, was stabbed in the throat twice and died of her wounds shortly afterwards, the source said.


The attacker, 36, was fatally wounded when an officer opened fire on him.

He arrived in France illegally in 2009 but had since obtained residency papers, a police source said, adding that he was unknown to security services. He had just moved to Rambouillet.

About 30 police officers wearing balaclavas raided the suspect's home in Rambouillet on Friday evening, AFP reporters at the scene said.

Police also searched the home of the person who sheltered the assailant when he first arrived in France, sources close to the inquiry said.

Macron vowed on Twitter that "in our fight against Islamist terrorism, we will never give in," identifying the murdered woman as Stéphanie.

"The nation is by the side of her family, her colleagues and security forces," he said.

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin, who also visited officers in Rambouillet, said security would be stepped up at stations nationwide.

Spate of attacks

Several attacks over the last year have reignited concerns about the spread of radical Islam inside France as well as immigration.

In September, a Pakistani man wounded two people with a meat cleaver outside the former offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, which had printed cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed.

On October 16, a young Chechen refugee beheaded teacher Samuel Paty who had showed some of the caricatures to his pupils.

And on October 29, three people were killed when a recently arrived Tunisian went on a stabbing spree in a church in the Mediterranean city of Nice.

In the most severe recent attack against French police, three officers and one police employee in Paris were stabbed to death in October 2019 by an IT specialist colleague who was himself then shot dead.

He was later found to have shown an interest in radical Islam.

These attacks came after the massacres carried out by Islamist extremists from 2015 that began with the massacre of staff in the offices of Charlie Hebdo in January that year.

In France's deadliest peacetime atrocity, 130 people were killed and 350 were wounded when Islamist suicide bombers and gunmen attacked the Stade de France stadium, bars and restaurants in central Paris and the Bataclan concert hall in November 2015.

The next year a man rammed a truck into a Bastille Day crowd in Nice in 2016, killing 86 people.

Just a few weeks before, in June 2016, two police officers were stabbed to death at their home outside Paris by a man claiming allegiance to the Islamic State group.

Macron's government has introduced legislation to tackle radical Islamist activity in France, a bill that has stirred anger in some Muslim countries.

Which is also a disgusting act. Two wrongs.
By reacting with violence,you guys are not presenting a positive picture of islam ,there are more than 50 muslim countries and they could have taken it diplomatically and not let some random joe take it upon themselves.
French seem adamant on stirring trouble...

They should draw cartoons of Jewish Holocaust and then let’s see what happens
By reacting with violence,you guys are not presenting a positive picture of islam ,there are more than 50 muslim countries and they could have taken it diplomatically and not let some random joe take it upon themselves.

U guys ?..

does he represent 1.7 billion of us ?
By reacting with violence,you guys are not presenting a positive picture of islam ,there are more than 50 muslim countries and they could have taken it diplomatically and not let some random joe take it upon themselves.

Dude fix COVID LOL You are worried about France and your own country is on COVID fire.
We will deal with it don't worry about India ,you should be worrying about Pakistan ,atleast we can do something like manufacturing the vaccine or medicine and Pakistan cannot do both.

No you won't. Words are empty. You need raw materials to produce vaccines. You don't have any and your allies have already shunned Indian demands. Your government and pharmaceutical companies are using Twitter and social media to demand vaccines and raw materials from your Western allies.
By reacting with violence,you guys are not presenting a positive picture of islam ,there are more than 50 muslim countries and they could have taken it diplomatically and not let some random joe take it upon themselves.

Don't push someone by hurting sentiments especially when it is about Religion, to the point where he/she can react by way of his/her choosing as there's no guarantee for the type of reaction at all. Having said that, the instigator also be held responsible for what happened later in anger. France been told many a times to stop such filthy freedom of speech/expression which is not the freedom but phobia against other religion. When the officials totally lack moral & ethics while failing to understand the difference between freedom of speech and public sentiments; society is bound to respond in particular manners as it deem fit. The attacker was hurt personally so he might have acted personally. Since you speak of high moral & diplomacy; now you will understand that an individual doesn't present the whole Islamic World as he was acting individually being hurt personally.

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