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France recalls ambassador to Turkey after Erdoğan questions Macron's mental state

Macron is a short sighted idiot, who is becoming more right wing than the right wing. The veneer is off, and France is reverting back to the fascist and racist state that is it ...

We have had enough of him in the UK, and looks like the world is following in treating him like the idiot he is..

#BoycottFrance gets my vote for sure, and i will make sure i vote via my wallet going forward.

As we say in the uk.. "you can't trust the french".... followed up by a healthy dose of "F@!# the French !!!!" ...

Seems rather appropriate right now.
Imagine that an enlighten German saying that to you today, after occupying UK during WW2, in the corner of, say the Mall street..
that pre WW2 britain was a mess, we gave you autobahn, good automotives brands like Audi, BMW, etc @GWXP

Difference being that Britain was an equal of Germany.
Look at Pakistan and India today, some of the best buildings are due to the British, we also gave you the English language and a civil service allowing you to form coherent nation states.
Yeah, they were for your convenience right? Don't say you colonized countries to bring development :sarcastic:
Difference being that Britain was an equal of Germany.
appreciate you doing research.. But I meant, just imagine hearing that statement in German. Nonetheless, Before British came, Sub-continent was constituting 20% and above to the world's GDP. Nearly half of India's or 10% of the world, was originating from Bengal. Then British came and first Bengal famine occurred..
P.S none of the data matters now, as it would be biased against Nazi Germany anyway.
Just outbreed the natives. France is like 80% white these days. Dropping too.
I don't like that.. But there is a study, that after 2000 years or so, there will be a uniform colour/feature of the human specie.. due to mixing, as it is inevitable. But I would like if people still have different races, but have overcome their prejudice..
There is another thought that why we don't have Aliens.. It is because, spices develop tech, kill each other, go back to primitive times or none left due to world wide destruction.. so never ever had the chance to leave their respective solar systems. So may be we can't see human in 2000s years..
Leave France to its fate, look closer at your home in your own countries. This pan Islamism of Erdogan and Imran will be ruinous to Turkey and Pakistan respectively. Pakistan under Imran is trying to box itself as islamic leader. Not good.
History repeating.

French did this during the Ottaman Empire as well. Stage shows in France were the tools then. French embassador was called by the Khalifah then. Khalifah was dressed in his war suit and a stern warning was issued that if the stage shows are not stopped immediately he would charge all his armies to France. That put an end to shows.
Leave France to its fate, look closer at your home in your own countries. This pan Islamism of Erdogan and Imran will be ruinous to Turkey and Pakistan respectively. Pakistan under Imran is trying to box itself as islamic leader. Not good.

Turkey is actually not that Islamist.
What money was stolen? Can you actually tell me more about this? Money is just paper, it doesn't really count for much as far as nation states go, you cannot do much with paper as paper does not build buildings, roads and whatnot.

Did the Europeans also steal the ability to build a functioning society from these natives?

What was the point of the War of Independence if Algerians were going to go to France to live under French Rule once more?

West sow seeds of hate systematically lawrance of Arabia is one example, there are many conflicts which are there due to western colonies interest to make communities and countries keep fighting each other.

They created a system where they ruled by dividing people which insured making slave mentality in people specially they created slave mentality elite or ruling class to get the job done even after leaving those countries.

West have looted and killed countries where they ruled.
He is just playing to the crowd, turning this into a real issue would be bad for Pakistan and Turkey. Cartoons are not something worth torpedoing a relation over.

Richer countries don't tend to take religion that seriously. I highly doubt the population of the Gulf States are even than religious.

What relations are we talking about here? France has been at the forefront of anti Pakistan efforts of India being propelled by defense deals. There are hardly any relations to torpedo in the first place. If Muslims remain silent at this point then Muslims will turn in next Jews of Europe eventually. Macron needs to be named and shamed for his Islamophobic and Xenophobic commentary and legislation's.
What relations are we talking about here? France has been at the forefront of anti Pakistan efforts of India being propelled by defense deals. There are hardly any relations to torpedo in the first place. If Muslims remain silent at this point then Muslims will turn in next Jews of Europe eventually. Macron needs to be named and shamed for his Islamophobic and Xenophobic commentary and legislation's.

Hyperbole much? The irony here is that the level of hatred against Muslims rose after the Muslim reaction to the cartoons, I don't think the cartoons themselves were even that popular amongst Westerners.
Hyperbole much? The irony here is that the level of hatred against Muslims rose after the Muslim reaction to the cartoons, I don't think the cartoons themselves were even that popular amongst Westerners.

Macron is shiting bricks after Erdogan asked him to get mental help for being an Islamophobe. This is the level of tolerance of these people yet he wants us to show tolerance when his fellow islamophobes draw cartoons of Prophet Mohammad. A person with zero tolerance for against personal insults wants 1.5 billion Muslims to sit tight while some human turds insult our prophet and religion. Macron himself is a secularist extremist while calls Muslims extremists. Just to give you a reference hitler was also a secularist extremist who used to call Judaism as religion in trouble whilst he slaughtered them. He banned Jews from practicing religion something Macron said he will do in coming days.
Macron is shiting bricks after Erdogan asked him to get mental help for being an Islamophobe. This is the level of tolerance of these people yet he wants us to show tolerance when his fellow islamophobes draw cartoons of Prophet Mohammad. A person with zero tolerance for against personal insults wants 1.5 billion Muslims to sit tight while some human turds insult our prophet and religion. Macron himself is a secularist extremist while calls Muslims extremists. Just to give you a reference hitler was also a secularist extremist who used to call Judaism as religion in trouble whilst he slaughtered them. He banned Jews from practicing religion something Macron said he will do in coming days.

Hitler was considered extreme because unlike previous political anti-Semites, he considered Jews to be a race rather than a mere religion (this is true) and persecuted them based on this.

France has been pretty tolerant of Muslims in my opinion, they are allowed to have mosques and there is freedom of religion, what more could one want?

The Muhammad cartoons were just meant to be light hearted but some sections of Muslims took it too seriously, egged on by their Islamist leaders for political point scoring.

Muslims should have just ignored the cartoons, I am not Muslim but I had never even heard of Charlie Hebdo before the attack on it nor did I know about the taboo against drawing Muhammad. All Muslims did was amplify their weak points and now outsiders know what buttons to push to provoke a disproportionate reaction.
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