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France overtakes China as third biggest arms exporter, report shows

It's clear that it wasn't forcedly a good idea to imply USA in the Arrow-3 or David's Sling, look, MBDA had to do changes to the SCALP-EG as there were US parts onboards and the Yanks were blocking the sales... I suppose they kicked you out of several European competitions which were hilarious : c'mon, the Patriot system "winning" on the SAMP/T with the Aster missile is as ridiculous as the F-16 winning a competition on the Rafale or the Stinger to the Mistral. But we'd definitively need smth like the Arrow-3 for EU's ABM defence, and TEL-mounted : nonetheless the SM-3 is 6x more expensive, but c'mon, if matters heathen with Putler (with a little help from uncle-Xi), I don't give 15 minutes before Aegis-Ashores in Romania and Poland are said "Hello here" by Kh-47 Khinzal. Same crap with Patriot : even if fit with David's Sling Stunner = PAAC-4, a Patriot system is not mobile, while SAMP/T-NG packs the bags in less than 3 minutes and deploy elsewhere in 5 minutes

But it may end firing back, e.g. their US Navy NEMESIS system that create "ghost" radar echoes of a fleet : there's already something like this on Rafale, allowing to fill a radar scope with about 200 fake-positives (that's what I was told by a pilot)... It's likely the Yanks are infringing some Thales patent(s): Guess why the Raytheon cruise missile that projected fake-positives was cancelled? Either their system didn't worked or they received a cease and desist... It's likely that Boeing couldn't go further with the Silent Eagle or the Advanced Super Hornet due to the NIH syndrome: they'd need Thales' SPECTRA or smth similar to field these, but a working active cancellation of radar waves implies technologies dev'd by Thales+ONERA which have patents...
Yanks should really stop pissing-off allies while themselves would need allies' technologies: look at the fiasco of the Zumwalt-class : now they're into mass building French-Italian FREMM stealth frigates.

IDF needs at least 200 aircraft to replace the ageing fleet.
200 orders is what you need to start a production and have an aircraft factory not losing money, and 400+ engines is OK too. Mark my words, IAI would absolutely be able to domestically build Rafales, just like they made the Kfir or the Lavi, and actually, with 200 units, Dassault would even agree to set up a production line of their own too.
Considering the relations with India, it'd even be clever to set up a production for an improved Tejas Mk1 which could have Rafale's M88 engine in the 100kN non afterburner version Safran has shown to the public (and they aid they can deliver with 115kN afterurner withn 18 months), in fact, DRDO has validated all the mods to make it what Dassault was in to do from it had French govt rejected the Rafale program : a single engine baby Rafale to Replace Mirage-2000...

The only mods DRDO hasn't validated are the structural ones which would allow to take 11G, increase payload while cutting 500kg of empty weight and the BRS parachute... M88 would be really interesting: with 20cm less diameter than F404/414 and less needs in air flow and less fuel consumption, you can stuff aboutas much internal fuel as a F-16, Mirage-2000 or Gripen-E. Would the twin seater airframe be used as a single seater, it'd be feasible to stuff SPECTRA, while without it, it can make a trainer. HAL rejects the idea, they're sabotaging the program as they did for the Marut, it's a pity: once "Rafalized", the Tejas would become the best single engine fighter on market with freaking low cost of use (since M88-4e introduction, Rafale's hourly cost has felt to $10-12k/h, it's half of a F-16, so, as a single engine, it would be about the quarter. The Kfir-NG hourly cost is $10k/h with a F414). The sales potential for smth like this is over 5000 units.

After the dirty trick Biden played on Naval Group (fka DCNS), IMHO, if Israel wants Barracuda-class submarines, incl. with nuclear propulsion and either licence-build 'em or want a ToT, something must be feasible.
The Scorpène-class is also highly appreciated SSK with AIP :
We're exporting these to Chile, India, Malaysia, Brazil. it seems that the Philippines and Indonesia are into talks too, but it's obvious that nuke propulsion goes much further than what AIP can do : you can really stay at 20-25 knots all the time.
Biden also managed to torpedo several Rafale sales,

