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France recalls ambassador to Turkey after Erdoğan questions Macron's mental state

It has been 50+ years since colonialism ended. Have the colonies become rich ? Pakistan is still a begging bowl

People who blame colonialism for everything are just unwilling to admit the reality of the populations of these countries being corrupt and incompetent. I've had so many argument with commies on Twitter who always talk of the IMF and World Bank screwing over these countries, but they can never explain why the evil West didn't screw over China, Korea and Japan, on the contrary the West helped those countries greatly and now China is a superpower and poses a the greatest threat to Western hegemony. Why can't other countries do the same?
I agree that Europeans drew the borders of these countries badly without taking into account ethnic and sectarian considerations.

As for you comment about the Indian textile industry, the fact is textile production went up massively due to the power loom and many English people lost their jobs due to them being outsourced to the colonies. This is why so many Indians and Africans put on the British uniform, the British were by far the most benevolent colonisers in history.

US aid to Israel is $3 billion. Israel GDP is $370 billion

It's hundreds of BILLIONS over the last 50 years, if you include all the free support you go alongside the money

You have totally jew'ed the American taxpayer

It's cold hard reality

Mate, Shashi Tharoor is a conman who likes to create the impression that the British came and destroyed everything, mostly by using odd pieces of logic like "India went from 25% of world GDP to only 4%, hence British must have looted it all" when in reality the economies of Western nations just grew faster because of the Industrial Revolution, which started in...yep Europe.

Mate, Shashi Tharoor is a conman who likes to create the impression that the British came and destroyed everything, mostly by using odd pieces of logic like "India went from 25% of world GDP to only 4%, hence British must have looted it all" when in reality the economies of Western nations just grew faster because of the Industrial Revolution, which started in...yep Europe.

You are repeating British propaganda myths that colonisation was a net benefit for the colonies which is laughable

Turkey, for example was never colonized and today it is the most developed Muslim country

By the time British came to India, average Englishman was not richer than average Indian----by the time you left there was a huge wealth gap between the two countries---so how did you rule your colonies and how did you benefit them?

Your entire civilisation is built on exploitation of your colonies--look at your roads, buildings, factories--all this could have been impossible without exploitation of colonies

Even Hitler in "Mein Kampf" admired British colonial model that was designed to benefit Britain and its people through exploitation of "inferior races"

Industrial revolution was possible because of capital accumulation through unfair trade with the colonies.

Through unfair trade you retarded industrialization and civilization development of India and other colonies, while boosting economic development in Britain.

Example-- textile industry----you imposed tariffs on Indian textile product export to Britain while allowing British textile products to flood Indian market and destroy Indian textile industry

from wiki: With the end of the state-granted monopoly of the East India Trading Company in 1813, the importation into India of British manufactured goods, including finished textiles, increased dramatically, from approximately 1 million yards of cotton cloth in 1814 to 13 million in 1820, 995 million in 1870, to 2050 million by 1890.

As a result of the less expensive imports from Britain, India's most significant industrial sector, textile production, shrank, such that by 1870-1880 Indian producers were manufacturing only 25%-45% of local consumption. Deindustrialization of India's iron industry was even more extensive during this period

In 1780, the conservative British politician Edmund Burke raised the issue of India's position: he vehemently attacked the East India Company, claiming that Warren Hastings and other top officials had ruined the Indian economy and society. Indian historian Rajat Kanta Ray (1998) continues this line of attack, saying the new economy brought by the British in the 18th century was a form of "plunder" and a catastrophe for the traditional economy of the Mughal Empire.[123] Ray accuses the British of depleting the food and money stocks and of imposing high taxes that helped cause the terrible Bengal famine of 1770, which killed a third of the people of Bengal.

Local British market was too small and many factories were unprofitable. Factories needed markets to be profitable and they found their market in India. Industrialization of Britain was impossible without unfair trade with colonies....

Money accumulated through export to Indian market made investment and industrialization of Britain possible...At the same time British goods bankrupted Indian economy and retarded its development

Also you once said that locals killed more people than British did during colonial period

from wiki: During the British Raj, India experienced some of the worst famines ever recorded, including the Great Famine of 1876–1878, in which 6.1 million to 10.3 million people died and the Indian famine of 1899–1900, in which 1.25 to 10 million people died. Recent research, including work by Mike Davis and Amartya Sen, argue that famines in India were made more severe by British policies in India.

Also, Bengal Famine of 1943 was result of Churchills policies...from article:

Churchill deliberately ordered the diversion of food from starving Indian civilians to well-supplied British soldiers and even to top up European stockpiles, meant for yet-to-be-liberated Greeks and Yugoslavs

scientific research confirms what had been argued way back in 1980 – that the Bengal famine was not the result of the agricultural failure, but of human action

During the Bengal famine of 1943, Churchill stated that any potential relief efforts sent to India would accomplish little to nothing, as Indians "bred like rabbits". His War Cabinet rejected Canadian proposals to send food aid to India, asking the US and Australia to send aid in their stead; according to historian Arthur Herman, Churchill's overarching concern was the ongoing Second World War, leading to his decisions to divert food supplies from India to Allied military campaigns

And French murdered 1,5 million Algerians

So all these teacher beheadings and Charlie Hebdo and other attacks combined don't worth even 0,000001% of the crimes commited by Europeans in their colonies
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Will you please recall your ambassador from Pakistan as well. Better yet we should kick it out anyway.
I don't see why Muslim nations are so angry take a look at the past year or two for France:
1) Their puppet Haftar got buttblasted in Libya and Turkey managed to crush French interests there
2) Hagia Sophia got turned into a Mosque making Macron and Greeks cry and do nothing
3) Turkey is continuing gas exploration in Eastern Med and there's nothing France can do but whine

All Macron has done is make some cartoons and have their products boycotted. If anything he has helped push Muslims closer together. It's amazing how huge of a diplomatic loss this past year has been for the French. Recalling ambassador is just the last resort of one very butthurt Macron.
A 15-year-old teenager was fornicating with his teacher, who is 40 years old, who is married with 3 children, two of whom are older than him !!!

And after her husband and the school knew of betrayal, and it was a loud scandal, the teacher was transferred to Tania School in the same city. The student was transferred to another city 170 km away from their original city, however.
The adulterer remained in a relationship and continued for 13 years, until the professor divorced her husband in 2006 and married her lover and her student in 2007!
This adulterous student who emerged from the embrace of fornication, rancidity and betrayal with a married woman of his mother’s age; He became the president of a country called France and his name is
Emmanuel Macron.

He gives us a lesson today about the “crisis” of Islam, and he wants to change our religion, which the “adulterous student” does not agree with !!!

This Paleet Wahshee Khanzeer (impure wild boar) encourages the spread of caricatures about the teacher of mankind who taught humanity monotheism, morals, values and ideals, upon whom is the best prayer and the most sincere submission!

O Allah, Bless our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his family and companions as a whole
Macron is a dog on a leash by his master the Rothchilds
He was a banker for them before his position of heads of state
He will bark what his masters want him to
The powerful force that runs the majority of the western countries in the shadow
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