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France to provide combat copters

Tiger is by far the best choice for PAK army! let me tell you one thing... pak army is in no mood of being money spending shy like PAF or PN... PA has not spend any thing big ammount of $$ on any of their modernization program. AK is under a billion dollars program which is suppose to PA biggest project... so here is the opportunity for PA to modernize its air wing. 12 to 18 tigers are more then enough to be used on our north eastern front.. while 20-30 T-129 should be more then enough to terrify entire indian armor in south eastern border of pakistan.

i dough Z-10 is as modern as tiger or T-129.... maybe if China can come up with a down scaled (not down graded) version of Z-10 for pak which can be produced in large quantities like thunder at 15-20 million dollars tag.

I remember back in 1995 when Pakistan got 300 Tanks from
Ukraine...India was so alarmed that it got 1,000 T-90 Tanks from Russia after its own Arjun Tank failed miserably.

Pakistan needs at least 180-200 Gunships....around 150 deployed against India and the rest against the Taliban animals.

India has 3,000 frontline Tanks...and will launch an offensive into Pakistan with half that number keeping the other half in strategic reserve.

1 Tiger can probably deal with 10 Indian Tanks...so that means we need 150 Tigers to deal with the Indian Armor Threat.
Good news inded but again is this thing offical? wat is the news source any proof?

When Turkey went to a tender to choose future attack helicopter, Eurocopter Tiger has also participated to Turkish tender to race with Roiivalk, Mangusta, Russian models. After an extensive test-research process of Turkish authorities, It is understood that Eurocopter Tiger has excellent avionic technology but not enough engine power to fight with assymetric threats over high Turkish geoghraphy. Service ceiling level was also not suit with Turkish requirements... Every country's specification priorities can be different but I know that Pakistan and Turkey is fighting with similar threats at similar geoghraphical conditions...

Service ceiling: 4,000 m (13,000 ft)

Service ceiling: 6,096 m (20,000 ft)

Service ceiling: 6,000 m (20,000 ft)

Service ceiling: 5,800 m (19,000 ft)

Service ceiling: 21,000 ft (6,400 m)
Didn't we just finished upgrading the Cobra from S's to F's? They may still be good for atleast half a dozen years, Until then we can wait for the WZ-10.
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Well then our Taliban's don't have the S-400 either or do they?
We should try to get as much as possible cobra helicopters from america. Eurocopter is very costly. Second option should be chines.
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This is a game played by France, they know our budget constraints so they know PA will not go for a $35-$50 million copter.

What this does for France?

1. Tiger gets publicity that Pakistan is ineterested to buy which gives confidence to other potential clients.

2. French ministry of Defence can proudly say that they are supporting WoT and have offered highest level of weapon system to Pakistan.

AH-1 SuperCobra = $10-$15 M
AH-64 Apache = $15-$20 M
WZ-10 = $6-$12 M (just a gues)
Tiger = $35-$50 M

American copters would have so many strings and Tiger is very expensive. PA should go with WZ-10 in decent quantities. We can always add Western avionics etc.

IMHO, WZ-10 should be inducted as Faris (Horseman/Knight) or Faateh (Conqueror)
This is a game played by France, they know our budget constraints so they know PA will not go for a $35-$50 million copter.

What this does for France?

1. Tiger gets publicity that Pakistan is ineterested to buy which gives confidence to other potential clients.

2. French ministry of Defence can proudly say that they are supporting WoT and have offered highest level of weapon system to Pakistan.

AH-1 SuperCobra = $10-$15 M
AH-64 Apache = $15-$20 M
WZ-10 = $6-$12 M (just a gues)
Tiger = $35-$50 M

American copters would have so many strings and Tiger is very expensive. PA should go with WZ-10 in decent quantities. We can always add Western avionics etc.

IMHO, WZ-10 should be inducted as Faris (Horseman/Knight) or Faateh (Conqueror)

your point is vaild but i hate the unite costs because i can tell its coming straight from wikipedia which is not accurate... wiki also tells that F-16 C/D unite prise is 28 or so million dollars but guess how much latest F-16 C/D deals are worth?
Only Longbow is supirior to tiger at the moment and btw longbow costs even more then 50 million dollars tiger.
Tiger is like EF-2000 of choppers.. :tup:
i say its a good move by PA...
18 Tigers and 24 T-129 should be more then enough for PA's next generation choppers req.
lets hope pak-china comes up with a LCH of their own. PA should produce this in large numbers..
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with 39 cobras operational, i will like to repeat my point that we must wait a few years for the T129 and WZ10 to be available and for that time the cobras wil do a fine job for us!

with 39 cobras operational, i will like to repeat my point that we must wait a few years for the T129 and WZ10 to be available and for that time the cobras wil do a fine job for us!


I dough PA is gonna wait 6-7 years for T-129...
wz-10 is another J-10A.. we have to wait another 10+ years for it to be mature enough to stand next to longbow, tigers, t-129 etc..
Only Longbow is supirior to tiger at the moment and btw longbow costs even more then 50 million dollars tiger.
Tiger is like EF-2000 of choppers.. :tup:
i say its a good move by PA...
18 Tigers and 24 T-129 should be more then enough for PA's next generation choppers req.
lets hope pak-china comes up with a LCH of their own. PA should produce this in large numbers..
Can you explain why you believe the Tiger is the second best?
It has only a service ceiling of 4000m, can only carry 8 anti tank missiles, the Rooivalk and the Viper for example have a ceiling of more than 6000m and can carry up to 16 anti tank missiles.
Tiger is pretty comparable to PAs cobras, or HALs LCH and if you already have numbers of light attack helicopters, wouldn't it make more sense to add some heavy once like Apache, Viper, or Rooivalk?
That's exactly the same reason why I think the Tiger has no chance in the IAF attack helicopter competition. Why should we pay $50 million for an helicopter that can do hardly the same job that our indigenous can? Apache is way more capable and costs the same and we also have the option of Mi 28 and Ka 52.
The best choice for PA would be Viper, or Apache, because of commonality of weapons and logistics. But if you want to get rid of US arms, I would go for Rooivalk and replace the Cobras later with WZ 10.
take it easy dude...we arnt gettin tigers for attackin india...we just need them...;)
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