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France recalls ambassador to Turkey after Erdoğan questions Macron's mental state


Aug 4, 2016
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France said it would recall its envoy to Turkey for consultations following “unacceptable” comments by the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, that suggested his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, needed a mental health check-up.

In the highly unusual move, a French presidential official said the French ambassador to Turkey was being recalled from Ankara for consultations and would meet Macron to discuss the situation after Erdoğan’s outburst.

France and its Nato ally are at loggerheads over a range of issues, including maritime rights in the eastern Mediterranean, Libya, Syria and the escalating conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh.

Ankara has been particularly incensed by a campaign championed by Macron to protect France’s secular values against radical Islam, a debate given new impetus by the murder of a teacher who showed his class a cartoon of the prophet Mohammed.

“What can one say about a head of state who treats millions of members from different faith groups this way: first of all, have mental checks,” Erdoğan said in a televised address in the central Anatolian city of Kayseri.

“What’s the problem of the individual called Macron with Islam and with the Muslims?” Erdoğan asked.

“Macron needs mental treatment,” Erdoğan added, while indicating he did not expect the French leader to win a new mandate in 2022 elections.

Macron’s office responded sharply, calling the comments unacceptable.

“President Erdoğan’s comments are unacceptable. Excess and rudeness are not a method. We demand that Erdoğan change the course of his policy because it is dangerous in every respect,” the official told AFP.

The Elysee official, who asked not to be named, also said that France had noted “the absence of messages of condolence and support” from the Turkish president after the beheading of teacher Samuel Paty outside Paris.

The official also expressed concern over calls by Ankara for a boycott of French goods.

Macron this month described Islam as a religion “in crisis” worldwide and said the government would present a bill in December to strengthen a 1905 law that officially separated church and state in France.

He announced stricter oversight of schooling and better control over foreign funding of mosques.

But the debate over the role of Islam in France has hit a new intensity after the beheading of Paty, which prosecutors say was carried out by an 18-year-old Chechen who had contact with a jihadist in Syria.

Turkey is a majority Muslim but secular country which is a part of Nato but not the EU, where its membership ambition has stalled for decades over a range of disputes.

“You are constantly picking on Erdoğan. This will not earn you anything,” said the Turkish leader.

“There will be elections (in France) ... We will see your (Macron’s) fate. I don’t think he has a long way to go. Why? He has not achieved anything for France and he should do for himself.”

The other new rift between the two leaders is over Nagorno-Karabakh, a majority ethnic Armenian breakaway region inside Azerbaijan, which declared independence as the USSR fell, sparking a war in the early 1990s that claimed 30,000 lives.

Turkey is strongly backing Azerbaijan in the conflict but has denied allegations by Macron that Ankara has sent hundreds of Syrian militia fighters to help Azerbaijan.

Erdoğan on Saturday accused France – which along with Russia and the US co-chairs the Minsk Group tasked with resolving the conflict – of “being behind the disasters and the occupations in Azerbaijan”.

He also repeated previous claims that France, which has a strong Armenian community, is arming Yerevan. “You think you will restore peace with the arms you are sending to Armenians. You cannot because you are not honest.”

But the Elysee official said that Erdoğan had two months to reply to the demands for a change in stance and that it ends its “dangerous adventures” in the eastern Mediterranean and “irresponsible conduct” over Karabakh.

“Measures need to be taken by the end of the year,” said the official.

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Today Imran Khan has also slammed Macron in his tweets.


Kuwait already boycotting French products openly - Eurofighter.
Hope the rest of arabs follow - Rafael. Finger crossed.
After what this faggot macron uttered against Islam, i think its responsibility of every muslim country to abandon any relations and business with france. This stupid and mentally challenged hobbit needs to be put in his place. Words wont do much, time for actions. Though the self proclaimed "guardians" of Islam and holy sites and silent and looking the other way. What a shame.
So best comment, circulating around is
" Mr. Macron! You can't bear your own insult, how can we bear towards Muhammad PBUH ! "
it was first coined by Gazi Ilm deen.. he killed (violated the law) of a blasphemous person. During trials, he didn't address the judges by 'My Lord'' etc So judge called that as contempt of court. Then he replied that (excluding Macron)
After what this faggot macron uttered against Islam, i think its responsibility of every muslim country to abandon any relations and business with france. This stupid and mentally challenged hobbit needs to be put in his place. Words wont do much, time for actions. Though the self proclaimed "guardians" of Islam and holy sites and silent and looking the other way. What a shame.

Muslims should boycott France by going back to their home countries, France would quite literally collapse without all those highly skilled doctors and engineers.
Countries with predominantly Muslim population are lost and prefer only profits over even Islam and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Why else would the Middle East be this silent over French Cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad? Would Israel allow the same magazine to print cartoons on the Holocaust, would France itself allow it?
Today Imran Khan has also slammed Macron in his tweets.

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He is being too lenient with this piece of $hit Macron. Tweeting your protest is such a weak thing to do in my opinion. They should have called French ambassador and registered protest at highest levels which is the least we can do.
He is being too lenient with this piece of $hit Macron. Tweeting your protest is such a weak thing to do in my opinion. They should have called French ambassador and registered protest at highest levels which is the least we can do.

He is just playing to the crowd, turning this into a real issue would be bad for Pakistan and Turkey. Cartoons are not something worth torpedoing a relation over.
Countries with predominantly Muslim population are lost and prefer only profits over even Islam and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Why else would the Middle East be this silent over French Cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad? Would Israel allow the same magazine to print cartoons on the Holocaust, would France itself allow it?

Richer countries don't tend to take religion that seriously. I highly doubt the population of the Gulf States are even than religious.
Muslims should boycott France by going back to their home countries, France would quite literally collapse without all those highly skilled doctors and engineers.

There are 6 million french citizens of Muslim or Arab background now

When France gives back the trillions it stole from their lands during the colonial period maybe they will consider it

Until then TOUGH SHIT
This is a FAIR non violent act of protest

This isn't about the teacher

Or the private publication of Charlie Hebdo

The french state represented by some dopey low level mayor chose to broadcast upon a MUNICIPAL building the pictures

This is old school colonial bigotry and racism from the french

The least we can do is a non violent protest in the form of a boycott of French products for atleast a period to show our anger

There are 6 million french citizens of Muslim or Arab background now

When France gives back the trillions it stole from their lands during the colonial period maybe they will consider it

Until then TOUGH SHIT

Oh no, not the trillions (of what?) they stole from the poor brown people!

Anyway, I am talking about punishing France, we regularly hear about how these immigrants are vital for France, I think they should teach Macron and France a lesson and threaten to go home, the French will be begging for them to not leave I am sure...

Muslims should boycott France by going back to their home countries, France would quite literally collapse without all those highly skilled doctors and engineers.
They will go back to their countries only after France pays compensation for crimes commited against Arabs during colonial period including brutal murder of 1,5 million Algerians during the War of Independence
Oh no, not the trillions (of what?) they stole from the poor brown people!

Anyway, I am talking about punishing France, we regularly hear about how these immigrants are vital for France, I think they should teach Macron and France a lesson and threaten to go home, the French will be begging for them to not leave I am sure...


Naahh bruv, if you want to piss off the french

Stay and multiply

The money stolen during the colonial period was used to build up France, UK etc the least they can do is make use of it
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