Mark my words, after such play-dirty, we'd definitively be happy and helpful to spoil USA from some market shares especially in Israel and we'd surely be happy if the stuff was domestically built : zero chances the Yanks to interfere in such case unless you imply in Indian styled negotiations ;)
Not speaking about the Apache ALCM which may allow a 6 Days War v2.0 by demolishing runways just like the old Durandal bombs... BTW, don't trust the ranges Wikipedia tells about : Apache and SCALP/Storm-Shadow are the same missile with different warheads, so, if the SCALP ranges 560km, even if the Apache's warhead is a little heavier with the 10 submunitions likely very similar to the BAP-100, I don't expect less than 400km, very likely more... And Russians weren't able to detect, jam or intercept the SCALP strikes in Syria, and they knew it was coming...
we also cannt sell china weapons because usa
It's clear that it wasn't forcedly a good idea to imply USA in the Arrow-3 or David's Sling, look, MBDA had to do changes to the SCALP-EG as there were US parts onboards and the Yanks were blocking the sales... I suppose they kicked you out of several European competitions which were hilarious : c'mon, the Patriot system "winning" on the SAMP/T with the Aster missile is as ridiculous as the F-16 winning a competition on the Rafale or the Stinger to the Mistral. But we'd definitively need smth like the Arrow-3 for EU's ABM defence, and TEL-mounted : nonetheless the SM-3 is 6x more expensive, but c'mon, if matters heathen with Putler (with a little help from uncle-Xi), I don't give 15 minutes before Aegis-Ashores in Romania and Poland are said "Hello here" by Kh-47 Khinzal. Same crap with Patriot : even if fit with David's Sling Stunner = PAAC-4, a Patriot system is not mobile, while SAMP/T-NG packs the bags in less than 3 minutes and deploy elsewhere in 5 minutes

But it may end firing back, e.g. their US Navy NEMESIS system that create "ghost" radar echoes of a fleet : there's already something like this on Rafale, allowing to fill a radar scope with about 200 fake-positives (that's what I was told by a pilot)... It's likely the Yanks are infringing some Thales patent(s): Guess why the Raytheon cruise missile that projected fake-positives was cancelled? Either their system didn't worked or they received a cease and desist... It's likely that Boeing couldn't go further with the Silent Eagle or the Advanced Super Hornet due to the NIH syndrome: they'd need Thales' SPECTRA or smth similar to field these, but a working active cancellation of radar waves implies technologies dev'd by Thales+ONERA which have patents...
Yanks should really stop pissing-off allies while themselves would need allies' technologies: look at the fiasco of the Zumwalt-class : now they're into mass building French-Italian FREMM stealth frigates.

IDF needs at least 200 aircraft to replace the ageing fleet.
200 orders is what you need to start a production and have an aircraft factory not losing money, and 400+ engines is OK too. Mark my words, IAI would absolutely be able to domestically build Rafales, just like they made the Kfir or the Lavi, and actually, with 200 units, Dassault would even agree to set up a production line of their own too.
Considering the relations with India, it'd even be clever to set up a production for an improved Tejas Mk1 which could have Rafale's M88 engine in the 100kN non afterburner version Safran has shown to the public (and they aid they can deliver with 115kN afterurner withn 18 months), in fact, DRDO has validated all the mods to make it what Dassault was in to do from it had French govt rejected the Rafale program : a single engine baby Rafale to Replace Mirage-2000...

The only mods DRDO hasn't validated are the structural ones which would allow to take 11G, increase payload while cutting 500kg of empty weight and the BRS parachute... M88 would be really interesting: with 20cm less diameter than F404/414 and less needs in air flow and less fuel consumption, you can stuff aboutas much internal fuel as a F-16, Mirage-2000 or Gripen-E. Would the twin seater airframe be used as a single seater, it'd be feasible to stuff SPECTRA, while without it, it can make a trainer. HAL rejects the idea, they're sabotaging the program as they did for the Marut, it's a pity: once "Rafalized", the Tejas would become the best single engine fighter on market with freaking low cost of use (since M88-4e introduction, Rafale's hourly cost has felt to $10-12k/h, it's half of a F-16, so, as a single engine, it would be about the quarter. The Kfir-NG hourly cost is $10k/h with a F414). The sales potential for smth like this is over 5000 units.

After the dirty trick Biden played on Naval Group (fka DCNS), IMHO, if Israel wants Barracuda-class submarines, incl. with nuclear propulsion and either licence-build 'em or want a ToT, something must be feasible.
The Scorpène-class is also highly appreciated SSK with AIP :
We're exporting these to Chile, India, Malaysia, Brazil. it seems that the Philippines and Indonesia are into talks too, but it's obvious that nuke propulsion goes much further than what AIP can do : you can really stay at 20-25 knots all the time.
Biden also managed to torpedo several Rafale sales,

Mark my words, after such play-dirty, we'd definitively be happy and helpful to spoil USA from some market shares especially in Israel and we'd surely be happy if the stuff was domestically built : zero chances the Yanks to interfere in such case unless you imply in Indian styled negotiations ;)
Not speaking about the Apache ALCM which may allow a 6 Days War v2.0 by demolishing runways just like the old Durandal bombs... BTW, don't trust the ranges Wikipedia tells about : Apache and SCALP/Storm-Shadow are the same missile with different warheads, so, if the SCALP ranges 560km, even if the Apache's warhead is a little heavier with the 10 submunitions likely very similar to the BAP-100, I don't expect less than 400km, very likely more... And Russians weren't able to detect, jam or intercept the SCALP strikes in Syria, and they knew it was coming...
im not sure we could develop david sling an arrow 3 alone not economicly and not technologicly barak 8 its something else and we sell it
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